Outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus - 1

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Outbreak of Equine Herpes Virus - 1

Post by Buckeye_V » Wed Feb 28, 2007 1:00 pm

From a friend....

From: David Roseman [mailto:david.roseman@...]
Subject: Equine Herpes Virus-1 update

Hello All -- I'm circulating this to a few friends who for one
reason or another might have a particular interest in its content.
Feel free to further circulate it as you wish. Last night I
attended a hurriedly-scheduled public meeting in Leesburg, VA on the
recent Equine Herpes Virus, Strain 1, outbreak in Virginia and
Maryland. The meeting was sponsored by the Marion Scott DuPont
Equine Medical Center at Morven Park and the Virginia Dept. of
Agriculture. It went for 2-1/2 hrs and was quite worthwhile. The
Virginia and Maryland State Veterinarians (Rich Wilkes and Guy
Hohenhaus) were there, together with numerous vets from the EMC,
including Dr. Nat White (Director) and Drs. Martin Furr and Harold
McKenzie. Dr. Hohenhaus has had a good deal of experience with
outbreaks, as this is the same virus that created problems at the
race tracks and training barns in Maryland a year or so ago. The
problem was first noticed at the Equine Medical Center with
symptoms presenting on February 7. The EMC is completely shut down
and is reeling from this. Dr. White said that they scheduled the
meeting in an attempt to get the correct facts out, amid gossip and
rumors that have been reporting (incorrectly) multiple horse deaths.

The meeting had a standing-room-only crowd. People are taking this
very seriously because so much is still unknown about EHV-1, and
testing is still ongoing. Ten farms in Virginia have been
quarantined as "contact farms", meaning that horses there can trace
potential exposure back to the active cases at EMC. Two farms in
Fauquier Count, one in Culpepper Co., six in Loudon and one in
Stafford County (at the Marine Base in Quantico). Two horses are
exhibiting neurological symptoms consistent with EHV-1, but the
results from the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test to confirm EHV-
1 have not yet been returned. Six farms in Maryland are
quarantined. There has been one local death confirmed due to EHV-1,
a horse that had been at EMC and returned to Harford County, MD that
was put down last week.

I am attaching a copy of the handout prepared yesterday by the EMC
on EHV. Note that the most serious of the four types is EHV-1,
which presents with neurological problems. The statement in the
first paragraph that 70% of adult horses may have the latent virus
in their system refers to all four types, not the most virulent EHV-
1, so it is a bit misleading. That was clarified during the Q & A
session at the meeting, which was spirited to say the least.

A couple of people in the audience said that the Master of Foxhounds
Association has just ordered that all foxhunting in Virginia and
Maryland be suspended immediately. I don't know anything more on
that, but assume it is correct.

We have cancelled the Conestoga Vizsla Club Spring field trial at
Summerduck, VA that was scheduled for March 9-11. A no-brainer
really, given the consequences if we guessed wrong on risk. Old
Dominion Vizsla Club and Central Va. GSP have just cancelled as
well. Don't know if Rappahannock Brittany will cancel, but I will
be surprised if the risk has been resolved by then. They are the
fourth in the back-to-back pointing-breed series of Spring AKC FTs
at the C.F. Phelps WMA at Summerduck.
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Post by AHGSP » Wed Feb 28, 2007 7:39 pm

Serious issue around here at the moment. Horseback Field Trials being cancelled, Walking Field Trials because of the need for Judges and possibly/most likely Hunt Test as well for the same reason as the Walking Trials. Wranglers are backing away like this is the Black Plague and do not want to risk their animals. Can't say that I blame them one bit either, too much time and money involved in their horses/mules. Lots of Clubs are going to feel the pain of lost revenue for sure. I've even expressed the thought of possibly going to the AKC with a request for a 1 Time allowance for use of ATV's for the Judges. Not sure how well it would fly, nor how much it would possibly bother dogs not familiar with them(mine are roaded off one), but otherwise all that is left is to ask Judges to WALK and I don't think I could ask a Judge to walk 20 braces of Junior on a 3/4 mile course.

Any better ideas?
Bruce Shaffer

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Mark Twain

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Post by Casper » Wed Feb 28, 2007 9:12 pm

not knowing anythign about ESV-1 but if it is anythign like HSV-1&2 found in humans than it is not life threatening.

Phil (Qcbirddogs) If you are still around would you ask Gayla to respond to this. I would like to hear more about the technical side of this out of pure curiosity.

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Post by Mary » Thu Mar 01, 2007 8:05 pm

Equine herpes virsus has 4 strains. EHV-4 is common causes rhinopheumonitis, shipping fever etc. there is a vaccine for EHV-4. Most vets in our area give Rhino Vacc with atleast spring shots mine gives it with fall shots as well since we go to a lot of field trials

For EHV-1 there is no vaccine, this is a neurological form. If your horse shows neurological signs they need immediate supportive care to survive.
EHV-1 can be transmitted from your shoes, cloths, hands, vehicle tires, equipment, contact of one horse to another, contact with manure, and is also air borne. This is a very serious disease in horses.

The information Dave sent in the e mail quoted was obtained from a public meeting he and I attended Monday night. The first three of our four circuit trials were cancelled Monday due to 10 farms being quarrentined in the area. The fourth maybe canceled depending on what transpires in the next week. Fox hunting and Point to Point races as well as many shows are being cancelled. The state has halted all public horse sales and auctions until March 5.

Biosecurity is the way to prevent spread of EHV-1
Wash hands between touching horses, don't share equipment, don't let other horses drink out of the same water buckets. disinfect tires, shoes, wash cloths if you have been to an area with horses that is away from your farm. Don't let others pet your horse, quarentine horses when you bring them back from an event. etc.


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