American Field compared to NSTRA

Duane M
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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Duane M » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:19 pm

slistoe wrote:
DGFavor wrote:
Please define "real hunting"
Pursuing birds planted by the hands and whims of Mother Nature. Using your own experience, skill and knowledge to turn your dog loose at the likely places then allowing your dog to utilize it's generations of honed instincts, miles and hours of experience, physical gifts, and unquenching desire to find birds to find birds - birds that don't want to be found. Shooting a bird or two over the dog to complete the circle, no need to overflow the gamebag but that's a different topic. Accepting that despite applying you and your dog's best skills, you might come home emptyhanded but understanding that with a barren hunt comes knowledge and experience to be applied to future hunts.
So, I select the most likely homestead that contains a covey of huns, get out so the wind is directly in our face and have my dog move stealthily just ahead of me through the 3 acres of the old yard so that she locks up long enough to give me an indication of the covey's location. I shoot one or two then we drive on to the next homestead covey. Since my dogs hours of experience tells it that things do not go well for it if it runs pell mell through the area busting and chasing birds she uses her physical gifts to help me locate the birds that otherwise would not be located in a shootable manner. She does this because of an unquenching desire to find and get the birds which her intelligence has led her to work in unison with myself so that even when she cannot locate them before our presence sends them to wing we still may scratch her a bird. My experience and knowledge leads us to the most likely areas at the most likely times of the day to assure a successful hunt, but sometimes we come up empty and we learn that we will either avoid that old homestead in the future, or visit at a different time of day. Of course in the midday heat there are a few favorite water holes that may deserve our attention and in the dying hour of the day select 1/4 miles of the roadways are worth working over as well - just depends on my experience and knowledge.
Scott sorry but that aint hunting in the way I know it or practice it. Some Pheasant hunters do it that way and maybe some Hun hunters but man IMO that is as far from hunting as it gets. Come on down and I'll show ya real hunting where it tests a dogs mettle and desire and seperates the bird dogs from the just dogs. I recently bred my double Guard Rail bitch to our great sire Top Hat not because she was the best trial dog ever, even though she did place in every stake she was entered in. I bred her because she has heart, drive and showed the intelligence that makes a real bird dog.

Never would bash on great dogs but the way many trials plant birds leaves much to be desired when it comes to selecting a good breeding potential sire or dam. Thats a man made issue but when I see a dog who runs a path that borders the horse path more than where I know wild birds would be it makes me cringe as I know the dog knows the game but possibly does not know GAME. I recently made a deal to breed my double Dateline bred girl to Arapahoe Hotdog after many offers, not because he won the Colorado SD Ch or the Rucker but because he is a heck of a wild bird dog as well that was raised on wild birds. If ya think that wild bird hunting don't prove much or anything I say ya gotta get your butt outta the FT world for a bit and make it back to what FTs started as!

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:24 pm

I recently bred my double Guard Rail bitch to our great sire Top Hat not because she was the best trial dog ever, even though she did place in every stake she was entered in. I bred her because she has heart, drive and showed the intelligence that makes a real bird dog.
A double Guard Rail bred bitch that has heart, drive and intelligence!! Whowouldathunkit?!?! :lol:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Joe Amatulli » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:26 pm

WOW is this thread off topic or what, too much I am better than you, fellas, whats next GSPs can't run with pointers. :roll:
Play nice you are all in the same game, and no one has it perfect.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by RayGubernat » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:33 pm

Ross -

I was kinda wondering about that myself. I know that there are at least five or six trials scheduled in the next three months in SC alone according to the listing on Frank Thompson's website and there is a trial of some sort at Hoffman just about every single weekend until mid-March. That doesn't even begin to address the trials held on other venues in NC and SC as well as those held in southern VA, Georgia or the US Complete trials Doug is also right that the Dixie palntation is not all THAT far from SC. Seems to me you have more trials available to you than most, within an easy day's drive.

