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EEE Gads....such carnage....Owl's have no table manners

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:01 pm
by WiskeyJaR
Went to let me pigeon free to fly this morning and found this guy sitting in me loft. yes...I had forgotten to close the re-entry hole last night :(

Here a couple pics.


Wife wouldnt let me have "Owl Steaks" for breakfast, so the bugger is sitting in the tree tops waiting for the next batch of treats......wife leaves soon to go shoping, now where did I put that crossbolt. :roll:

Re: EEE Gads....such carnage....Owl's have no table manners

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:34 pm
by kninebirddog
I hear rumors that the chinese make a soup from them

Re: EEE Gads....such carnage....Owl's have no table manners

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:55 pm
by wems2371
Did he wipe you out on pigeons then? He sure is beautiful.

Re: EEE Gads....such carnage....Owl's have no table manners

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:50 pm
by WiskeyJaR
Did he wipe you out on pigeons then?....
Yup all gone, there is five bodies in corner of loft each with out a head, wings and feet in middle of loft. Only had 7 birds, so was just a small dinner for the buggar. Was a "Barred Owl" according to pics on 'net.

Next time......(Thumbs threw grandma's reciepe book....)

Re: EEE Gads....such carnage....Owl's have no table manners

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 3:09 pm
by Kiki's Mom
next time.....owl soup...only don't tell anyone what the main ingredient in your soup is as it is a $10,000 dollar fine to dispatch a bird of prey, NO MATTER what they did to deserve it. :wink: Now that he has learned about your trap door for the pigeons he won't forget and will be back.
I'm very very surprised he let you handle him. he must have been full o plenty on his meal of pigeon and sluggish. Like the Copper's hawk, I heard the Barred owls go into kill mode no matter whether they are full or not.

Re: EEE Gads....such carnage....Owl's have no table manners

Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 10:02 pm
by 47sgs
This Great Horned owl was in my coop last month. There were a few birds still out at dark so I didn't cover the pigeon gate. Big mistake !! He killed several. My wife made me net it and let it go. I wasn't smart enough to drive it 20 miles away and see how his homing instincts are.