GSP not as advertised

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GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 2:27 pm

Hello. Looking for advice.

Ill start with this... I should have done a better job verrifying what I was told when buying a "started" dog. I thought I was getting a dog that would have been crate trained, taught basic commands, and introduced to birds, shooting, retreiving etc. In hindsight I should have asked for a video showing the dog's abilities.
About 3 months ago I bought a 1 year old "started" GSP for $2,000. The reason we bought a started dog is that both my wife and I work and we needed a dog that was housebroken and had some basic obedience commands. I was referred to a breeder from a friend of a friend and arranged for the dog to be shipped here.
When he arrived it was clear to us that the dog was very anxious and we allowed it time to settle in. After a week I took him out to the yard to do some basic obedience work. Sit, Here, Come, Whoa. He didn't respond very well to any of it. I contacted the breeder and he said the dog is adjusting.. Long story short he still hasn't adjusted despite attempts to keep working with him. Things seem to be getting worse. He Often refuses to even go outside. when I call him with a leash in my hand he runs the other way and pees all over the house. When we do get him to go outside he throws himself against the door constantly banging to get back in. My other dog (9 year old boxer) will run around and play and the German Shorthaired Pointer will cower and shudder on the porch begging to come back in. I just took him for a quiet walk around the neighborhood and he just made crazy mad dashes to return to the house... he was totally freaking out. He is also getting increasingly aggressive when we have guests come over... he barked at my father in law for over an hour the other day.
Our vet suggested we have him neutered to settle him down and he had a seizure when they put him under. She wants to try again and use a different drug to knock him out. There have not been any other signs of seizures.
I dont see how I am going to get him from this point to pheasant hunting. I truly believe we would have been better off getting a puppy and starting from scratch. We are a very kind to him and patient. we don't abuse or hit the dog. We feed him what we think is the best food etc. I dont know where we should go from here? Professional trainer?
We dont want to send him back because the kids are attached (4 and 7 years old).... and I am into him for over 3K at this point with vet bills etc.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by tobytx » Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:46 pm

See what the breeder do which will probably be nothing.

sounds like what you need is a behavior therapist
Tuff to hear about things like this.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by displaced_texan » Thu Jan 29, 2015 4:58 pm

Definitely talk to the breeder...

I'd be shocked if you could get any money back, but if you could manage another dog in the house (never too many!) you may be able to get a pup that you could train.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Ms. Cage » Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:11 pm

You might be surprised how well your 4 and 7 year old will adjust to the problem dog going and the arrival of a new pup. Couple of weeks the pup will be the children's world. JMO

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by will-kelly » Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:15 pm

20 years ago I had to make a tough decision to have a beagle put down because no matter how much money I spent, how much time I invested for how willing I was to make the situation work, there was something that it happened to the dog prior to my ownership which made him go from sweet and cuddly toooverly aggressive without any indication prior to each incident. Knowing what I know today I would not of had the dog put down but instead placed in an environment that would be conducive to this type of dog. I went on the advice of my veterinarian who I truly believe had my best interest in heart and gave me the best guidance he knew how.

You have a 4 and 7 year old and if the dog is showing behavioral issues then why would you risk it with your children. You will never forgive yourself if something happens with your child or someone else's.

I know it is difficult but sometimes making the difficult decision is what we as adults and parents have to do.

You purchased the dog because you and your wife had limited time and availability to train it to a certain level. It doesn't appear as though what you intended to purchase in a started dog is anywhere near what you received. It sounds as though the dog needs more attention then what would be normal.

it's not as though the issues you describe mean the dog needs to be put down. Instead placed in a situation that will benefit the dog as well as the owner.

The breeder that you got the dog from should've realized this was not the right dog to be going into the situation in which he was placed. While you may want to blame yourself I think you should take a more proactive approach and look at blame the breeder who sold you the dog with these challenges.

