This makes soooooo much sence !

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Francois P vd Walt
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This makes soooooo much sence !

Post by Francois P vd Walt » Mon Jun 04, 2012 11:12 am

"So it is with shooting. The days of big bags are forever past; and yet there is unmeasured joy in store for the countless thousands who will tread the gold and crimson forests for untold years to come. Of those thousands some will be doubly fortunate. They will be the thoughtful youths who early learn that there is more joy in one fast, difficult kill than in a dozen easy ones that a tyro could emulate. They will be men who guns and dogs and will satisfied with nothing less than the best of each."Were you ever galvanized into sudden startled action at the whir-r-r of a rising bird, and realize even as you swing about, with the gun coming to your shoulder, that this, if successful, would be a split-second affair, for the grouse has but a scant ten feet to go to reach the haven of a leafy screen and safety? Did you ever have your muscles respond, in one lightning burst of speed, to the command of your will, and know in that last, glorious moment when the bird was disappearing from view and your shoulder was absorbing the recoil, that you had judged all the factors in that momentary drama with absolute accuracy?"

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