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first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 2:43 pm
by Baldwin Eagles
Hey all,

I purchased a field springer spaniel yesterday and brought it home from the breeder. It's nine months old, one of three remaining from the breeders last litter. I am a total novice to hunting (only four trips to South Dakota the last four years), but am really excited about gettimg more into it, and doing some more upland bird hunting in my home state of MN.

Anyways,since I have brought it home it has been very timid. Tail between it's legs, cowering and sometimes shaking pretty badly. The breeder was reputable, and I met a lot of the dogs family (mom, dad, uncle, grandpa,siblings.) The dog did not display this behavior at the breeders on the two occasions I visited, and the rest of the dogs were typical high energy springers.

It has gotten a lot better as the day went on, but it still walks with it's tail between it's legs and rear end slumping,and generally sheepish. Should I be concerned? I've never seen a dog this young so timid, with so little energy. I tried to take it for a walk, and it simply would not walk. Just laid on the ground. I assume that had something to do with the leash and him not being used to it. But it has not left the bed we bought for it essentially all day.

Plus, he was wimpering and getting ansy, so I figured it had to go to the bathroom. I literally could not get it to walk through the back door, I had to pick it up and bring it outside. He was shaking so bad, I've never seen something like this before. It was like one of those dogs on the dog whisperer.... When I finally did get it outside, it showed some energy towards a neighbor, which was good, but when it left, it was back to sheepish.

I've been laying on the floor with him, he tends to show more energy by laying by him.

Is this normal? Is he just adapting to his surroundings?.

PS. I've owned dogs before and was raised in a house full of dogs. This is the 1st one that I was concerned about not having "enough" energy, it's usually the other way around?!

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 2:55 pm
by ezzy333
You have a 9 month pld puppy nwho has never been any where but in a kennel or yard where it was born. Very possibly has not had a lot of contact and practically no socializing. You now have put it in a strange place with strange people and have tried to lead it which it isn't used to, and the pup shows some timidity. It's not what you hoped for but sure isn't totally unexpected given the circumstances and the normal breed characteristics.

Post back in a couple of weeks and tell us about the pup then. In the mean time just go slow and try to get aquainted with each other and do a lot of petting and spoiling with absolutely no pressure being used. There will be lots of time for training down the road.


Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 3:00 pm
by BigShooter
It's not all that abnormal. Sounds like the dog didn't get enough socializing, especially with strangers before now. You won't know what you've got for a couple of weeks.

Agree with EZZY but he typed it up faster. Sometimes exposure to another dog in your household will help them adjust more quickly.

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 4:33 pm
by Sharon
It is not normal at all for a properly socialized dog.
It is very normal for a dog that has spent 9 months in a kennel without life experiences etc.

If it doesn't show major improvement in a couple weeks I would be taking the dog back. Some folks will say you can make up those lost months. That has NOT been my experience.

For the same money + you should be getting a confident, eager pup who has had some exposure to birds etc. jmo based on some hard lessons I've had over the years.

PS I'm NOT speaking of your breeder but sometimes breeders sell a "problem" pup to the neophyte who doesn't know enough to recognize the signs. Almost happened to me but an experienced friend saved me.

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:23 pm
by kninebirddog
lack of socialization for sure

What ever you do don't coddle and try and love the dog out of the timid the dog learn that everything will be ok by being a leader and letting them figure it out for themselves

if you try and pet and love them when they are scared you will only reinforce the scared behavior

reward the checking out and curious behaviors

when you go to walk through the doors pu a leash on and walk towards the door when the dog begins to bulk stop don't let them run away from it but let them absorb that nothing bad is happening either make them stand there for a minute then turn walk away walk around where comfortable then walk back towards the door ..each time if your Patient the dog should get closer and closer and reward once the dog is calmed that it is ok
soon you will be getting out the door no problem

good Luck

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 5:38 pm
by nitrex
I would be on the phone with the breeder and making arrangements to return the dog for a full refund. A 9 month old pup ought to be bold and confident within minutes of a new home. It may at time seem shy or timid, but these seems excessive! Socialization needs to happen in those first few months of a dogs life, after that it is a never ending battle.


Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:00 pm
by Killer Instinct
First of all - Welcome!.... I had a similar situation with my springer Abby (the Liver & White)- she was initially shy at 3mos. Took her everywhere - puppy classes, stores that would allow dogs, etc. She came around. Emma (Black & white) was waaayyy different. Rec'd her when she was 4 mos old & she's into everything. Not a shy bone in her body... Two different springers with two different personalities.... give the shy one a chance if you have time on your side.

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 8:15 pm
by Sharon
"Shy" at 3 months and shy at 9 months are two very different scenarios.

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:10 pm
by ezzy333
Sharon wrote:"Shy" at 3 months and shy at 9 months are two very different scenarios.