I'm sorry that you are in this position and I really feel for you. With that said…Return the dog. The kids will adjust. Especially when you find the correct dog.
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GSP not as advertised

Post by MGIII » Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:16 pm

Ms. Cage wrote:You might be surprised how well your 4 and 7 year old will adjust to the problem dog going and the arrival of a new pup. Couple of weeks the pup will be the children's world. JMO
I agree. Talk to the breeder.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by will-kelly » Thu Jan 29, 2015 5:18 pm

Ms. Cage wrote:You might be surprised how well your 4 and 7 year old will adjust to the problem dog going and the arrival of a new pup. Couple of weeks the pup will be the children's world. JMO

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by RoostersMom » Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:33 pm

Don't throw good money after bad...this dog may well live to be 16 or so. Can you handle this behavior for the next 15 years? It does sound like he's not going to work out. Three months is a good trial period - most fosters I have in the home are adjusted by 6 weeks or so. I would have that tough discussion with the guy you bought the dog from, if he is any kind of dog person, he will see that you are not the right family for this dog. The kids will adjust - and we're talking about you doing what is right for the dog - letting him find the kind of home he'll do well in.

I very much do not want children to think animals (especially companion animals) are disposable. However, I do think it's good to teach them that you need to do what is right for that animal.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by gonehuntin' » Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:42 pm

Sounds like a mentally unstable dog but to be sure, take him back to the breeder and have the breeder work him on all commands and in the field. That will tell the tale.

Did you have the breeder work him with you before you picked him up?

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:43 pm

Guys... Thank you for the advice. I was really hoping some of you would say that what I am experiencing is common in GSP's and there are ways to break the habbits.
When he was delivered the driver told me he really liked the dog because when they stopped on the road he would be the first dog to whine to get back in the van... I didnt think anything of it at the time, but looking back on it and thinking about how he hates being outside of the house I feel like he may feel insecure outside of his "Safe Place"... Today I wanted to get him into the truck and go for a ride and he was terrified when he saw the leash. I hadnt thought about the safety of our guests as he has just been barking at people for now. Mostly at Men but a few weeks ago he made my mother feel uncomfortable when she dropped off my daughter.
I have been taking him out to the yard daily to play fetch thinking the excersize would help with the anxiety after a few min he will run past me with the ball and go straight towards the door. Just strange.

I am hesitant to call the breeder. If this situation can be fixed we want to fix it. Sending him back is a last resort. I am more concerned about what is good for the dog than about how the kids will feel. I learned that before he was with us he had been traded at least 1 time between breeders and lived in at least 3 different homes. We dont want to continue to do that to him.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by gonehuntin' » Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:44 pm

gonehuntin' wrote:Sounds like a mentally unstable dog but to be sure, take him back to the breeder and have the breeder work him on all commands and in the field. That will tell the tale.

How far away is the breeder? Is he close enough so you can take him back there and have the breeder work him for you?

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:50 pm

Guys... Thank you for the advice. I was really hoping some of you would say that what I am experiencing is common in GSP's and there are ways to break the habbits.
When he was delivered the driver told me he really liked the dog because when they stopped on the road he would be the first dog to whine to get back in the van... I didnt think anything of it at the time, but looking back on it and thinking about how he hates being outside of the house I feel like he may feel insecure outside of his "Safe Place"... Today I wanted to get him into the truck and go for a ride and he was terrified when he saw the leash. I hadnt thought about the safety of our guests as he has just been barking at people for now. Mostly at Men but a few weeks ago he made my mother feel uncomfortable when she dropped off my daughter.
I have been taking him out to the yard daily to play fetch thinking the excersize would help with the anxiety after a few min he will run past me with the ball and go straight towards the door. Just strange.

I am hesitant to call the breeder. If this situation can be fixed we want to fix it. Sending him back is a last resort. I am more concerned about what is good for the dog than about how the kids will feel. I learned that before he was with us he had been traded at least 1 time between breeders and lived in at least 3 different homes. We dont want to continue to do that to him.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Thu Jan 29, 2015 6:52 pm

gonehuntin' wrote:
gonehuntin' wrote:Sounds like a mentally unstable dog but to be sure, take him back to the breeder and have the breeder work him on all commands and in the field. That will tell the tale.

How far away is the breeder? Is he close enough so you can take him back there and have the breeder work him for you?
The breeder is 8 hours away. I had him shipped here when we bought him.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Brazosvalleyvizslas » Thu Jan 29, 2015 10:40 pm

You are not describing a "started dog'" but rather a rescue since multiple homes have owned it.... RED FLAG. You should not have been charged that much and should have been told of the dogs history. That dog is not even Socialized. Call the Breeder and discuss your issues but don't get a puppy from them in trade.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Cicada » Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:28 pm

Brazosvalleyvizslas wrote:You are not describing a "started dog'" but rather a rescue since multiple homes have owned it.... RED FLAG. You should not have been charged that much and should have been told of the dogs history. That dog is not even Socialized. Call the Breeder and discuss your issues but don't get a puppy from them in trade.

