Horse thoughts (not for FT)

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Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by EddieF » Mon Dec 01, 2008 1:39 pm

So, we keep two horses on the property across the street from us, which is owned by people who have become friends. One of them has a degenerative suspensory condition that will probably mean his demise within two years. They don't charge us much for board over there, and we purchased a run-in shed to put out there for the horses in foul weather.

We also have a third horse that my wife Sandy competes (Eventing) with, so that's at a barn where she goes to ride and take lessons.

Recently someone at Sandy's barn asked to bring over her horse to join our two for a while, he is having some lameness issues that prevent him from competing. The cheap rent across the street is nothing compared to what it is at the Eventing barn. That is the brown Appaloosa in the photo.

I've always liked Appaloosas, the spotted rear ends just remind me of Cowboys and Injuns. Winchester '94s. Dust and leather and trails and campfires.

If/when something happens to our degenerating horse (the black one in the photo), we'd need a companion for the other one (not pictured), who is retired from competing but healthy enough to live for a long, long time.

So the other day, some words slipped out of my mouth. Those words, which I don't fully regret - yet - were, "I kinda want that Appaloosa across the street."

Sandy didn't say a word. To me. But she did do some talking. To the girl who owns the horse, to her trainer at the barn. Would the horse be sound enough to haul my fat "bleep" around at a walk? Yes. Is he calm enough for a beginner? Yes. If we liked him would the girl just let us take over the boarding fee across the street, literally just take him off her hands since he can't compete? Yes. Would she give us the month of December to get to know him on a trial basis, let Sandy ride him, make sure he's nice and bomb-proof and just look into it? Yup.

Let me be clear, and no clearer sentence has ever been written than this one: The Last Thing In The World I Need Is A Horse.

But with three horses, three dogs, three snakes and three lizards already, what's one more?

I have only ridden a couple of times, and I do not do it well. I would be starting from scratch. But all I want to do is go for walks, trail rides, nothing more. A big ol' comfortable western saddle with lots of padding and a cup holder. Sandy and I spend a lot of time apart doing our own hobbies, it'd be a neat way for us to share some time together doing an activity. We have a trailer, we could take the horses anywhere to just ride trails. An hour north of us you can take horseback tours of the battlefields at Gettysburg. I've always wanted to experience that history on horseback, seems the best possible way to do it.

And Sandy's silent-yet-enthusiastic research into the whole thing is a strong indication that she likes the idea very much.

So there you have it. How stupid am I? Time will tell. But whenever I leave this world I'd rather the 'Idiot' column on my ledger sheet be a little long, than my 'Why Didn't I?' column a little short.

The photo was taken from our driveway across the street, and was taken before I got this bright idea, that's why it's so distant.


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Re: Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by RayGubernat » Mon Dec 01, 2008 3:56 pm

EddieF -

I got my own horse about nine years ago. I was never much on horses...afraid of them actually. Still am. Up until the time i got interested in trials, the only horse I had ever ridden was made of wood and plastic, had a pole through the middle and went around in a circle while music played.

That said, I got a horse because you cannot compete effectively in trials without one. A whole bunch of people thought I was nuts. For quite a while, I was one of them.

That was then. Fast forward to today and I have to tell you the wooly buggers do really grow on you. I will never be a horseman and when I do things around a horse ride it is often anything but graceful, however I truly enjoy going for a ride, with or without the dogs. I enjoy having the horses around(yes I have two now) . I still don't trust them, but I ain't dead or crippled yet and I have done a whole passel of really dumb things over the last several years and the horses took care of me anyway.

I think,if the horse is safe and sane you will grow to enjoy a new and potentially very relaxing pastime.


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Re: Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by rockllews » Mon Dec 01, 2008 4:25 pm

Eddie, While your animal pack is in a nice even set of three/type, I'll say good luck to you with your fourth horse! I'd take that Appy myself- looks pretty from afar :D And sounds like it has good training and a nice temperament. Couldn't ask for too much more if you just want a trail buddy.

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Re: Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by lightonthebay » Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:21 pm

Eddie, everyone is giving away horses now. It's one of those depressed economic horsey cycles. So, you could probably get a sound horse for free too. However, I'm guessing your heart is getting in the way of a better decision BUT that ain't necessarily a bad thing in my opinion.

Depending on the lameness, I would be prepared for a more debilitating downhill slide for your buddy and maybe some huge vet bills. I will add that most people I know who have similar circumstances to your own seldom ride as much as they would hope to.

Nonetheless, I wish you luck and it is nice that you give the old warrior a home. I have several horse that I consider "yard ornaments" and that is just fine with me.

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Re: Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by EddieF » Mon Dec 01, 2008 6:43 pm

lightonthebay wrote:Eddie, everyone is giving away horses now. It's one of those depressed economic horsey cycles. So, you could probably get a sound horse for free too. However, I'm guessing your heart is getting in the way of a better decision BUT that ain't necessarily a bad thing in my opinion.

Depending on the lameness, I would be prepared for a more debilitating downhill slide for your buddy and maybe some huge vet bills. I will add that most people I know who have similar circumstances to your own seldom ride as much as they would hope to.

