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Peeing when excited

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 12:59 pm
by BCA1228
I have a 4 mth. old male gsp that pees whenever he sees new people and gets excited, and sometimes when I get home and he's excited to see me. Otherwise, he never conciously "goes" inside, and can be left alone for hours without going in the house. Basically, he knows better, but apparently can't control himself when he gets excited. Anybody have this same issue and/or know how to fix it.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:37 pm
by WildRose
A four month old should never be asked to "hold it for hours" except for maybe over night. You are begging for urinary tract problems in the future if you consistently keep young dogs in a situation where they can't pee when they need to.

As for the excited peeing, pups just don't have much control over their bladders. It's a normal thing for a dog to show it's submission by peeing a little as well.

This can usually be solved by giving the dog lots of opportunities to go, and by building the dogs confidence.

One thing I do with a young submissive peeer is to let them come to me, rather than me approaching them. When they pee in submission they almost always squat at the same time, as soon as the pup gets close enough instead of reaching down to pat the pup on the head "which actually is a dominant action" I first reach underneath and tickle their belly to make them stand up. It's very difficult for a pup to pee standing straight up and the tickling takes their mind of of submitting. CR

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:54 pm
by BCA1228
My guy definetely doesn't squat when he pees in this situation. In fact he frequently pees on visitors' feet, while running circles around them and frantically wagging his tail. He doesn't leave a puddle he leaves a large area of sputtering spray because he's moving the whole time.

Also, it is just as likely to happen shortly following a bathroom break. When I take him to visit my parents, he goes from my car to the yard where he pees, then when I take him inside he is so excited to see the new people he goes again.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:08 pm
by WildRose
If he's pretty much constantly dribbling pee then I'd get him to the vet to be sure there's not a UTI at work.

You may just simply have to wait until he grows up a bit for this to naturally control itself though if the situation is as you describe. CR

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 2:51 pm
by Bigsur009
My vizsla went through a phase were he did the exact same thing from about 4 to 6 months old. He stopped doing it just as quick as he started. I wouldn't worry too much unless you think its the UTI issue wildrose mentioned.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 3:54 pm
by Trekmoor
I've seen quite a few pups do this. It is probably submission widdling made a little worse by the pups exiteability. The one thing you must not do is correct the pup. If you do that the pup may think it is not submitting strongly enough and widdle all the more !!! It can be a very hard thing to do but I have found the best course of action is to ignore the pup for a little while then speak to it slowly and CALMLY. I have had a couple of pups with this problem, they both got over it. :D

Bill T.

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 5:17 pm
by BCA1228
Thanks guys. Trekmor and Bigsur, sounds like you have had the exact same issue. I'm not a vet but it sure seems like just a puppy stage thing, not UTI. I'm very patient with him on this. It's hard to get mad at him because he's so excited to see people. I'm just going to give it some time and hope he comes out of it, unless he starts to have UTI symptoms. Thanks again.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 8:57 am
by mountaindogs
personally this is something that I really don't like, but I have dealt with it alittle. Especially since I get these rescues from time to time.

SO let's talk parenthood. Human. I have been dealing with a little one who still can not make it through the night without a pull-up. Yes different issue but stick with me. The doctor reminds me of two helpful hints. Three helpful hints:
1. Restreict water 1-2 hours before bedtime.
2. Encourage him to go a half hour before bed then again a few minutes before bed. Or even 10 minutes after going. Children, he says, will stop when the pressure on the bladder is not noticable, but the bladder may not be completely empty.
3. Patience. He is little, his muscles are weak, and there is a relating hormone also that pertains less to this situation. Basically though he'll out grow it eventually.

I have found that most if this tranfers to your situation.
1. With puppies all the literature says "provide clean fresh water at all times" Well I will be taken in for abuse someday but I never do this if I have an inside puppy. I provide lots of clean fresh water several times a day and let them drink their fill every time, but always when we are already out or about to go out. Since most puppies can't hold it more than a few hours that is ample "out trips" to also have water. They will need to go immediatly, but then again 20-30 minutes after they drink. Maybe 10 times in between too... :wink:

2. Multiple times to pee. This has been EXTREMELY helpful. Do not expect that 1 squat is all they need give them a chance to go several times over 10-20 minutes. They need the outdoor excersise anyway. I treat and praise when the go so exhuberantly that often they try to go just to get the treat and praise. Make it exciting to go. :roll: And of course they will learn that squating gets the praise and will try squating with no peeing. SO try to be vigilent for that.