Even my gunyshy abused rescue has fewer issues than the dog you have. No way a good breeder should have sold this dog to you or any one. Get your money back and invest it to re socialize the dog with a specialist.

I feel for you not an easy task

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Fun dog » Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:59 pm

I can't imagine a GSP that had to be in the house like that. A normal GSP wants to run and hunt. They are gluttons for work. Your dog has issues that are not because of the breed. I got my GSP at 5 months and she knew how to sit, stay, come, and point birds. She was already super friendly and loved everyone. I think she's pretty normal for the breed.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by onuhunter02 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:42 am

I know you have money in the dog but i agree the kids will forget about the dog once you walk in the door with a pup or another dog. If you can't get you money back and your content with a house dog keep it. Or I got a dud for my first pup I take the blame for not doing enough research but I advertised it on Craig's list and got it to a home which was looking for a house dog and it was perfect for them. I took a hit in the pocket book but I was able to recoup a little bit of my money. Regurdless I would not get another dog from that breeder even if you want to train it on your own just on principle. But you never know if u push the issue you may have some luck.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by gonehuntin' » Fri Jan 30, 2015 6:09 am

Is the breeder a well known, reputable breeder, or was in backyard bred?

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GSP not as advertised

Post by Gooseman07 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:01 am

I'm sorry if this sounds mean, that's not my goal but the only time I wouldn't drive to pick up a dog and see its current living conditions is if it was more than a 12 hour drive and from a breeder I got multiple excellent reviews from people I trust. I recently drove 7 hours one way to pick up a pup from a breeder that I had those reviews from and have seen his dog progeny work.

I hope you can get this straightened out and the breeder is willing to work with you. I have a hunch, but I'll just keep reading as you post about it.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:36 am

Gooseman07 wrote:I'm sorry if this sounds mean, that's not my goal but the only time I wouldn't drive to pick up a dog and see its current living conditions is if it was more than a 12 hour drive and from a breeder I got multiple excellent reviews from people I trust. I recently drove 7 hours one way to pick up a pup from a breeder that I had those reviews from and have seen his dog progeny work.

I hope you can get this straightened out and the breeder is willing to work with you. I have a hunch, but I'll just keep reading as you post about it.

It's not mean. I get it. I got a really strong review and spoke to the breeder several times. It just seemed very easy to have him shipped. Looking back there were a few red flags I should have stopped the deal. I almost did but I got caught up in the emotion of getting a dog here for the family and getting him out in the field to hunt. I was thinking with my heart more than my head.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by MNTonester » Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:11 am

take him back to the breeder and have the breeder work him on all commands and in the field. That will tell the tale.
I suspect the breeder will accept the obligation to take him back if he is a dud.

with your other dog/s a pup will quickly adjust to a routine and you'll have time after work to train the pup

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by codym » Fri Jan 30, 2015 9:42 am

I had an issue like this when I got into pointers with a very shady breeder in Missouri. The guy had a million references on his website, but when the situation went south and I started talking to other people around the country, I found out this guy had a terrible reputation and pretty much everyone in the know would have nothing to do with him. I lost thousands in the deal that never got recouped. It was a very tough lesson I had to learn. I'm not saying your breeder is like the guy in my dealing and he may make it right with you and I hope he does. The lesson I learned is that people can give you a list of ref's, but if at all possible go see the dog in person, watch the parents work, and if buying a started dog find out exactly what the dog is trained to do and if he doesn't perform to that set of standards make sure you can get your money back. I commend you on trying to make this work. How old is the dog? I have a male GSP who was very needy and whiney, and had a little anxiety. He has always been fantastic in the field and never wanted to run away from me or go back to the house though, he is about 18 months now and has matured a great amount in the last 3 months, I knew he would. He is much calmer and less whiney. If you end up with the dog, keep working on socializing him and maybe some age and maturity will help the situation. Good luck

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by smoothbean » Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:38 am

I am not wanting to get in to the pros and con or is it the right thing to do or not. But, without discussing it with the breeder before hand how many would think the breeder would even think about taking the dog back after being altered. It doesn't sound like there would have been a chance of him taking the dog back anyway.