Nonetheless, I wish you luck and it is nice that you give the old warrior a home. I have several horse that I consider "yard ornaments" and that is just fine with me.
All good advice, of course. Truth is, I'd never go out looking for a horse, even a free one. I just got kind of attached to this one and always have liked that look in a horse.

My wife has been a horse person forever, and is going to investigate the lameness and make sure we wouldn't be getting into a disastrous situation. I'm not opposed to spending more at the front end than the current owner was willing to, to find out what's wrong with him. The owner is a college student who can't afford to really properly vet him, so she's just hoping he gets sound on his own.

Worst case is we have another yard ornament, but he'd be MY yard ornament!! :D

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Re: Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by lightonthebay » Mon Dec 01, 2008 8:20 pm

Good job! You can't put a price on compassion.

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Re: Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by The Zephyr » Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:03 am

Good job! You can't put a price on compassion.
Well said.

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Re: Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by EddieF » Tue Dec 02, 2008 7:16 am

Any advice on what to look for in a used saddle suitable for walking and trail rides and such? Something big and comfortable (for both of us). My wife rides English so there isn't an extra western saddle lying around. I can borrow one here and there, but wouldn't mind starting to look on ebay or whatever. I just don't know the different types, what kind of things I should be asking for.

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Re: Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by Kiki's Mom » Tue Dec 02, 2008 10:41 am

Not to be nosey, but more to be helpful, how tall, and heavy are you? This will determine the style of western saddle as well as the seat size. Next you need to determine if your lil old appaloosa horse is "foundation appaloosa", "colored quarter horse appaloosa" or a "thoroughbred horse with spots" :wink: This will roughly determine your new buddy's body type and you will be able to find the right saddle with the right tree to fit him properly ( full qtr horse, 3/4 riggin, slick fork, center fire etc...) Lots ofo choices out there in the western saddle world so you will also have to set yourself a budget. You can spend as little as $50 at the local livestock auction on someone else's used saddle or $300-600 on a aadecent synthetic saddle or spend up to $3000 + on a custom made "ride" for yourself....with the average norm coming at around $500-$1000, depending on the saddle, the maker, the year and the model. Your saddle will be as personal to you as it is to your horse. My thoughts on this run something to the finding of a good used saddle ( which can be done) that fits you & fits your horse.

You mention that your wife rides and competes in the Eventing world. Cool.

Don't discount a good Trooper or modified McClellan saddle either. Even though they do not have the "horn" (which you don't need, you aren't running, roping cows!) they are nice deep seats and are very, very comfortable to trail ride in. I spent close to 20 years wrapped up in the world of rodeo and gymkana...everything from team penning, goat roping ( I was MUCH younger when I did this) barrel racing and the occasional cattle drive too. All in addition to lots of trail riding which eventually lead me to dally in the endurance world for a couple seasons too ( 750 miles worth) and of all the saddles I have had over the years two have been my absolute modified McClellan that I ride now on my FT horse and my old roping saddle. Both are nice deep seats & neither had "padding' on/in the seat :mrgreen: So it really is a matter of personal preference.

Your new buddy is very, very pretty I must say and I can easily see your attraction to him. Good know what they say...there is no such thing as a "free" dog, horse or lunch!

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Re: Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by EddieF » Tue Dec 02, 2008 11:05 am

I'm 6' tall, 220 lbs.

I'll be spending some time with the horse (new name TBD) this weekend, and I'll find out more about him (and take better pictures). I wasn't aware of the variations of the appaloosa, I'm not sure what he is exactly but will try to find out.

As for budget, I think I would prefer a decent used saddle but if I can't get one for under $500 I could certainly live with a new synthetic. And trust me, my wife has spent a L O T on saddles, so I know they can be really expensive. I just can't justify a lot for my intended purposes.

I may not need a horn, but I like the idea of one.

There's a huge saddlery (new and used) pretty nearby, once we determine if the horse thing will work out, I can start looking more seriously. I just wasn't sure what to look for. I'll look up the Trooper and modified McClellan also, thanks!

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Re: Horse thoughts (not for FT)

Post by lightonthebay » Tue Dec 02, 2008 6:20 pm

Eddie, It is extremely important to follow the advice given regarding fitting the saddle to your horse. Your butt is secondary.

Your horse appears to have pronounced (high) withers so you want to make sure the saddle doesn't rub in that area. I have used McClellan saddles for many years when I was young. I used one on a ride from Phoenix Arizona to Basin Montana in 1983. (1,300 miles)They are a great saddle, however, they were made in an era when horses were generally thinner built than many of the ones we have today so unless you have such a horse they can be prone to causing saddle sores.

If a horn makes you feel more comforatable then I would get one with a horn, however, I ride Australian saddles which are without horns. Either way you don't want to use the horn for a "handle" it will keep you from learning balance, which like riding a bike ain't that tough once you have a few rides under your belt.

I'd suggest finding a real horse person to aid you in finding a saddle that fits. I think the synthetic saddles are OK for your intended purposes and they are inexpensive.

I wish you good luck and many enjoyable moments with your new friend.

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