Where I live there are twice as many AKC trials than AF, so it became obvious to me that cross registering the dogs would be a good move if I wanted to trial closer to home. Just gotta make sure your dogs will back something besides a pointer or an English setter, because you just never know what you will be braced with. I think it adds a little spice to the experience. I will admit that the first time one of my young dogs was braced with a Wire, she looked over at the dog and hanlder then she looked up at me with a kinda puzzled look on her face. That was priceless. :D


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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by romeo212000 » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:38 pm

slistoe wrote:romeo next time you are about to type that AF dogs can't retrieve just reflect for a moment about how bent out of shape you are right now over something that no one said.
I never said AF dogs cannot retrieve. I said many AF dogs are not bred for the retrieving trait because many AF and AKC trials to do not require a retrieve. Don't get all bent out of shape about something I never said.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Sharon » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:44 pm

Yawallac wrote:
DGFavor wrote:
If I want to run my dogs consistently I have to run them in both Horseback and NBHA or we would be sitting home way too often. We have only had a few weekend trials this year ...and only one weekend of NBHA trials. It's getting harder and harder to stay active.... I have had to go so far as to run my Pointer pups in NAVHDA!! ...What's next, NSTRA?!?! OMG!!!!
Holy crap, there are all kinds of trials back in your country!! You and Duke could go rack up an AA championship every week for the next month dang near - you could have the Georgia Quail, Florida, and Continental Ch. trophies on your mantle by the end of January man then be makin' a bid for the Nat'l Ch. trophy by mid Feb!! You might have to get out of site of your house of course!! :lol: Whatchu talkin' about no trials?? :wink:
Hey! I'm just learning to handle Shooting Dogs in weekend trials!! I'm not ready for the big time yet. Give me a season or two!! :lol:
Now I'm insulted. :wink: Shooting Dog Trials isn't the big time? It is for me. Although I'm preparing for the Region 13 Walking Shooting Dog Championship. Pete Flanagan and John Crisenberry usually come so my chances are .........( First and second last year).
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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by RayGubernat » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:44 pm

Joe -

You are so right. Kinda reminds me of my two male dogs in the back yard. Tails up, backs straight, staring each other down over and this close to getting in a fight over an insignificant, meaningless, 12 in piece of cloth rope with a knot on each end. Too funny.

I wouldn't worry about it though. I've seen your dogs and you've seen mine. I know that win or lose I've always liked what I've seen. (Except for the short tails of course :lol: )

See you soon.



Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by vzkennels » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:45 pm

Let me just ask this Quetion how many NSTRA dogs or any other trial venue dogs are natural retrievers? Any dog can be force fetched so whether a retrieve is required or not is pointless in my book.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by ElhewPointer » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:47 pm


As much as I am for HB trial dogs. I would have to say there there are some dogs that are being campaigned(more east coast) that have never had a wild bird infront of their nose. Now I will say, I still think they hunt the ground givin to them better. That is just my opinion!!! But that is how I feel.

Now, I have been to NSTRA trials, heck I know Ted quite well. It just isn't the game for me. I have gone to the Waverly, NE grounds many times, and when you pull up to it, as a hunter, you would never think to hunt that place. When you go to a HB trial, usually, the grounds are something you would consider hunting.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Duane M » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:49 pm

Yawallac wrote:
I recently bred my double Guard Rail bitch to our great sire Top Hat not because she was the best trial dog ever, even though she did place in every stake she was entered in. I bred her because she has heart, drive and showed the intelligence that makes a real bird dog.
A double Guard Rail bred bitch that has heart, drive and intelligence!! Whowouldathunkit?!?! :lol:
And your point is :?: :?: Thing is she aint the most stylish, but the sire of the litter is, and unlike many Rail dogs is extremely biddable from the get go, no collar or check cord needed to get her there which is a measure of true bidability and intelligence. She took no pressure to get there but showed other good traits of the Rail line I want in my pups, breed dogs not paper ya know. See I know a lot of folks who saw Rail run his derby and puppy seasons and have told me all about him, no need to tell me what ya been told. Ya already tried :lol: . She's is bred outta Willie and Bo in case ya wonder so ya can ask Gene about that litter from Jan 04 if ya like.

Hey Romeo!! About this little nugget:

I said many AF dogs are not bred for the retrieving trait because many AF and AKC trials to do not require a retrieve.

If NSTRA dogs are then why are they all FFed. How does such a retreive prove anything?

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by romeo212000 » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:50 pm

vzkennels wrote:Let me just ask this Quetion how many NSTRA dogs or any other trial venue dogs are natural retrievers? Any dog can be force fetched so whether a retrieve is required or not is pointless in my book.

