Scared of gun

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Scared of gun

Post by brianc330 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:18 am

If anyone has any insights on this please help. I have a 1 year old German shepherd. He is a good dog from good lines he has a very even temperament and has never been put through any hard training, just the basics obedience and what not. He is a great dog very smart and very obedient. Last night for the first time he saw a gun a 12 gauge shotgun. He has never heard a gun go off unless it was in the 7 weeks he was alive prior to me taking him but when he seen the gun he got very defensive. His hair on his neck came up and he immediately became aggressive. I was not holding the gun at the time and he came between my legs and was showing his teeth towards the person with the gun. At this point there was no noise from cocking or pulling trigger (unloaded of course) it was just in someone’s hands he became very upset. When cocking the gun and pulling trigger he looked as though he was going to attack my buddy, deciding this is not a good idea I told him to take the gun outside right away. This was the first time my dog has ever acted like this it was also the first time hes ever seen a gun. My question is how does he know what this thing was, has anyone ever seen anything like this before? Is it instincts? I just don’t know how as soon as he seen this gun he instantly became defensive and aggressive towards the handler of the gun. Thanks everyone in advance.

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Re: Scared of gun

Post by Greg Jennings » Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:25 am

My opinion, FWIW, is that the dog has been shot by a BB gun or something without you knowing about it.

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Re: Scared of gun

Post by postoakshorthairs » Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:35 am

My opinion, FWIW, is that the dog has been shot by a BB gun or something without you knowing about it.
Could have been. My parents used to raise and still have JRT's. I remember my dad got a cookie jar for his birthday....can't remember what it looked like but nothing threatening....and one of them had the exact same reaction as you speak of. Our JRT does it when he see's a broom. I know the dogs were never hit with a cookie jar or a broom because they been here since they were born. Neither of the dogs are otherwise aggressive at all. I guess my point is that sometimes i think they show aggression from the fear of the unknown object. JMO

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Re: Scared of gun

Post by mcbosco » Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:45 am

I have a very good friend with a Giant Schaunzer, another dog with strong protective instincts and perhaps not as watered down as a modern GSD. These dogs are wired to get like that when a situation is different or they perceive it to be threating. I have see my friends dog get like that at BBQ's for no reason other than the situation or level of activity is unusual. I have also seen perfectly calm Cane Corso's get bent out of shape at soccer games when people cheer.

I think you should work with him, leave a shotgun with a trigger lock on near him so he can see its not a threatening item. Have that same guy spend some time with him and socialize him. Thinks of other situations where the dog might come into contact with a stranger holding a gun.

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Re: Scared of gun

Post by brianc330 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 9:53 am

Thanks for the responses guys, and the dog is from a top breeder in the country I doubt he was shot with a BB gun before I took him and I am sure no one has ever harmed my dog like that while I have had him. I am not a gun person myself so I dont think I will be putting him around them anymore it was just wierd to see him behave that way towards an object hes just been introduced too. Whats funny is new years we had some fireworks they didnt bother him at all he was outside with us he was just as excited watching them as everyone else. As for the brooms and the JRT I had a great JRT for 16 years she was very protective also when she seen the vacuum all heck broke loose!! I would like to think its instinct which makes me that much prouder of the dog. I know the breeder has sold dogs to police forces including the NY and NJ port authority because it was an officer who reffered me to the breeder so maybe the lineage of the dog has something to do with it I really dont know. Again thanks for the help!

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Re: Scared of gun

Post by ezzy333 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 10:41 am

It would be my opinion that the dog has no idea what a gun is but rather saw someone with a stck or whatever in his hands and was thinking it could be something to guard against. Probably would have the same reaction to many different unfamiliar objects if held by a stranger. Sounds like some socializing in that area would be appropriate.

Dogs can not know something is dangerous unless taught it is. He has no idea what a gun is or how it is used till he sees it used. But he may already know what a stick is and how it has been used.


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Re: Scared of gun

Post by brianc330 » Wed Jan 06, 2010 11:46 am

ezzy333 wrote:It would be my opinion that the dog has no idea what a gun is but rather saw someone with a stck or whatever in his hands and was thinking it could be something to guard against. Probably would have the same reaction to many different unfamiliar objects if held by a stranger. Sounds like some socializing in that area would be appropriate.

Dogs can not know something is dangerous unless taught it is. He has no idea what a gun is or how it is used till he sees it used. But he may already know what a stick is and how it has been used.

That seems to make the most sense. The gentlemen that I was holding the gun is a very good friend of mine and him and the dog are quite fond of eachother. All interesting responses and thanks for the input truth is I dont mind that he does not like guns as I am not a hunter and feel better knowing how he would act should someone god forbid approach me in that manner. I hope I never encounter a home invader or anything of the sort but its nice knowing the dog doesnt like objects being pointed at me!! Thanks guys.

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