Probably not much different if she has been in a kennel and not socialized. Mentally she is still 3 months. Don't think there should be a lot of concern when the dog has only been in this new situation a few hours. A few days would be slightly more and a few months then you have a problem. Can't begin to tell you how many softer type dogs I have seen that would act like that when put in a completely new and strange situation till they at least had a chance to get acquainted. Just not terribly abnormal for a dog that is a new situation for a few hours.


Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 9:42 pm
by Sharon
:) We'll choose to disagree. :)

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:15 am
by Baldwin Eagles
Thanks for the responses folks, I really appreciate it.

Well, two days have gone by and I can say it is getting better. It will through the door, albeit very sheepishly. He is exploring around the house, playing fetch (provided the ball isn't thrown too far - seems to be scared of too exploration.) I got him a 30' extending leash which helped a bit when I finally do get him outside. He won't walk with me, but he will romp around. However, I don't think he likes it very much, as he tends to just plop down on the ground and give the "puppy eyes."

I've been ignoring the timid behavior, being real encouraging, a lot of "good boys!" for exploring and higher energy behavior.

It seems to me that closely watching his behavior is he wants to be a high energy puppy, but stuck in a shell. Since it is getting better, I will give it a couple weeks. I will be calling the breeder though and having a conversation about this. I am concerned. I would rather have a dog that requires training to calm it down, than this. It is getting frustrating as I can't even take it for a walk. It simply will not walk with me without constant reassuring. Most of the time around the house he hides under the coffee table, but he has been responding to toys/treats.

I am a newbie, and had concerns about dishonest breeder. My impressions of the breeder are positive. Super friendly, very helpfull, very nice guy. It is obvious he loves springers, he must of had close to twenty of them on his 30 acre hobby farm. He trains/competes in field trials, offers classes for hunting training... well, I guess you have to follow your gut, which was positive. I was concerned on why there were three puppies remaining from the litter, one has to inherently question why noone else wanted these last three.

Tonight I am going to bring him to the dog park and get him out running free with other dogs with me around. Perhaps if he starts associating me with something closer to what he had with the breeder, he will start to come around. Hopefully the behavior will improve once we move out of the city and too our new home we just purchased on 1.5 acres.

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:39 am
by nitrex
Sharon wrote:"Shy" at 3 months and shy at 9 months are two very different scenarios.
I agree with you Sharon! A 9 m0nth old pup that has not been socialized well may be alright at some level, but it will never reach it's full genetic potential. Socialization should have been done before the pup was 3-4 months old and earlier. Good luck and I applaud you for trying with this pup. Don't be afraid to call the breeder!


Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 6:44 am
by bobman
the is no certain outcome either way I rescued a pointer that was tied to a stake for his 1.5 years and he turned out fine.

ONE THING I would not do is go to a dog park they are fights waiting to happen, I dont allow my dogs to be around a bunch of incompetent disney minded foolish dog handlers, the dog needs to be socialized with your family not other dogs

You spend time with it lots of time I bet it does fine.

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 7:40 am
by Baldwin Eagles

Thanks for the advice, but I feel I need to do something to draw out some behavior in this dog. I'm not a dog expert by any means, but I think the dog might just be a little depressed. When I picked him up from the breeders he was running around all over the place, as soon as we put the collar on him and loaded him into the car, everything changed. Perhaps he needs some time, but I am not sure how to spend time with him at this point if we don't go do something.

I can't let him run free in the yard as I live in the city without a fence (we are moving to a 1.5 acre yard in two weeks - very dog friendly neighborhood - my neighbor bow hunts out his backyard and lets two german short hairs run freely), he won't walk on the leash, I'm not sure how to get him some excercise?! Perhaps it would be a better idea to bring him to the dog park in the early AM (like 5ish) before work so no other dogs are there?

Once again, thanks for the all the help. It's only been two days and he is getting better, fair is fair, I gotta give it a chance.

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 1:40 pm
by collinedward
Take it back or get rid of the pup before you get attached ...I just went thru a nightmare with a dog that had the same exact issues. Unless you have tons of time and patience let him go. Read my past post .. The longer you waite the harder it is on everyone in your family when you do get rid of it.
From now on young pups are the only way for me. They are way more fun, no issues!!!!!!!!!!!

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 1:44 pm
by collinedward
Where did you get him from or what state?

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 1:55 pm
by rockllews
I'm with Bobman- I've got to advise against taking pup out to the dog parks, especially given he is already timid and nervous. Those two traits can very likely get him into trouble with other dogs (ie attacked). If you must take him, yes, go early and make sure no other dogs have the chance to frighten or get too close to your pup. If you notice any posturing between dogs, grab yours and get out of there. Also, don't hesitate to defend your pup against any bullying dogs if the need arises. If he needs socialization (and it obviously sounds like he does) let him spend time with your neighbor's gsp's considering they are well behaved. Good luck.