Any dog can be force broke? I would say most dogs can be force broke. I have seen some that it just would not take. But let's say every dog can be successfully force broke. Even if every dog is force broke there are still those that are better retrievers than others, and it comes through I promise you. Since that is an important element in NSTRA format trials, that is something NSTRA people look for when selecting a pup or breeding. It is a trait that can be strengthened through breeding just like any other trait. It can also be weakened by choosing to concern oneself with it.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by romeo212000 » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:53 pm

Duane M wrote:
Yawallac wrote:
I recently bred my double Guard Rail bitch to our great sire Top Hat not because she was the best trial dog ever, even though she did place in every stake she was entered in. I bred her because she has heart, drive and showed the intelligence that makes a real bird dog.
A double Guard Rail bred bitch that has heart, drive and intelligence!! Whowouldathunkit?!?! :lol:
And your point is :?: :?: Thing is she aint the most stylish, but the sire of the litter is, and unlike many Rail dogs is extremely biddable from the get go, no collar or check cord needed to get her there which is a measure of true bidability and intelligence. She took no pressure to get there but showed other good traits of the Rail line I want in my pups, breed dogs not paper ya know. See I know a lot of folks who saw Rail run his derby and puppy seasons and have told me all about him, no need to tell me what ya been told. Ya already tried :lol: . She's is bred outta Willie and Bo in case ya wonder so ya can ask Gene about that litter from Jan 04 if ya like.

Hey Romeo!! About this little nugget:

I said many AF dogs are not bred for the retrieving trait because many AF and AKC trials to do not require a retrieve.

If NSTRA dogs are then why are they all FFed. How does such a retreive prove anything?
My previous post answers this question.

Its just training. Just like breaking a dog steady to wing and shot, or teaching a dog that it must handle. You are imposing your authority on the dog, and training it that it must do something for you.


Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by vzkennels » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:59 pm

I agree with you about some do it better then others,but that doesn't really prove anything to me I said any dog can be FF & I believe that,some might take longer then others, some might do it with more enthusiasium then others just like some dogs have more style & class after being broke but alot of that has to with the trainer not the dog.I don't FF never had to don't want to,don't need to. :D

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by slistoe » Fri Dec 26, 2008 12:59 pm

romeo212000 wrote:
slistoe wrote:romeo next time you are about to type that AF dogs can't retrieve just reflect for a moment about how bent out of shape you are right now over something that no one said.
I never said AF dogs cannot retrieve. I said many AF dogs are not bred for the retrieving trait because many AF and AKC trials to do not require a retrieve. Don't get all bent out of shape about something I never said.
:) :) :)

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Fri Dec 26, 2008 1:06 pm

And your point is?

What do you think my point is??? All I do is talk about Guard Rail's get having heart, drive and intelligence!! My entire kennel is FILLED with Guard Rail ...crossed every which way possible!! Gene said "Wow! You sure have a lot of Guard Rail!!"

Geez, have you never read anything I write?!?! lol.
...and unlike many Rail dogs is extremely biddable from the get go, no collar or check cord needed to get her there which is a measure of true bidability and intelligence. She took no pressure to get there but showed other good traits of the Rail line I want in my pups,

I've owned Rail bred dogs since '88 and what you descirbe is why I love them.
See I know a lot of folks who saw Rail run his derby and puppy seasons and have told me all about him, no need to tell me what ya been told. Ya already tried.
Not sure what your point is here... :?: :?:
She's is bred outta Willie and Bo in case ya wonder so ya can ask Gene about that litter from Jan 04 if ya like.
I'll ask him on Wednesday. :D
I said many AF dogs are not bred for the retrieving trait because many AF and AKC trials to do not require a retrieve.
It doesn't matter if they were or weren't bred for retrieving because I believe that the retrieving gene is connected to what IS being bred for. As a result the retrieving instinct is very much alive in some lines of Pointers. (Psssst Guard Rail)

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by romeo212000 » Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:01 pm

That's right. Some lines. And you believe that the other traits trained for are connected directly to the retrieving trait. Maybe you are right, maybe not but I don'tbase my opinions on other's opinions without some hard fact. I can see where you are headed with your line of thought and I believe there is likely and element of truth to it, but have a hard time believing that a seperate trait can be bettered and maintained due to other traits.
Last edited by romeo212000 on Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:25 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by snips » Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:08 pm

