When is the end?

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When is the end?

Post by RdHawg » Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:29 am

Like everyone I really love my dog. Unfortunately when I let him out last night his back end was all wobbly and he is finding it hard to walk on our tile floors without his back end sliding out from underneath. My wife is taking him to the vet today. Hopefully this is something easy - he's only 7yo. But it got me to thinking. What if the "treatment" is some 5k$ surgery? Do I spend it, or try to make him as comfortable as possible? While I love my dog I really don't want to spend my family's savings on a dog.

Semi related. Would you have your dogs last breath be in the vet's office, or would you take him out to his favorite hunting grounds and have an "accident"?

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Re: When is the end?

Post by jimbo&rooster » Fri Nov 15, 2013 10:55 am

This is a question only you can answer. I will say that I recently had to roll this idea around with a young dog I have on the place.

Everything I own has a value..... whether to sell, repair, or replace. that includes the horses, the dogs, my truck, whatever. In my mind I know what that magic number for everything is. Along with the "worth" of everything, I am a firm believer in quality of life. My wife would just assume keep stuff around for her sake than put it down to ease its own pain.

I know this isn't the answer you were looking for, but is an expensive vet bill, that will only be a bandage, worth you not paying other bills? Is it worth spending several hundred if not thousands of dollars for a dog that will not be happy? Only you know what is best for you and your dog, but, food for thought so to speak.


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Re: When is the end?

Post by DonF » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:07 am

That is sad and I know where your at. many years back I had a pointer, Rex. When he was 11 yrs old he came in with his left rear leg dangling. Got him to the vet and he had a compound fracture. They put the leg in a cast and a month later it wasn't healing. So they took off the cast and bound the leg to his body. At that point I had a lot more than I could afford in an 11 yr old dog. We kept him on a very short leash in the living room, enough room to lay down and nothing more. Had to take him outside a couple time a day to relieve himself but that was it. Went close to another month and the break still wasn't healing. Vet gave me two choices. I could have them insert a steel rod into the leg bone to put it back together or amputate the leg, both very expensive operation's. I love that old guy, one of the sweetest dog's I've ever had but, no way could I come up with that kind of money. Though about a loan that I probably could not have got back then but how do to justify putting a ton of money into an 11 yr old dog, money well beyond your means? Well we did have Rex put to sleep. Now he has a marked grave out back. That was a very hard decision to make, he was in great shape other than that leg. Sometime's there is just nothing you can do. Had I had the money to give him even one more day, I would have done it!

I feel sorry for you in your situation, I know how it feels.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by RoostersMom » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:19 am

It's all up to your own personal "code." I spent over $10,000 on our Pointer (I think she was 8 years old or so during the surgery) who had pyothorax. It didn't start out that much, but ended up being pretty spendy as she tried to die a couple times during the removal of part of one lung and removal of all of her chest cavity material from infection. She is now 13 years old - has hunted in 4 new states since the surgery - and has a pretty darn good quality of life even now. We got 4 - 5 more quality years from her after the surgery - and I think we'll have another couple as well.

We do follow the Dave Ramsey plan - pay cash for everything - owe nothing to anyone (except the house isn't paid off). It works for us. We keep a separate account just for the dogs - so we don't have to make a difficult decision based on money alone - we can afford to spend more than some because we have saved it up. We don't do cable or go out much, we aren't clotheshorse types, we'd rather spend the money on our companions - the dogs are our entertainment. I'd sell our boat and a gun or two before I'd put down a dog that was curable (and would have quality of life after the surgery).

Again - it's totally different for everyone - a personal decision. I personally feel a responsibility to take care of the animals I've committed to - if that means a little discomfort in my budget, so be it. If it meant no vacation and no Christmas presents - so be it. If it meant I couldn't feed my kids or pay my bills - then of course it wouldn't be an option to spend on the pet.
Last edited by RoostersMom on Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:46 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by Karen » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:29 am

How much to spend is a personal decision.

As for how to end it, we found a mobile vet that will come to our home without committing extortion in the process.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by Labs4Me » Fri Nov 15, 2013 11:47 am

I believe in quality of life over quantity of years. But determining that is up to individual owners as is how much $ to spend.

I waited too long with my last guy because I hard a hard time letting go. Probably spent way more, and also significantly less, than other people would have.

I prefer the calm certainty of Euthasol and a home visit from the vet if at all possible.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by Sharon » Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:08 pm

My dogs have always showed me clearly when the end has come. Usually I've waited too long to have them put down. I couldn't shoot my dog but some can .Their choice.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by topher40 » Fri Nov 15, 2013 2:39 pm

It is your decision. Dont fool yourself, accidents arent easy.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by deke » Fri Nov 15, 2013 9:17 pm

I have said to myself that I will spend what I have in the bank on my dog. I have no kids so my situation may be different but I feel like I owe my dogs that much, I would rather have my dogs thAn all the money in my account. I have gotten " lucky ". And all my dogs have died when I had no choice in the matter.

