Rasing Quail Question (moving from JH to flight pen)

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Rasing Quail Question (moving from JH to flight pen)

Post by luke0927 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:05 am

OK so i have a johnny house that is 4x4x6 that i kept 25 quail in...but i had a hard time getting them to recall...problem was i put it on 4x4 skids and they were able to go under that and they just stayed under the JH because they could see the birds through the wire floor.

I have decided im going to put pigeons in there. I just need to build a landign platform and get some bobs set up.

let me try and explain what i have for my quail pen (i will get a pic as well)

For my quail i now have flight pen. It was 10' wide 40' long 8' high pen. It was a dog pen but i moved my dogs to my new kennels that are off the ground. It has a 6'6'8' building in it with just a dog size door in it. I sectioned the pen off where you walk in through a door and you are in the pen then you can open a door and go in the building. the building has doggy size door opening with a board (basically like in ramp in a chicken coop) that goes to the side i have the netting around where they can have room to fly...so its cut down to about a 10' wide 25' long 8 ' high pen they can use. I want to only keep quail in here.

Now that you can picture that heres my question

that building is dark because the only opening is the where the "dog door" goes out to the pen...will quail use this? If its dark in the building will they go in there and eat and drink water? since it is fairly dark, or do they need a decent amount of light to eat/drink. (I was thinking of cutting a window in the building but it is insulated and covered in tin so it will be PIA) Do you think they would rather walk up and down that ramp or if i build a landing platform would they land on that then go in? Also i need to figure out how to set up a recal to the pen i might can remove my funnel from my JH and insert it to the wire...but that may be difficult for them to find since its a fairly big area. can i build just a recal cage and put a bird or two in it when i release other birds?

(I'll try and get a pic this evening so you can understand what it looks like this is something i just converted to quail pen)

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Post by gunner » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:20 am

This system sounds similiar to what you may want to do. Check it out...
several pages...


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Post by luke0927 » Tue Jan 08, 2008 8:37 am

They have the funnel in the pen just like i was thinking. Im not wanting to raise birds from egg just get 25 at a time and use them till they are gone...then just replenish them.

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