Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

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Greg Jennings
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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by Greg Jennings » Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:54 am

Rob wrote:
Could be German for "peed myself".
Or you....

Guess I've been living in lala land and need to get a grip.

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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by prairiefirepointers » Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:18 am

Greg Jennings wrote:
slistoe wrote:Could be German for "peed myself".
I've always tried to treat folks here with respect. Haven't a clue what I've done to you to prompt a personal insult like that.
Not trying to point this at any one person, but the above statement is a PERFECT example of people needing to lighten up!
WOW... someone just making a simple humorous remark in fun gets turned personal.

Personaly I think its petty crybaby bedwetter childish rediculousness. IMO JMO IMHO :wink:

Congrats Ross and Matt, Keep up the great work and good speed in all you future endeavors Ross.
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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by jakemaster » Fri Mar 27, 2009 10:24 am

bobman wrote: However I dont think all the blame should be showered on the moderators. Every issue has two sides and debating with everyone about a decision like this is a lose lose deal as moderator. Like most disagreements both parties probably are in error but the rules are the rules... accept them.

Hope I have not implied mods are all to blame, just agree 2 sides to story and if you invite a private dialog to discuss both side it should be followed thru with.
topher40 wrote: The rules are the rules and us MODS are only to enforce them. We are no different than any of you and LOVE this board and want it to succeed as much as anyone. Ross was warned plenty, not just here, but other boards also. With that said I think we should get this thread back on track or else it WILL get locked. We all know the drill so lets all play by the rules and keep the CONGRATS coming to Matt. Way to Go and keep up the good work!! :lol:

-Topher40 Mod-
This is enforcing the rules? Whats plenty? When the last time? Has he followed the warnings? Kind of vague leads to alot of assumptions. I have seen others warned on other sites too. Sorry me ang Greg got off topic. your right I should start a new Thread.

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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by oakcreek » Fri Mar 27, 2009 7:25 pm

Congrats on the wi.

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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by Rob » Fri Mar 27, 2009 9:36 pm


I thought it was a funny joke, nothing more. As in Germans (which happens to be my ancestry) pronounce Ws as Vs. I "vetted" myself. Sophomoric? Sure. But I didn't think malicious. Sorry you took it personally.


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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by slistoe » Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:30 am

Greg Jennings wrote:
slistoe wrote:Could be German for "peed myself".
I've always tried to treat folks here with respect. Haven't a clue what I've done to you to prompt a personal insult like that.
Only being so self absorbed as to think it was personal.

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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by jakemaster » Sat Mar 28, 2009 7:51 am have to add congrats Gent.
BTW since we were talking about Ross and Caladen is in topic were we that far off topic? :idea:

GO GENT!!!!!!!

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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by BoJack » Sat Mar 28, 2009 9:09 am

My comments "laying low" and "ducking bulletts" wasn't directed at You,or Grant.
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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by jakemaster » Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:21 pm

Greg Jennings wrote:
jakemaster wrote:First off Gregg thanks for your reply I do appreciate what you and the other mod's and Grant do here. You are correct that more went on in the background( not all of of it bad as implied)... But also I have seen a change in how Ross and others have responded to situations thanks to good moderating. You must agree strong dogs will test the trainer untill all grey areas are known... some dogs are just more strong headed.Several strong posters here and on other forums have grown and developed and Ross is one of them. Case in point remember Ryan ... well he was on VDF and was trolling Ross to get him going.. Ross took a break then came back and ignored it until ryan got himself banned from there also. You mod's made that change.
Point 2 If you read this thread no one factual said you or Grant did it personally. They were refering to pear. I just factually stated that Ross pm'd admin with no response. So why dont you or Grant responed and get it from the horses mouth instead of dealing with intermediaries so there is no misunderstandings. Factual he is to busy for this nonsense ... But when it comes to helping people with their dogs or dealing with his own dogs he always takes the time to try and give the dogs what they need( is not the tone we all want here).I see alot of different tones on this board some I like some I dont still on this board. I dont think he would PM grant twice if he he did not want to be reinstated or at least present his side of the situation in a private forum with the powers to be.

As for your situation whatever it is I hope it gets better for you and I wish you the best

As you know Grant has many other big irons in the fire and isn't here very often. I know nothing about Ross PMing or whatever with Grant. Will check into it.

As to my situation, I appreciate the kind words. To paraphrase the archbishop at my daughter's conformation "I need all the help I can get.".