3. He will mostly outgrow it. I have seen a few that never have and they are very skittish dogs... but otherwise... he should

Another point is that I very much aggree with ignoring them. They pee when excited and often that is greeting people. While you should never punish for this, you neither want it to be good. Try to set up situations so that the dog goes outside and relieves himself several times before others come over and do not allow him to come greet them immediatly. Wait until they have been their and the rest of the family has calmed down. Also try to get that crate in a place where that dog is outside in two steps, so that you can open the door and step out side, and they will be greeting you OUTSIDE!! Then ignore them until they have pottied. Then praise treat hurray, then ignore again until they go again... etc... Until you feel that they are actually done. You can kinda tell. If they just dribble a little then run back to you they probably did not emty their bladder really. Watch for a good stream that slows to a stop BEFORE they stand up.

okay that my 2 cents :oops: sorry to go on so long

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:31 pm
by luke0927
my female is almost 11 months and she has done this since she was a couple months old...she will squat and pee when very excited.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:32 pm
by ezzy333
I don't think this has any connection at all to having to go. It is nerves and excitement which he will get over. Not much you can do in the mean time. Try to reduce the excitement that causes it should be worked on. For instance at your folks have them come out to greet the pup instead of taking him into the house. Might reduce the excitement level and sure lessens the cleanup if he still does it.



Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 12:50 pm
by mountaindogs
ezzy333 wrote:I don't think this has any connection at all to having to go. It is nerves and excitement which he will get over. Not much you can do in the mean time. Try to reduce the excitement that causes it should be worked on. For instance at your folks have them come out to greet the pup instead of taking him into the house. Might reduce the excitement level and sure lessens the cleanup if he still does it.


Yes and no. AN empty bladder has no urine to pee with. No you cannot "teach" those muscles to hold better, but over time you can shape the dogs ability to deal with excitement. You can avoid situations that make it worse and encourage clamness when greeting. I do this anyway, because a 45 lbs-65lb bird dog is ALOT of dog when they are all wound up and they will bowl over the kids in two seconds.

And I still stand by the fact that many dogs do not empty the bladder. ESPECIALLY nervous, excitable dogs. They are too busy to stop and spend all that time, and they, like the children, probably think they are done when they have more. It has helped me with the few times I had issues, but you are the only one that knows your dog. Not us. No one thing will probably fix it. But a combination might help.

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 1:55 pm
by ezzy333
You know a dog never has an empty bladder.


Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2008 7:47 pm
by hubweims
i have a little experience with bladder is ever completely empty, be it human, k9, feline, or whatever. even a mature adult human will have a residual amount of urine left in their bladder. i have seen male dogs mark and mark and mark until they are hiking their legs w/no urine coming out. they walk around five minutes and hike again. what do you know a small amount of urine. human physicians start becoming concerned with bladder problems, prostate problems, detrusor instability, overactive bladder when the residual volume of urine is above a threshold or certain amount. i can't remember off of the top of my head the amount, but if it is necessary i will look it up for anyone curious.

anyways, pup should outgrow it. may have the vet check for UTI to be safe. symptoms are usually harder to see in males. UTI's as whole is less likely in males b/c of the length of the urethra. but, to be safe and make sure that there isn't any infection let the vet check him out. he may not be emptying enough outside due to discomfort while urinating. you can pull back his sheath to see if his penis is red, inflamed, or swolen.
it personally sounds like it is just excitement from the pup and he should outgrow it, but if it is an infection he is learning bad potty etiquette for later.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 9:47 pm
by acefreely
Ignore the dog when you get home. Control the dog when someone arrives. Do not allow the dog to get into that excited state. Never acknowledge or facilitate that behavior. This type of problem can usually be easily cured by changing the state of mind of the dog before the act.

Posted: Tue Apr 08, 2008 11:06 pm
by jcbuch
I had a lab that did that, eventually he stopped as he matured.

Posted: Wed Apr 09, 2008 1:22 pm
by smittysmith777
MY wife been like that for yaers cant break her

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 4:44 pm
by PowerPoint
I do that at Hooter's