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Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:29 am
by jessie
Why does everyone who owns a birddog think they are a breeder?

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:38 am
by ezzy333
If you want an answer tell us what and why you are asking.


Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:01 pm
by jessie
Look on this site at all the litters advertised. Look at other sites. The world is full of puppies bred by people who think that because their dog points and is registered that they should breed it because people will want puppies out of it. I don't understand the way people think. heck half the people on this board shouldn't have a birddog let alone be breeding them.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:29 pm
by upland-o
lots of laughs Jessie, I couldnt agree more that there are too many people out there who think that they are breeders when they clearly are not. But many of them could say the same about you, who is to say that you are qualified to make these assumtions about people. Dont get me wrong, im not saying that you are not qualified to make these distinctions but we should all learn a little more about our board members before we make negative generalizations about them. The people on this board are friendly and helpful, none deserve to be ridiculed

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:35 pm
by natetnc
but he knows us all so well, i mean look he has 42 post he is like family. :roll:

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:47 pm
by battman1
I no know I'm new here but it really gripes me to see people judgeing other people they don't even know.What makes you a breeder anyway?Do you have to have a big name in the bird dog world, or maybe their's a certain amount of years you have to be around?Did you ever think someone might want a good bred pup but just couldn't afford the big price some of these breeders want for them?

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:50 pm
by romeo212000
First, Its a free country. Im not defending these guys but if they want to sell some pups for half of what good Hall of Fame and FC line will cost I say let go for it. I say you get what you pay for. I may breed my GSP someday but Ihave already decided that I will not until she has earned an FC title. I feel like in order to demand money for a good dog I need some slid to proof to show that it is a good buy. Thats my personal choice though.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:51 pm
by jessie
I agree with you. One thing you don't see me do is ask simple questions about dealing with dogs and then turn around 3 weeks later and advertise my "new exciting expected litter!". I'm not a dog breeder.

Nate. Hi. Saw your britt in your avatar. Nice looking birddog! When you want a real one let me know. Thanks!

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:56 pm
by romeo212000
I havent noticed but that would chap me a little too. However, If the bloodlines are there I might go for it. The breeder doesnt make the dog, the dogs do. However, I would have a hard time buying from anyone but a reputable breader.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 12:57 pm
by jessie
I respect that Romeo.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:07 pm
by kninebirddog
jessie wrote:I agree with you. One thing you don't see me do is ask simple questions about dealing with dogs and then turn around 3 weeks later and advertise my "new exciting expected litter!". I'm not a dog breeder.

Nate. Hi. Saw your britt in your avatar. Nice looking birddog! When you want a real one let me know. Thanks!

Ok so you have jumped on here basically smacking people and their litters...
can you tell us who you are and why one should run to you if they want a real bird dog you make it sound like your the only one that can produce a real birddog or something with that statement pretty arrogant if you ask me....there are people on here that have very well bred litters that i would go to...and yes there are those that the only time you see them on here is to promote another litter they have for sale with some papers and really do very little other then hunt their dogs...not a litter i would seek for stuff i want to do but i have seen some of the pups from those litters they are nice average hunting dogs to some i wouldn't even consider looking at....

So in truth what makes you better then the rest of the people on this board

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:09 pm
by natetnc
jessie wrote:Nate. Hi. Saw your britt in your avatar. Nice looking birddog!
wow, thanks for the compliment :lol: if you like her that much i'll breed a litter just for you <3

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:15 pm
by grant
jessie wrote: heck half the people on this board shouldn't have a birddog let alone be breeding them.
tisk tisk tisk... I'd like to think better of *our* community than that... I think your overall point about back-yard breeders has some validity, but your delivery could be immensely improved upon - if it were, the thread might receive more feedback.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:20 pm
by upland-o
Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder there Jessie. and by the way, why are you insulting Nate? Do you know him? I happen to know a thing or two about the brittany, I make my living off them, my whole living. I am a full time outfitter and Nate's dog looks great. When you say things like youve said here that tells me one thing. You dont seem to have accomplished anything with your dog so I return your own words to you.