EDIT: You're 100% right. This board is supposed to be all about helping newbies / weekenders with their dogs.
Hey Greg saw you were on posting wondering if you checked into it yet? Also check you PM

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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by Sharon » Sun Mar 29, 2009 6:59 pm

Your goal is being met Greg. I'm a newbie here and a weekender and I've received terrific help here. Often reading an advanced discussion on some kind of training or philosophy of breeding etc. is very good stuff. I can't post in that level of discussion but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. It's similiar to sitting around with the well known trainers at a Sat. night campfire /trial. You sit, listen and learn. I'd hate to see those threads disappear.
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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by jakemaster » Sun Mar 29, 2009 7:23 pm

Sharon wrote:Your goal is being met Greg. I'm a newbie here and a weekender and I've received terrific help here. Often reading an advanced discussion on some kind of training or philosophy of breeding etc. is very good stuff. I can't post in that level of discussion but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy it. It's similiar to sitting around with the well known trainers at a Sat. night campfire /trial. You sit, listen and learn. I'd hate to see those threads disappear.
Well said!

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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by Ayres » Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:58 pm

Rob wrote:Greg:

I thought it was a funny joke, nothing more. As in Germans (which happens to be my ancestry) pronounce Ws as Vs. I "vetted" myself. Sophomoric? Sure. But I didn't think malicious. Sorry you took it personally.

I didn't get it at first, and I'm betting Greg didn't either. I don't think he took it so personally as to be majorly offended, just more of a "what did I do to you?" type of response. My first reaction would have been the same if I had not read your explanation and then sounded the word out (I guess when I read I don't generally process word sounds, just meanings). But, when you take all things into account, including slistoe's earlier post:
slistoe wrote:Wow, stupidest decision they could have made. Alienate all those who know something and are willing to contribute. Keep it up and a dead board will result.
and follow that up with something that could be, albeit mistakenly, viewed as an insult to a moderator, the same category of person that was being complained of, it's not that far of a stretch for the mind to make that mistake and think it was supposed to be an insult.

Now this:
slistoe wrote:Only being so self absorbed as to think it was personal.
is an insult, and completely uncalled for. It never ceases to amaze me how people use the anonymity of the internet to pop off remarks like this that no civilized person would ever say to another's face. Does this deserve a formal reprimand for slistoe? Probably not. We just hope he uses this opportunity to come back to our forum and contribute with a better attitude, as these kinds of remarks don't add anything useful to the newbie/weekender.

And I'm betting Greg hasn't responded because he's been absent since his last post. As he, I've been largely absent around here for awhile too. My reasons aren't necessarily too personal to discuss: 1) I'm building a new house and kennel; 2) My wife and I are expecting our first child; 3) I now have numerous other community obligations, and time is getting scarce. But that's just FYI for anyone who cares and may wonder why some of us don't respond instantaneously. (I'm sure some do and some don't).

Congrats Matt, and congrats to Ross as well. :wink:
- Steven


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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by Rob » Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:15 pm

Yeah, that is sort of the way I interpreted the situation too. To be honest, I didn't really realize the tension that was going back and forth in the thread before I posted. I just responded to what I thought was a funny comment and sorta got caught up in the middle of it. I hope no harm, no foul; I have no beef.


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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by slistoe » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:08 am

Ayres wrote:We just hope he uses this opportunity to come back to our forum and contribute with a better attitude, as these kinds of remarks don't add anything useful to the newbie/weekender.
Ayres, I would invite you to peruse my posts to this board - perhaps even count up my posts with a "poor attitude". Perhaps I might require banning.

I would suggest that pointing out stupid decisions for what they are is of immutable benefit to the newbie.

Good on you Gent! Keep up the good work. When is the next one?

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Re: Caladen's Strutin Gentleman

Post by Ayres » Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:34 pm

Slistoe, seeing as how a newbie comes to this board for a primer on dog training, and not to simply read all about how YOU think this board should be run, I'll disagree with your commentary. When you make remarks like the ones you did, and then go so far as to even flag your own posts with the report button just to try and get a rise out of people, that adds nothing beneficial to our community.

And, I'll kindly decline the invitation to go on a witch hunt, counting up your unfriendly posts. If you're aware of so many in the past, I'd invite you to simply turn that trend around.

Now, that said, Ross has sent me an email asking that this thread come to a close. He thanks everyone for their congratulations, but he doesn't want this thread to get any further out of hand (and off topic) than it already has. I'm inclined to grant his request, as it seems most reasonable. *Turns the key*
- Steven


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