Again I am not getting in to the was it right or not for this dog discussion. I just was curious how many would take a dog back if the new owners altered it with out discussing options of returning the dog.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Dirty Dawger » Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:06 am

While this is not the easiest thing to do, this dog has to go back. I'm curious as to how much time has transpired from the day you got him until now?
You could invest further $$$$ into behavior therapy but I personally wouldn't even consider this. Oh.......and "No, this is not normal behavior for a GSP."
Take him back, yesterday.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:13 am

He has not been fixed. He was sent in to be fixed and he had a seizure so they stopped the procedure. Since that point his behavior has gotten worse. There were obvious problems from the beginning and we went to out vet for help. We actually went to two vets for advice. We have not considered sending him back because we hoped we could fix it by providing a good stable environment. I don't "blame" anyone, but it is very clear to me that we need help. If going back to the breeder is the best option then we will explore that. I was hoping to find other options here. Ideally a trainer familiar with this type of behavior.

I am going to call a GSP rescue and see if they are familiar with dogs behaving like this and can offer any advice

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Tooling » Fri Jan 30, 2015 11:43 am

I am no vet and certainly do not want to speak out of line however the notion that snipping the dog will correct this is delusional at best and I cannot believe a veterinarian would suggest otherwise. (It is not impossible that I have no clue about what I'm talking about here)

There are very serious issues here and it is very sad. Your heart is in the right place and I wish you luck however this scenario plays out. This is NOT a shorthair thing but is a place that a shorthair could be taken to if the disposition exists and the planets line up just wrong for the dog...very sad but that is not to say the dog could not live a long and happy/healthy life.

You are to be commended for your effort toward resolving this.

Good Luck

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by cjhills » Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:57 pm

CSK91 wrote:He has not been fixed. He was sent in to be fixed and he had a seizure so they stopped the procedure. Since that point his behavior has gotten worse. There were obvious problems from the beginning and we went to out vet for help. We actually went to two vets for advice. We have not considered sending him back because we hoped we could fix it by providing a good stable environment. I don't "blame" anyone, but it is very clear to me that we need help. If going back to the breeder is the best option then we will explore that. I was hoping to find other options here. Ideally a trainer familiar with this type of behavior.

I am going to call a GSP rescue and see if they are familiar with dogs behaving like this and can offer any advice
If the situation is as you say, you should definitely blame someone. Every dog breeder on here knows when they are selling a dog to someone who will not be able to deal with it and the reputable ones do not do it. Anything else is just simply dishonest. Basically the seller should take the dog back for whatever reason and should reimburse you. If the problem is something caused by the buyer some will charge for that.
Fixing the problem may be possible but it is a long hard road and likely to be unsuccessful, This not even close to how a GSP should act. Good Luck.........................Cj

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 2:22 pm

cjhills wrote:
CSK91 wrote:He has not been fixed. He was sent in to be fixed and he had a seizure so they stopped the procedure. Since that point his behavior has gotten worse. There were obvious problems from the beginning and we went to out vet for help. We actually went to two vets for advice. We have not considered sending him back because we hoped we could fix it by providing a good stable environment. I don't "blame" anyone, but it is very clear to me that we need help. If going back to the breeder is the best option then we will explore that. I was hoping to find other options here. Ideally a trainer familiar with this type of behavior.

I am going to call a GSP rescue and see if they are familiar with dogs behaving like this and can offer any advice
If the situation is as you say, you should definitely blame someone. Every dog breeder on here knows when they are selling a dog to someone who will not be able to deal with it and the reputable ones do not do it. Anything else is just simply dishonest. Basically the seller should take the dog back for whatever reason and should reimburse you. If the problem is something caused by the buyer some will charge for that.
Fixing the problem may be possible but it is a long hard road and likely to be unsuccessful, This not even close to how a GSP should act. Good Luck.........................Cj

I guess what I mean when I say I dont blame anyone is that I dont think there were any bad intentions. We almost canceled the purchase when I learned the dog had been traded between breeders at least 2 times. He was in at least 3 differnt homes before coming here. That made me really uncomfortable but like I said I was emotional at that point. He is ok in the house for the most part besides peeing on the floor once or twice a week when he gets nervous. i just put him outside and he peed on the porch then sat right there begging to come right back in. he was shivering and cowering to come back in. it is only 33 degrees out here so I dont feel like he should be shivering after 2 min outdoors. Now that he is inside he is as happy as can be. running around tail up and happy. if we take him outside to play with him he just wants to come back in the house.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by 41magsnub » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:07 pm

Good on you for taking care of the dog, but that breeder owes you money. Taking emotion out of it, he knowingly sold you a defective product. Don't let him get away with charging you thousands of dollars to take a problem dog off his hands.

