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Cop Shoots Lab -- Likely Faces Charges

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 7:44 am
by Del Lolo

Re: Cop Shoots Lab -- Likely Faces Charges

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 9:13 am
by markj
Brangers admitted to shooting Brian Greary's 12-year-old lab as it was walking away from his property Saturday.
That isnt legal here but if the dog is on my property chaseing my chickens I can legally shoot it. I dont tho. Just turn the black shorthair out :) takes care of the problem.

There was another cop shot a guys dog on his lawn, said the dog was getting violent. Cops dash cam told another story but the cop was never reprimanded.

Keep your dogs on your property, hunt on property you got permission to hunt on. Best you can do.