teaching here

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teaching here

Post by B BUG » Thu Feb 03, 2011 7:48 am

Hey all, I am new to this and I am looking for some insight. I have trained 4 britts to hunt for upland birds from the puppy stage. I have had fairly good results in training my dogs after to come, change directions and to just keep an eye on me while in the field. I think good results came through repetition when they were little. They wanted to be around me for secutity when little, and because it seemed I knew where the birds were when they got into the real training.
I have undertaken a project and I am needing some advise. My wife and I have rescued a youngish (1-2 years old) Brittany who is showing some real birdyness in here everyday play. We have had her about two weeks and she shows signs of being able to learn. She learned her name very fast and responds well (here it comes) IN THE HOUSE. When she is outside in our large fenced in back yard, she becomes deaf or so it seems. She does not even twitch when you call for her, if she does not want you. She hears us, so it is not a hearing issue it is all about her knowing that she is far enough away that I can not get her without walking to her.
She has gotten out of the enclosure one time (5 yr old sons mistake) and I was able to get her back. It was obvious that she knew she was free and was enjoying the new smells. All of the calling and coaxing in the world was not going to work, as luck would have it she was overcome with a smell and I was able to get her.
I would really love to put her down in the field this spring its just that I really do not want to loose her. Any ideas on how to go about teaching her to" come" in the field.
My thoughts are to go with a check cord about 50 ft. long and start there. I do have e collars to work into the mix also, but I do not want to use it prior to her knowing why she is being stimulated.
All thought are apreciated.

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Re: teaching here

Post by birddogger » Thu Feb 03, 2011 5:21 pm

Yard work first, teaching whoa and here. Use the CC and overlay the e-collar. She will know what the commands mean when you finish the yard work and you can use the e-collar as a reminder, if needed, when you have her out. This is a pretty short answer but hopefully you get the point.

If you think you can or if you think you can't, you are right either way

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Re: teaching here

Post by B BUG » Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:28 am

exactly!! In the short time we have had her she shows that she can still learn quickly and I am sure it will all come together. If not she still has a warm bed to sleep in.
Thanks, Les

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