Not to go all Internet Tough Guy, but if I were in that situation and after talking to the breeder didn't get satisfaction, I'd be exploring legal channels.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by V-John » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:34 pm

Does he like birds? Can you do something that he would really enjoy outdoors, like just putting him on a bird or two? Maybe the association with outdoors and fun would help?

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Sharon » Fri Jan 30, 2015 3:50 pm

Brazosvalleyvizslas wrote:You are not describing a "started dog'" but rather a rescue since multiple homes have owned it.... RED FLAG. You should not have been charged that much and should have been told of the dogs history. That dog is not even Socialized. Call the Breeder and discuss your issues but don't get a puppy from them in trade.
Well said.

"I feel like he may feel insecure outside of his "Safe Place"... Today I wanted to get him into the truck and go for a ride and he was terrified when he saw the leash. I hadn't thought about the safety of our guests as he has just been barking at people for now. Mostly at Men but a few weeks ago he made my mother feel uncomfortable when she dropped off my daughter. " quote OP

CSK91 : Don't feel like you are the only one to have made that mistake. I also did when I knew no better. Dog became a fear biter(yours has the signs), and I had to put it down. Unlikely the breeder will do anything, and you can't give this dog to someone else. IMO your decision may have to be what mine was.
Kids will recover fine when the new pup arrives.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by mask » Fri Jan 30, 2015 4:34 pm

Sharon is spot on, you have a fear biter in the making. The breeder should give your money back because the chances of altering this dogs behavior to a positive conclusion is very doubtful. Sorry you got into this mess.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Brazosvalleyvizslas » Fri Jan 30, 2015 5:34 pm

I believe that every Dog deserves the chance to succeed but this Dog needs to go into your local Rescue Group. The Breeder (if you can call them that) should refund you and you go get a puppy from a good breeder.

If I was near you, I would take it in.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by boonebrit » Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:01 pm

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by muleskinner » Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:50 pm

Before I would put the dog down, I would try to place it in an environment where it could be given ample time to correct some behavior issues. A different approach by a different trainer could produce good results. I have given dogs an extended opportunity and seen them come around. It took longer than any of my buddies felt was justified, but it worked out. Sometimes you can't force a dog into the mold that other dogs fit into. I would suggest an environment where there is no chance for a child or elderly person to get bitten. Someone willing to patiently gove some time to it. Just one man's opinion.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by kcbullets » Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:53 pm

The breeder should refund your money but I am guessing that since he mislead you to begin with that is a long shot. But you should try.. I am afraid I would show up on his door step!

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 7:56 pm

We are not putting him down or sending him to a rescue. I am looking for help first to see if we can help him adjust. Then I'll discuss with the breeder. Thanks for all the help/ideas.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Tooling » Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:10 pm

Is your dog crate trained?

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:19 pm

Yes. Now he is.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Tooling » Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:48 pm

That's mention another dog in the your GSP crate trained to the point that he can be by himself in a room crated up or does he rely on the company of the other dog?

Hopefully others will chime in but...where I'm going w/this is I wonder if the best thing to do is for you to take things back a bit and really work toward YOU developing a very strong bond w/the dog...just you at this point so that YOU become the highlight of his day and his desire to be with you will become more powerful than his urge to be inside b/c after are outside...and you have birds..and birds are fun!! Would take some time but that could be the starting point of a strategy..the only thing that concerns me is that somebody mentioned a "fear biter in the making" and outside of a little snarky-ness at times, I just do not know GSP's that way at all. You'd have to do it in such a way to avoid separation anxiety from you and also maintain socialization..this is a tough one.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Fri Jan 30, 2015 8:58 pm

He is good in the crate. The boxer doesn't go in the crate but she stays in the room with him. He clearly sees me as the "leader" I am hoping we can build on that. Our issue is his fear of going outside even with me and his growing aggressive behavior. I am still working to get some expert help on correcting these problems

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Dirty Dawger » Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:24 pm

I commend you on trying to resolve this dog's issues however I'm not sure why you have chosen to pay for the dog and all the other related costs including neutering - which as was already mentioned is not going to fix the problems - and are taking this on for you to rectify? If - and only if - what you have shared are the facts, you are inadvertently contributing to the problem. Unless you were informed that this dog had issues and accepted them, you have a justifiable reason to return the dog. If you chose to keep this dog, make sure that you aren't doing so to protect your family from this somewhat unpalatable decision only to have them deal with a much more serious one down the road.
The fact that this dog can be rehabilitated - if it can - is not the issue as I understand it but I could have misunderstood. Your post reads, "GSP not as advertised."