I think all trial and hunt test Labs are FFed these days. So if you watched one perform I guess it is unimpressive because they are FFed. How about most NAVHDA Utility dogs, bet they are FFed. When we ran NSTRA we would FF the dog if the retrieve needed cleaning up, as a perfect retrieve is desired, but we did not FF all dogs. I finished the last 3 of my bitches SH without FF, Dolly, Izzy, and Sally. 2 of them care nothing about retrieving thrown objects or birds, but love to retrieve a shot bird...Go figure. Logan, the Sire of 2 of them did not have a natural bone in his body, and was even very difficult to FF. He turned into a great retriever, and threw natural retrieve in many of his pups, if that is possible. If I can get by without FFing a dog ,I will. Sometimes I wonder about the hereditary factor of retrieve. I have seen very unnatural parents throw great natural retrievers and visa versa...Some swear by it, I am not convinced.


Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by vzkennels » Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:18 pm

Brenda my Solid LVR foundation bitch would look at you like you were stupid if you threw something for her to retrieve but in the field I never saw another dog beat her to a retrieve.She also never cared for pigeons & planted birds they simply bored her to death but on wil birds she was a picture on point high & tight on both ends,use to bring tears to my eyes.She will be 15 come next Oct if she makes it now she still brings tears to my eyes but for different reasons.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by slistoe » Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:30 pm

Duane M wrote:
slistoe wrote:
DGFavor wrote:
Pursuing birds planted by the hands and whims of Mother Nature. Using your own experience, skill and knowledge to turn your dog loose at the likely places then allowing your dog to utilize it's generations of honed instincts, miles and hours of experience, physical gifts, and unquenching desire to find birds to find birds - birds that don't want to be found. Shooting a bird or two over the dog to complete the circle, no need to overflow the gamebag but that's a different topic. Accepting that despite applying you and your dog's best skills, you might come home emptyhanded but understanding that with a barren hunt comes knowledge and experience to be applied to future hunts.
So, I select the most likely homestead that contains a covey of huns, get out so the wind is directly in our face and have my dog move stealthily just ahead of me through the 3 acres of the old yard so that she locks up long enough to give me an indication of the covey's location. I shoot one or two then we drive on to the next homestead covey. Since my dogs hours of experience tells it that things do not go well for it if it runs pell mell through the area busting and chasing birds she uses her physical gifts to help me locate the birds that otherwise would not be located in a shootable manner. She does this because of an unquenching desire to find and get the birds which her intelligence has led her to work in unison with myself so that even when she cannot locate them before our presence sends them to wing we still may scratch her a bird. My experience and knowledge leads us to the most likely areas at the most likely times of the day to assure a successful hunt, but sometimes we come up empty and we learn that we will either avoid that old homestead in the future, or visit at a different time of day. Of course in the midday heat there are a few favorite water holes that may deserve our attention and in the dying hour of the day select 1/4 miles of the roadways are worth working over as well - just depends on my experience and knowledge.
Scott sorry but that aint hunting in the way I know it or practice it. Some Pheasant hunters do it that way and maybe some Hun hunters but man IMO that is as far from hunting as it gets. Come on down and I'll show ya real hunting where it tests a dogs mettle and desire and seperates the bird dogs from the just dogs.
You mean some of the real hunting like DFavor does it? I thought I did pretty good at staying within his definition. And I do know a few folks who hunt that way - actually I know of more that do than don't. Just saying, real hunting isn't always real hunting, as much as real field trialing isn't always real field trialing.

But if you are coming hunting with me you better be prepared to walk 10 miles or more in this country:

Just keeping it real.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:37 pm

...but have a hard time believing that a seperate trait can be bettered and maintained due to other traits.

I agree, I don't think it will be "bettered" w/o breeding to at least maintain it. But after 100 years of selective breeding against it ...and it's still there, then it must be attached to something or else it would surely be gone. My dogs have it and I am breeding for it, so hopefully I'll "better" it. :D

BTW, I just got a call from Jakemaster and he said that we have HIJACKED his thread!! :lol: Fortunately, he happens to own the Plantation that I work for and also owns half of my kennel, so he is allowing me to "splain" some things!! :lol:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by slistoe » Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:42 pm

Retrieving in bird dogs is a function of birdiness and cooperation. It doesn't matter if a dog wants to chase or fetch a bumper or not. Tell them it is ok to grab the bird and they are all over it. Call them to you and if they willingly come and let you take the bird you are justified in calling that retrieving. So, cooperative dogs with high bird drive will naturally retrieve. You can't breed it out and still have a bird dog.
Last edited by slistoe on Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by snips » Fri Dec 26, 2008 2:42 pm

That is funny Ted, Logan, the one I talked about would not even point a pigeon. He was heck on pen birds until I started hunting him on wild birds, I thought he seemed somewhat bored with pen birds after that. He was my best wild bird dog ever. AND, I still miss him more than ever. We will all be crying in a minute, better change this talk :) What was this thread about :?:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by DGFavor » Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:31 pm

You mean some of the real hunting like DFavor does it? I thought I did pretty good at staying within his definition.
Yah, I thought so too and wouldn't belittle anyone that says that's the way they go about doing it. Not my cup 'o tea but it is hunting the native game as the country or situation dictates, I'd do that over some of the other modern "hunting" options....just like if I'm gonna compete, I prefer to compete in a venue that approximates my cup 'o tea as close as possible. In my neck of the woods, that'd be AF 1 hour stakes - typically it takes finding and handling wild birds to win 'em. Not always, but usually. Just throw my shotgun on my horse and I'm huntin' instead of trialin'.

Maybe if I lived in an area where hunting required vacuuming around 20 acre tracts I'd find NSTRA more appealing...or sell all my stuff!! :lol: :lol:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Fri Dec 26, 2008 3:38 pm

Throw my shotgun on my horse and I'm huntin' instead of trialin'.
You sure do talk a big game ...but you still hunt with them bob-tails. hard to take you serious! You're always braggin on them Rex dogs.' Bout time to upgrade to the real thing dont you think?? :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's like some guy coming into a bar all dressed out in his NASCAR racing suit, talking it up. We look out the window and see his go-cart!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Man, I hate the rain!! I've got much better things to do than this................. :oops:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by DGFavor » Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:12 pm

It's like some guy coming into a bar all dressed out in his NASCAR racing suit, talking it up. We look out the window and see his go-cart!!
At least I'd be play'n the game!! Better to compete with my go cart than pose around with my race car I didn't even know how to drive!! :wink:

I figure someone's gotta lose and the shorttails make that so easy!! There's no pressure when you're expected to suck anyway!! We're about makin' everyone else feel better!! :lol: :lol:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:49 pm

We're about makin' everyone else feel better!!

It's working!! :lol: :lol: :lol:


Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by vzkennels » Fri Dec 26, 2008 4:51 pm

This is all CHEAP ENTERTAINMENT on rainy days!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Duane M » Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:36 pm

Scott I kinda wondered about that post of yours, I thought you were more the wear out a pair of boots by the first half of season. Your pics proved me right and I understand your post now. Gots to run now folks I got fresh quail and taters in the skillet, I'm typin this on my new laptop from the field as I watch the thunderheads warm up for later this evening. :D :D :mrgreen:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Wa Chukar Hunter » Fri Dec 26, 2008 7:40 pm

Hmmm - Looks like rain here in TX too.
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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by R-Heaton » Fri Dec 26, 2008 8:44 pm

Ross,,, did you own Son Sac Fly,,, and what do you know about her?

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:08 pm


No, I picked Sue from the puppy pen at Miller's place when she was 7 or 8 weeks old. She was from Spindletop Hank's last litter. I didn't know her dam. I was buying a bunch of dogs for some clients and I spotted her. She looked good and she was the last from Hank so I bought her to train and sell. I think Scott owned Fly ...but not sure.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Fri Dec 26, 2008 9:39 pm

What an honor it must have been picking a pup out of his culls.
You're absolutely right!! I knew that I wasn't going to see the "good stuff"!! :lol:

No big deal, there were still lots of nice animals to choose from. I like Scott and Stan. They're both very nice. Just gotta understand the deal, that's all. :D

What is even funnier though, is that you had to make a new name to post your comments. One thing about me is that I say what I think and everybody knows it's me. :lol:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by gunner » Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:30 pm

I'm a little confused here.