"heck half the people on this board shouldn't have a birddog let alone be breeding them"

Now lets talk about your endless knowledge on all things bird dog and look back at some of your more famous quotes

"A show dog with a master hunter title is a dog that cannot compete in horseback or walking shooting dog stakes."
"When I think of AKC Irish Setters being shown in the sporting breed class it makes me laugh. What is sporting about a 75 lb setter"
"thank you for bringing just a moment of clarity to the subject. An AKC pointer? I can't stand the thought........."

And considering that you started this, lets keep in mind that you said earlier in this topic "I'm not a dog breeder." You saying that is why this next one is my favorite from the string "Can you breed out a bad bite?"

"I don't breed dogs with other people in mind. I only breed to boost my own string of dogs"

sounds to me your a little confused

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:26 pm
by Greg Jennings
jessie wrote:...half the people on this board shouldn't have a birddog...
Personally and in my role as moderator, I find this infuriating. Who elected you bird dog god? What right do you have to sit in judgment over another person, let alone people that you've never met? ... I've got to quit before I have a stroke.

Greg J.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:28 pm
by zzweims
There is more to breeding than the 'FC' or any title for that matter. I even turned down a NFC/DC stud dog for my then untitled bitch, because his strengths did not compliment hers. I instead bred her to a JH, and got two top ten gun dogs out of that litter. Also, there are people out there who may be clueless about hunting/training/breeding yet they happen to have outstanding dogs. Should these dogs never be bred, because their owners are inexperienced? Conversely, there are 'experienced' breeders with glossy websites who will put any two dogs together and convince their unsuspecting buyers that theirs are the best of the breed. I'll take a newbie with a good dog any day of the week.


Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:37 pm
by Meller
I like your little Quote( Champion's are born Culls are created ) if it was'nt for different qualitys in dog's there would'nt be so many different venues to trial them in and if there was'nt a dog to come in second there would be no champions they would all be culls or all champion's I also think anyone who owns a birddog thinks his is a champion to some degree or could have been; but if never trialed it's still a champion to it's owner. I don't think, to anwser your question that every one that breed's his dog consider's himself a breeder, but is rather trying to replicate something they see or love about thier dog. I done this myself, and though I got what i think was some very nice dogs from the cross I won't do it again; just my opion but I think you can get what your looking for from a pro. breeder. But I still had to try ,so I guess everyone has to experience this for thier self. Don't get me wrong I love my dog's, as Im sure everyone on here does thier's also otherwise they wouldn't, Feed, house, bathe,hunt,train or take care of them. So I also think everyone on here has the right to own thier own dog, just as you own yours and have that right.
I hope I in no way I have offended anyone these are just some of my thought's.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:40 pm
by jessie
Upland my first dog I ever bought was a male out of Renegades Kansas Kid ex Lobo's Cotton Candy. My second dog was out of Beans Blaze ex Lobo's Sugar Babe. I know a thing or two about britts.

Knine I have an opinion that I'm entitled to. I find that if it offends people (which it obviously did you) then I've probably hit too close to home.

I'm not looking for any positive feedback. I'm not smacking anyone in particular. I made a statement that I stand by.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:43 pm
by jessie
You guys are missing the point. Instead of attacking me address the question. I have never came on here touting my litters or greatness or anything. Go back and look.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:44 pm
by upland-o
sounds like you got pups from some good parents, but how about you address what I put in my first post

lets keep in mind that you said earlier in this topic "I'm not a dog breeder." You saying that is why this next one is my favorite from the string "Can you breed out a bad bite?"

"I don't breed dogs with other people in mind. I only breed to boost my own string of dogs"

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:50 pm
by pinebrookkennel

Just one ? were you born with a bird dog in your hand. (Or in your mouth as they say) First, to all the pros thank you for the great feedback we get from you.I don't know of anywere you can get that responce even if you try to pay for it. . Back to the subject, I read a thread a while ago were someone asked about becoming a pro.The consence was to start out as a part timer or in your back yard!! Even the pros had to start somewere. As far as all the post about upcoming litters on the site, try looking how hard it was for the guy to find the hillhaven dog. There are 4 pages devoted to that subject. Yes I will agree that If your going to breed your dog do your homework. Buy the best dog you can afford with good ped.


Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 1:55 pm
by upland-o
we have gone back and looked, thats why we ask you these questions. We want to know why you are asking why everyone thinks they are a breeder when you have claimed here before that you are not a breeder but than say that you only breed to improve your own line. You should not have come on here insulting people you know nothing about. And just because you got pups from good parents doesnt mean you "know a thing or two" it only means that you went through a good kennel. I have a dog with Gamblers Ace In the hole lines, a hall of fame dog, does that mean you would say I know a thing or two? You probly wouldnt say that judging from all of your posts here. The point is that you have wrongfully accused a great deal of people of misinformed breeding. Its one thing to say there is a lot of it going on out there, its another thing to say that our fellow board members are guilty of it

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 2:51 pm
by RuttCrazed
jessie wrote: I'm not smacking anyone in particular.
Just Nate.

I don't know how good you are with dogs, but you are very good at contridicting yourself.

I think the question to ask now is, Why does jessie still have an active account?


Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:13 pm
by firstchoicehardwood
It looks like this thread is heading for the lock vault. It seems like I've been running into more of these hostile threads lately.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:16 pm
by kninebirddog
Well lets talk peds
I also have some well bred breedings if you want to talk papers...I have a female who sire was the first dog to attain a title in NSTRA then on to Akc for an FC AFC Lobos Mahogany Blaze one of the first breedings which also produced lobos klickitat county line beans blaze scipios breeding he was bred to a masked shoshoni wa rchief renegade bred bitch candy's lucky penny

I have been willing to cull out some dogs that didn't meet up to my expecations for one reason or another
I also have a bitch that is a buddys trucker express rimardas bred bitch' with franklin county bandit that is on a 3 generation ped

also planning on tighter line breeding on Microdot here in the future with my redlines tequila smoker bred to my above described lobos bred female to a tight line bred microdot Lobos scipios dream bred sire who ps just won the USopen at a young age of 4

the microdot and beans lines has backed some very nice breedings also complimenting with scipios

I also have tequila joker in my breeding I have sent some well papered dogs on to be companion hunting dogs cause they didn't cut the mustard for what i want including a line bred Tj and both parent were titled ..whoppee...the dog didn't live up to the papers and she was on down the road and fixed not to be bred at all

So I don't take offense...I can stand up on my own two feet

I merely quoted what you said to someone about when they wanted a real birddog see you....and called it for what it sounded like....

Would love to see some pics of your dogs.... :mrgreen: just can't get enough pics of good looking brittanys specially puppies

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:32 pm
by ezzy333

I am ashamed you would take the bait that a troll throws out. It was a question that was not even based on fact. The questioner has no knowledge of how many people think they are breeders and has no idea of what the definition of a breeder really is. When people that feel they do not know as much as many of the other people he is connected with try very hard to make everyone think they are smarter by picking a subjectand then try to discredit everyone else. We see it in the dog food debates and occasionally in some of the other areas. This whole post is a great example.

I would suggest everyone just ignore this thread as there is nothing here that will enrich your life or knowledge. And there is no use letting a troll drag you down to his level.


Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 3:34 pm
by gar-dog
Okay, where do I turn my Brittany in? As a newbie owner I probably don't deserve to have a bird-dog. I guess I should go back to being a dogless hunter and get rid of 'ole Ginger.

Would someone let me know the qualifications for rightfully owning a bird dog? That would give me something to strive for.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:42 pm
by Karen
Gar-dog, I'll PM you my address. I'll take Ginger off your hands :D :D

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 5:59 pm
by upland-o
wow gar-dog, i just checked out your ped. Im impressed, that dog comes from some very good lines

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 6:27 pm
by gar-dog
Thanks, Upland-o. But of course I wouldn't know because I thought I was buying a lapdog to take into Manhattan in my wife's bag. I thought "Brittany" meant the breed was named after Britney Spears.

Ok, Karen. I'll send her on. (She likes chicken n rice and to be bathed daily in Evian Water.)

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 7:52 pm
by markj
Hey gardog, send her to me then I will have 2 Gingers :) I carry mine around in a shoulder bag, she only drinks perier out of a gold solid gold not that plated junk dish. A new one each day.......

Who is this jessie fella? and why is he soooo rude? Or is this the "fashion" these days. Old Mom said cant say nutting good dont say nutting at all, then smack smack to reinforce it........ I thought this was a meeting place for all gun dog guys, when did it become so exclusive? Are our logins to be revoked now? Can I still train on my dogs or do I need to stop all that too?