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Fun dog » Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:53 pm

I don't quite understand your reluctance to go to the breeder with the problems you are having. He needs to be kept in the loop and may even have some ideas of why the dog is acting as he is. Until you check in with him we don't really know what he's willing to do to rectify the problem.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:09 am

Fun dog wrote:I don't quite understand your reluctance to go to the breeder with the problems you are having. He needs to be kept in the loop and may even have some ideas of why the dog is acting as he is. Until you check in with him we don't really know what he's willing to do to rectify the problem.
This is a fair point. 3 reasons... 1) when the dog arrived and I called for help the calls were not very productive... 2) I dont know how he will respond and I need collaboration not confrontation 3) when I call the breeder I feel like we are giving up on him and I am not at that point yet.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by Meller » Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:32 am

Take him to a pointing dog trainer in your area and have him evaluate your dog, and be ready to accept his evaluation, good or bad.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by cjhills » Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:53 am

As a breeder myself, if I sold you a dog that was having issues I would be upset if you did not contact me. We want our buyers to be happy with their choice and our dogs to be happy with their owners anything else just does not work. How does the seller feel if his first notice of a problem would come from reading the thread.
I recently had a issue with a puppy who I sold to a suburban family, we offered to pay for the pup and the owner to go to training with the stud dog owner. They would not do that so we eventually took the dog back he is doing very well in his new home. He just simply could not deal with being on a leash all the time in crowds of people. He was well on his way to becoming a fear biter. He does well in a country home where does not feel trapped and is a happy out going dog. But he was 6 months old when we got him back.
My point is if the seller is the breeder he should be able to help better than any one else. My guess would be if this dog has been passed around so much the seller just took advantage of your inexperience and passed him on to you. One thing I know about is buying dogs on emotions I have done it many times. But I have had a lot of experience with problem dogs and most have worked out. But I have had some that do not.
The issue is where do you go from here. Get some help from a good pro trainer preferably with animal behavior experience. Be very careful choosing this person. Some are not what they seem. Get a good pro and follow his advice. It may be a tough decision.
Be aware that no matter how good or bad a trainer or breeder is he will have mostly good reviews. The bad ones seem to get swept under the rug.
You are heading straight for failure without help and the results could be disastrous for you and the dog. The dog owner always loses in a dog bite lawsuit. Plus if it gets to where people fear your dog the law will takeover and put the dog down.
Sorry, your are in this situation. Dog ownership should not be like this. You are not going to win on your own. Good Luck whatever you do I feel your pain..................Cj
One other thing, Having dealt with many breeders, maybe even the same one ,you probably will not be getting your money back.
Last edited by cjhills on Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:07 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by NEhomer » Sat Jan 31, 2015 7:59 am

This is reading like an episode of Doctor Phil.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:04 am

thanks! I am calling the vet to get referred to a trainer as well as looking online for one. once we have him evaluated i will bring the breeder in the loop. The breeder in this case wasnt the actual breeder he was basically a seller.. someone else breed the dog

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by gdc23 » Sat Jan 31, 2015 8:44 am

I would believe that if it was a started dog the breeder/trainer had time to spend with the dog as it matured and knew fully what type of dog he was dealing with. If reputable he should have provided full disclosure or not sold the dog at all.

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Re: GSP not as advertised

Post by CSK91 » Sat Jan 31, 2015 10:18 am

gdc23 wrote:I would believe that if it was a started dog the breeder/trainer had time to spend with the dog as it matured and knew fully what type of dog he was dealing with. If reputable he should have provided full disclosure or not sold the dog at all.
The dog was 12 months old when I got him. He spent 2 months with the seller. 6 months with the initial breeder and 3-4 months with a 3rd party. Listen I know I should have done things different but I didnt. Now I am just trying to salvage this situation. I am speaking with local trainers. If anyone has a recommendation please chime in.

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