American Company eliminates Labor Day. .

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Ms. Cage
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American Company eliminates Labor Day. .

Post by Ms. Cage » Sat Jun 22, 2013 7:14 am

American Company eliminates Labor Day. .

The takeover continues, slowly but surely.

Tyson Foods eliminates Labor Day in favor of a
Muslim Holiday.

How do you eat an elephant? One bite
at a time. How do you take over
America? One American at a
time. Tyson chicken anyone? We all need to
heed this message.

Tyson Food in Shelbyville, Tennessee
has eliminated Labor Day as a paid
holiday in favor of the last
day of Ramadan because they have 700
Muslim employees.

Tennessee is the newest Hot-Bed for Muslim

According to the 2010 Government Census more Muslims
are flocking to Tennessee than any other state in the

I will no longer purchase any Tyson

products. It's just one more little
chunk of America that's
been bitten off. If you wish to join me, then
let your e-mail friends know this.
If we don't stand up for something we will
fall for anything. All it takes for evil to triumph
is for good men to do nothing.

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Re: American Company eliminates Labor Day. .

Post by millerms06 » Sat Jun 22, 2013 9:42 am

This union worker decision occurred in 2008, and was modified the same year. At the time, 250 Somali refugees equated to 20 percent of the plant's workforce. The union agreed to replace one American observed holiday for one holiday the refugees observed. There was a public outcry with this decision, so the union workers and Tyson Foods Inc. reinstated Labor Day as a paid holiday and kept Eid al-Fitr as an observed paid holiday as well.

Here is an excerpt background on Somali refugees:

"Somalis are currently the largest group granted asylum in the United States. There are over 150,000 Somalis in the USA. Large Somali communities exist in Minnesota, Columbus, Atlanta, Maine, San Diego, Seattle and Phoenix."

There are many documentaries about Somali refugees residing in these various parts of the country. The documentary "Welcome to Shelbyville" aired in 2011. Anyone is welcome to watch this documentary to see how the community of Shelbyville reacted towards the refugees and come to your own conclusions with what you observe.

While I respect other individuals usage of free speech and opinion, I do not respect chain mail like this one. My response is not to Ms. Cage, but to the author of the chain mail itself and the various public advocate groups that circulate misinformation to regular folks like all of us.

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Re: American Company eliminates Labor Day. .

Post by cjhills » Mon Jun 24, 2013 5:26 am

What happened to freedom of religion? I think that is what it was. Maybe freedom of religion as long as it is the same has mine.
Many Somali students from Tennessee have attended Lakes Area College on football scholarships for 20+ years my son was good friends with them. Didn't hurt him and I don't think it hurt them. Cj

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Re: American Company eliminates Labor Day. .

Post by markj » Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:28 pm

Well Firestone closes 2 days of the year. Labor or memorial isnt one of them....

Many companies prefer to stay open so they can make more money, its why they are a business :) I refused to work for that and took my resume away from teh HR guy at firestone :) Loved the look on his face, told him I never work on me birthday and everyone should also have it off with pay.
"If there are no dogs in Heaven,
then when I die I want to go
where they went."
Will Rogers, 1897-1935

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