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 8:42 pm
by ward myers
why does anyone even respond to jessies idiot statements ?
its not even worth the effort

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:11 pm
by ezzy333

Wish I knew the answer to tht one. And even after I asked everyone not to they keep right on. Someday I hope people will start moderating themselves and not make someone else do it.


Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:46 pm
by kninebirddog
Ezzy then why did you make the first reply to the post :?:

Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 10:49 pm
by ezzy333
Arlette if you noticed I said he would have to give more info if anyone was to respond. He didn't and you did.


Re: ???????????

Posted: Thu May 29, 2008 11:06 pm
by kninebirddog
Nate. Hi. Saw your britt in your avatar. Nice looking birddog! When you want a real one let me know. Thanks!
I did make a reply when I read this..... even bold type and colored that questionable remark in my first reply...excuse me for stepping up for someone else and their dog

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:31 am
by gar-dog
The reason I posted was to have a little fun. Obviously the original poster is just being a turd - maybe a bad day, or bad time selling a pup. What was in the post was so preposterous it can hardly be offensive because it has no credibility.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 5:38 am
by Karen
Does that mean you're really not sending Ginger my way? :mrgreen:

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 6:05 am
by pinebrookkennel
That is a classic !!

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:00 am
by Greg Jennings
Shouldn't own a dog, shouldn't own a gun, shouldn't own a house, shouldn't be allowed to have kids...once you start taking people's rights, where does it stop?


Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:04 am
by mtlee
Greg Jennings wrote:Shouldn't own a dog, shouldn't own a gun, shouldn't own a house, shouldn't be allowed to have kids...once you start taking people's rights, where does it stop?

You just reminded me of a philosophy professor I had in undergrad...he asked "why" after EVERYTHING anyone in the class said for 3 hrs 4 days a week. I wanted to punch that guy in the face so bad I couldn't stand it! (not saying I want to punch you, i know you were being facetious :lol: :lol: )

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:41 am
by Yawallac
I wanted to punch that guy in the face so bad I couldn't stand it!

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:49 am
by mtlee
Yawallac wrote:
I wanted to punch that guy in the face so bad I couldn't stand it!
Watch it, I know where you live :twisted: :lol:

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 7:51 am
by Don
jessie wrote:I agree with you. One thing you don't see me do is ask simple questions about dealing with dogs and then turn around 3 weeks later and advertise my "new exciting expected litter!". I'm not a dog breeder.

Nate. Hi. Saw your britt in your avatar. Nice looking birddog! When you want a real one let me know. Thanks!
That's uncalled for! You are one rude sucker. Why don't you tell us all you know about breeding? I've got 30 sec and that should be more than enought time!

Another stroke waiting to happen!

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:27 am
by Firstarrow
I guess I'm probably 'nother guy that doesn't deserve his backyard bred dogs! :wink:

Every great field trialed upland dog has a "just a darn good hunt'n" dog somewhere in their pedigree. Guess they should have been culled. :roll:

IMO - The back yard breeders who breed 1 litter a year don't hurt the breeds like puppy mills who breed their females each time they come in heat.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:32 am
by pinebrookkennel
Glad to see I wasn't the only one with ruffled feathers after reading this thread. Thought about this all night. The thing I'd like to know is what makes a back yard breeder. Please enlighten us.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:41 am
by phermes1

You know - y'all are giving him exactly what he wants. He posted solely to get a reaction.
Ignore him or, mods, please lock this thread. Preferably both.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 8:47 am
by ezzy333
The back yard breeders who breed 1 litter a year don't hurt the breeds like puppy mills who breed their females each time they come in heat.
Doesn't matter one iota where you breed or how you breed as long as you are doing it wih a concern for the quality of the puppies and not the amount of money you take in. If you notice you will see the people concerned only critize people who have a different standard than theirs and in no way does that tell you the quality of the breeding. For the sake of the breed lets hope it wasn't done for a single purpose but rather the overall quality of the breed and they cover the needs of your customers, then you have made a great breeding. It's just that simple.


Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:24 am
by markj
But where is that hunter orange dog? them yellow shorts are awaiting.

Re: ???????????

Posted: Fri May 30, 2008 11:32 am
by Yawallac
Ignore him or, mods, please lock this thread. Preferably both.
My hunch is that had Grant not posted a response ....Greg would have locked this thread down before it reached the end of page one. :wink: