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Pigeon release

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 6:54 pm
by DoubleBarrel GunDogs
I'm looking for a good way to release multiple birds / one dozen or more at a time. Does anyone have anything like this?

I would like to use some type of small flat crate that is easy to load and opens at the top. I would also like to fit it with a remote receiver / release. I'm not interested in a launcher, but something the birds will fly out of.


Re: Pigeon release

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:20 pm
by AZ Brittany Guy
I know you are looking for something more sophisticated than then this but I just load them in a medium sized dog crate, drive them to where I am going, put them on my truck's roof and open the door to the crate.

Re: Pigeon release

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:20 pm
by AZ Brittany Guy
I know you are looking for something more sophisticated than then this but I just load them in a medium sized dog crate, drive them to where I am going, put them on my truck's roof and open the door to the crate.

Re: Pigeon release

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 8:17 pm
by deseeker
Get a card board box--cut air holes in all sides. Have the lid hinged on one side---tie a string to the lid. Hide the box. When the dog points, pull the lid open & off they fly. You won't have an electronic release on it, but it is CHEAP and you can let your whole herd loose at one time :roll: I do it with my broke dogs every once in awhile to give them a covey experience :lol:

Re: Pigeon release

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 10:27 pm
by ezzy333
Higgins Remote is just what you are looking for.

Re: Pigeon release

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 11:02 pm
by Moulders Farm
I use a old milk crait or pop bottle crait turn it up side down place all the birds you wont run a string away from it to pull it over if you do it slow they will come out like a covy rise just a few at a time or real fast they will all come out a once .the sides are open so your dog can smell them real good or if they are close enought they can see the birds if you can find one the old metal style is best . you may have to place some weight on the plastic style makes poor boy covey lancher

Re: Pigeon release

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 10:00 am
by DoubleBarrel GunDogs
I guess I'll need to get to the drawing board. What I have in mind is a larger version of the Higgins trap with a loading door similar to that on my DT launchers. I don't see how one could successfully load the Higgins trap with 4 pigeons let alone quail or chukars. A loading door seems to be a necessity.

I'd like to build 2 so I can set up a dozen birds to launch at 2 different locations when needed. Wood or cardboard may be useful for a prototype, but won't last very long. Aluminum is probably the best material for light weight and durability. Unfortunately its going to cost plenty, especially if I fit them with receivers.

Thanks for the responses,


Re: Pigeon release

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:13 pm
by Carolina Gundogs
With quail, it 'a real easy to load multiple birds in a Higgins Releaser. I load3 sometimes 4 at one time. The way I do it is to hold the quail upside down with their legs and feet between my fingers. I then gentle lay all birds in at once with that hand and close the door with the other. I imagine pigeons will be too large for this. Mo Lindley was the first person to ever mention to me how to do this.