I read NSTRA's president Ted Dewey's letter to it's membership at the NSTRA site, made available on various bulletin boards and later published in the Field. In the letter it discusses an example of game conservation within NSTRA...Mr.Dewey wrote... "At any given NSTRA weekend trial over 324 Quail will be released. A large percentage of these will, for various reasons,not be shot and thus will have been released into the wild."

Today while reading a thread at the online Pointing Dog Journal website, regarding an upcoming NSTRA trial it's context with the conservation practice mentioned by Mr. Dewey above. This thread, just a couple away from a copy of Mr. Dewey's explanation of NSTRA game bird conservation practice, quoted above, has me scratching my head.
The chairman of the trial wrote in the thread..."You can even bring the dogs and a gun to help sweep fields if you'd like to learn about it."

Any thoughts?

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by romeo212000 » Thu Jan 08, 2009 4:54 pm

Trials are usually run on a Saturday and Sunday. Anyone has the option to sweep the field at the end of Saturday, and Sunday morning before the first brace begins in order to even out the field on Sunday since there will be birds left in the field from Saturdays braces. Therefore the first brace could have a significant advantage over the rest of the day if this is not done. It is more for the sake of the competition itself.


Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by aylaschamp » Thu Jan 08, 2009 5:39 pm

gunner wrote:I'm a little confused here.

I read NSTRA's president Ted Dewey's letter to it's membership at the NSTRA site, made available on various bulletin boards and later published in the Field. In the letter it discusses an example of game conservation within NSTRA...Mr.Dewey wrote... "At any given NSTRA weekend trial over 324 Quail will be released. A large percentage of these will, for various reasons,not be shot and thus will have been released into the wild."

Today while reading a thread at the online Pointing Dog Journal website, regarding an upcoming NSTRA trial it's context with the conservation practice mentioned by Mr. Dewey above. This thread, just a couple away from a copy of Mr. Dewey's explanation of NSTRA game bird conservation practice, quoted above, has me scratching my head.
The chairman of the trial wrote in the thread..."You can even bring the dogs and a gun to help sweep fields if you'd like to learn about it."

Any thoughts?

Here's mine:

First, I'm not going to bother to sift through all these pages. I'm only addressing your post and adding a bit of actual info. When you copy things and miss speak the truth, it's not right. I authored that and nowhere did I represent myself as a official of any form at that trial. as far as cleaning the fields.........They need to be cleaned of any birds left over from the previous day to make for an even playing ground. As for either of the authors of these controversial letters, conservation of the quail population by either venues is minimal. please take the time to read the following: ... news03.txt

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:01 pm

Conservation?? Holy cow!! :lol:

Look, I have nothing against the run and gun events, they're fun. But to call it "conservation" because you're not killing all the birds is pretty funny... Good one! :lol: :lol: :lol:

As for your question Gunner, I don't believe there is a contradiction. The conservation would be attained by the birds that left the bird field. The "cleaning" is the bird field only. However, I really don't think the birds escaping last a week in the wild. Maybe it's a conservation effort for the hawks, owls, foxes and coyotees ...but certainly not the quail. :)
Last edited by Yawallac on Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by ezzy333 » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:09 pm

Some do the same thing after a hunt test when they run them 2 days in a row on the same grounds.


It's not how many breaths you have taken but how many times it has been taken away!

Has anyone noticed common sense isn't very common anymore.


Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by aylaschamp » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:16 pm

My point was that none of these venues are "conservation"! The amount of released quail that do survive any venue have an extremely high mortality rate. Even when I train, the birds that aren't killed usually cant fly in 3-4 days for one reason or another. Most released birds don't know how to fend for theirselves. So for one format to condemn another is ridiculous.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by kninebirddog » Thu Jan 08, 2009 6:55 pm

hey all this inner petty format bashing whether it is a walking stake or a horseback stakes the antis are loving that wedge deep and hard
you don't back us we won't back you
and soon we can tell our kids the great stories of how we used to run our dogs show them pictures cause it will ALL be HISTORY

The dumb pen raised birds do not know how to fend for themselves...we are on a pheasant preserve in Arizona have been in business for over 20 years ...guess what there has yet to be an established population start from the birds that got away.

there are horseback trials held up in the white mountains same thing it rains and snows up there the birds that were released for those trials again no established populations there either...they do not survive

so gees one can say at least those of us who do shoot our pointed birds in our walking stakes are not letting those birds die a slow death

So again Support all venues which involve people having fun with their dogs or write down what you are doing now so you can tell your children about what fun it USED to be as divided we will ALL Lose
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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by snips » Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:18 pm

Thats exactly right. We BETTER be supporting ALL our dog games, or no body plays!!! FOR PETES SAKE!


Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by aylaschamp » Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:33 pm

Knine, I couldn't have said it better. Everyone has different likes and dislikes but to criticize someone because they don't see things your way is wrong. debating the differences is one thing but degrading is another. Seems like I need to go back read what this thread was originally about. Aside from the letters that were written I would like to learn more about the AF venue.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Thu Jan 08, 2009 7:49 pm

It's still funny.... :lol:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by jakemaster » Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:18 pm

jakemaster wrote:After reading post from the AF article topic got even more confused on things. DONT want to stir things up. So could those that do NSTRA please tell us the pros and cons from your event and AF and AKC do the same? And maybe what you see as the major difference is ( in a nice way ). I have been to a few AF events, AKC hunt test and Navhda test but no Nstra yet. They all seem like they have fun! :D
Just thought we might need to re-read MY ???? Is this what highjacking is?? Maybe we need to start a new thread Who can bash better than me? :oops:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by RayGubernat » Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:25 pm

Ross -

Can you believe it? The nerve of that fellow, Jakemaster! You hijacked his thread all nice and proper and now he wants to hijack it back!!

We just can't have any of that! Sticking to the subject is no fun! :lol: :lol:

Have a great day.

This has actually been a fun thread.


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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by jakemaster » Thu Jan 08, 2009 8:38 pm

OH I am am more than use to Ross highjacking my stuff. :wink: Just wanted to get back to the real stuff like information. Also thought the majority was fun and informative. Ross just thinks I am to "touchy feely". But I have seen him with dogs so I know he has a soft spot even though I know he wont admit it. :lol:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:10 pm

I didn't hijack a thing!! I was simply responding to the "pros" and "cons" of the conservation aspect of NSTRA. I hope no one is accusing me of bashing anything. I think NSTRA is great.

But, I would like to mention the United Bird Hunter's format which I believe solves the negative of the "big bird field". It is scored very similarly to NSTRA except that it is run on a course. It's like the best of both worlds and is the closest "field trial" competition to foot hunting that I have seen. You NSTRA guys may like it. It's fun.

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by kninebirddog » Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:25 pm

Ross I have looked into it pretty hard

have even joined and took the judges test

i have told others ...trying to get it going here also ...something the same but different to do
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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by Yawallac » Thu Jan 08, 2009 9:33 pm


We're going to host a trail at jakemaster's Plantation next month. There is a solid core of UBH competitors here in SC and I am going to try to recruit NAVHDA members to give it a try as well. Like you said, it's something else that we can do with our dogs.

The best part is that it is a great conservation effort as well, because the quail not harvested are used to supplement the dietary requirements of other native wildlife....... :lol:

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Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by MillerClemsonHD » Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:16 pm

Yawallac wrote:knine,

We're going to host a trail at jakemaster's Plantation next month. There is a solid core of UBH competitors here in SC and I am going to try to recruit NAVHDA members to give it a try as well. Like you said, it's something else that we can do with our dogs.

The best part is that it is a great conservation effort as well, because the quail not harvested are used to supplement the dietary requirements of other native wildlife....... :lol:
Ross send me some info on the trial. Depending on the weekend etc we might try to run in it. Don't know how Mae would do but I'm sure the exposure would be good for her and her handler needs all the help he can get. Plus a reason to camp at Echos and harass Rizzo might be enough reason to run.

Im always looking for another venue for the pup, especially if they let the ones with short tails join in the fun.


Re: American Field compared to NSTRA

Post by aylaschamp » Thu Jan 08, 2009 10:18 pm

Yawallac wrote:
quail not harvested are used to supplement the dietary requirements of other native wildlife....... :lol:
I don't care who ya are!!! That there is funny!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

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