As for the accident. I have seen some big manly guys crumble in that situation and end up taking the dogs to the vet. I know I would feel like I just shot my child and I could not have that on my mind. Just my thoughts. Everyone and every situation is different.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by Munster » Sat Nov 16, 2013 1:03 pm

The end is up to you. When you can live with the fact you have done what you can do.

Take the dog to the vet and have it done right. DOnt humanize it. I also think that you should be there for your pets last breath. Hard to do? Ya, im tearing up thinking about your situation as I type. But we owe it to them to be there with them. They give us every bit they have. WE owe them as much to be there and have it done cleanly.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by walkos5 » Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:21 pm

All good suggestions, I think I would go with Munster's advice if I had to choose one.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by Mountaineer » Sat Nov 16, 2013 3:35 pm

The end you will see in their eyes.

An "accident" will be something that you will never, ever forget.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by Vonzeppelinkennels » Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:16 pm

You will NEVER forget holding them while the vet injects them & they take their last breath either but when that time comes it's best for your best friend and you must put your selfishness aside. :(

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Re: When is the end?

Post by Mountaineer » Sat Nov 16, 2013 4:46 pm

True enough, you are beside him...for him.
Point tho, is that accidents, can result in a less than perfect result.

To the cost of treatment angle, only the individual can say what is too much or worth it.
No one should make that decision for others.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by big_fish » Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:39 pm

My friend I know where yourcoming from and I'm glad I dont have to make the dicision but ask your self can I live with an accident. It has to be up to you and your family and our prayers are with you and your family.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by asc » Sat Nov 16, 2013 7:57 pm

I had to shoot my best boy ever, I was an hour from the vet and he wouldn;t have made it. I did what I thought was right.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by gonehuntin' » Sat Nov 16, 2013 8:29 pm

Dog's are the lucky ones......when we see they're in pain, and there is no hope, we can end it for them. Too bad people aren't shown the same consideration. We have the vet come to our house and with the family petting the dog, he's put to sleep on the living room floor with all of us around him.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by RdHawg » Sun Nov 17, 2013 7:31 am

So my wife was able to make the appointment late enough that I was able to take him. As I suspected the vet felt that it was a neurological issue (not pain) that was causing his problem and basically said unless I wanted to spend big$ to fix him their wasn't much he could do for me. He said wait and see. Fortunately he seems fine today :D

Thanks everyone for all your suggestions and advise. I have to say that morning I was quite a basket case and could barely see through my tears at work. My last dog (BIG Rottweiler) I had put down at the vet with his big ole head in my lap (where he loved to be) he breathed his last and I bawled. As for Noah he dreams of birds and I can't help but think that it would be an injustice to him if the last thing he saw was the inside of some office. Now I'm not saying it would be easy, or that I'd ever forget it, but I think he'd much rather have his last day be in the field with his brother with the intoxicating sent of bird in his nose.

I hope that I've still got a few years before I have to go down whichever road.

For those that care: The vet said that the issue could be caused by a tick bite on his neck, "Coon hound paralysis" or one other thing that skips my mind now. All of these he was able to rule out. Then he said the next list which was blood clot, tumor, degenerative disease. The investigation into these included 500$ xrays and 2K$ MRI's which then would likely lead to 5000K surgeries. I love Noah - but I love my 3 munchkins more and they do like to eat and have a warm roof over their head. So I guess if Noah's not in pain I'll make him a doggie wheelchair with an airbag setup to lift his leg for him so he can continue to pee on every vertical object that should be along our path. :lol:

Thanks again,

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Re: When is the end?

Post by markj » Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:02 pm

Here is what happened to me, I hada dog a female was the absolut best bird dog I ever owned. She got into teh road and was hit by a car, it broke her pelvis in a few places. Doc said it would be 3 grand min to operate, he said sometimes they can lay around and heal up just fine so we did that. She was a hard hunter after this the next season. Then in the spring my kid was on her horse walking down the road to her friends house, that dog was headed to the road to follow her when a car hit her and broke her back. I took her to my pasture and put her down in teh best way I could, petting her and saying her name softly. Was the hardest thing I ever done.

You gotta dcide the way you wish to proceed. Think about it for awhile.

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Re: When is the end?

Post by DSemple » Mon Nov 18, 2013 3:55 pm

Don't make him walk on tile or hardwood floors. You could restrict him to areas with carpet, or if you don't have any pick up some those big room carpets on the cheap, 7 is awful young.

Diet and exercises can often help strengthen weak joints.

Good luck, always a very tough call.


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Re: When is the end?

Post by Cajun Casey » Mon Nov 18, 2013 8:47 pm

Try accupuncture.

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