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 7:47 pm
by Killer Instinct
I agree with Rockllews & Bobman that a dog park might not be in the best interest for the pup at this time. I also thought it would draw my shy one out of her shell - wrong! She got swarmed by HUGE Labs & Huskies that seemed to sense she was a soft dog & targeted her. We never went back & instead found a different outdoor field with few (if any) other dogs. But that was then (15 mos ago) & with constant exposure & training, she's now fine - intense, but fine....
Have you looked into local puppy classes? How about local springer hunt clubs?

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:24 am
by Baldwin Eagles
I opted against the dog park, and instead put him on the leash and sat in the back yard with him for a few hours. He is getting a lot better. He is running around the yard, exploring around the house, and starting to get even a little rambuctious around the house. HE is playing fetch with a stick, getting used to the leash, more and more excited to see me, etc.

I also sat in the front yard with him, we live on a busy street and he is obviously a little nervous about the buses passing by, but he did show some interest in the folks passing by. I was hoping someone with a dog would walk by, but it didn't happen. We tried to walk him down the street and he made it about 30 yards from the yard, and wanted to go back, it took some coaxing, but he really isn't comfortable with leaving areas he has explored more.

Seeing as though he is showing a lot of improvement I am willing to give this more time. Unfortunately, bringing him back really isn't an option. I bought the dog for my GF bday, and she loves him. So there you go.

Seeing as though this is my 1st gun dog, and I really only hunt a few times a year, I don't need a field champion dog, so I think we will be all right.

I purchased the dog from NOrthern Sky Springers in MN. The breeder's name is Steve Bannie. My pup's blood lines are filled with AFC, FC, CFC and EF dogs. So the pup has everything it "needs" to be ahunting dog, I think it just needs some real good socialization. Hopefully.

We will see, I'll keep you all posted. IF anyone has any advice, feel free to offer itup, I am going to need all the help I can get!

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:30 am
by Sharon
Your girlfriend loves him , so you're cooked. :) Pup is lucky to have you. I wish you all the best. If problems arise as he grows, I hope you come back here and get some help.

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:32 am
by ezzy333
Baldwin Eagles wrote:I opted against the dog park, and instead put him on the leash and sat in the back yard with him for a few hours. He is getting a lot better. He is running around the yard, exploring around the house, and starting to get even a little rambuctious around the house. HE is playing fetch with a stick, getting used to the leash, more and more excited to see me, etc.

I also sat in the front yard with him, we live on a busy street and he is obviously a little nervous about the buses passing by, but he did show some interest in the folks passing by. I was hoping someone with a dog would walk by, but it didn't happen. We tried to walk him down the street and he made it about 30 yards from the yard, and wanted to go back, it took some coaxing, but he really isn't comfortable with leaving areas he has explored more.

Seeing as though he is showing a lot of improvement I am willing to give this more time. Unfortunately, bringing him back really isn't an option. I bought the dog for my GF bday, and she loves him. So there you go.

Seeing as though this is my 1st gun dog, and I really only hunt a few times a year, I don't need a field champion dog, so I think we will be all right.

I purchased the dog from NOrthern Sky Springers in MN. The breeder's name is Steve Bannie. My pup's blood lines are filled with AFC, FC, CFC and EF dogs. So the pup has everything it "needs" to be ahunting dog, I think it just needs some real good socialization. Hopefully.

We will see, I'll keep you all posted. IF anyone has any advice, feel free to offer itup, I am going to need all the help I can get!
I will repeat what I posted before, wait two weeks and then tell us how he is doing and then report again at 2 months. I will guarantee you will have no idea it is the same dog. We all need time, some more than others, to adjust to a new world that in your case the pup had no idea even existed. Sounds like you have a nice pup to work with that will make a nice pet also.


Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 11:47 am
by collinedward
I had the exact same problems, and my girlfriend fell in love with him too. Remember you are the one taking care of him. Save yourself the heartache..

Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 10:13 pm
by Killer Instinct
ezzy333 wrote:
Baldwin Eagles wrote:I opted against the dog park, and instead put him on the leash and sat in the back yard with him for a few hours. He is getting a lot better. He is running around the yard, exploring around the house, and starting to get even a little rambuctious around the house. HE is playing fetch with a stick, getting used to the leash, more and more excited to see me, etc.

I also sat in the front yard with him, we live on a busy street and he is obviously a little nervous about the buses passing by, but he did show some interest in the folks passing by. I was hoping someone with a dog would walk by, but it didn't happen. We tried to walk him down the street and he made it about 30 yards from the yard, and wanted to go back, it took some coaxing, but he really isn't comfortable with leaving areas he has explored more.

Seeing as though he is showing a lot of improvement I am willing to give this more time. Unfortunately, bringing him back really isn't an option. I bought the dog for my GF bday, and she loves him. So there you go.

Seeing as though this is my 1st gun dog, and I really only hunt a few times a year, I don't need a field champion dog, so I think we will be all right.

I purchased the dog from NOrthern Sky Springers in MN. The breeder's name is Steve Bannie. My pup's blood lines are filled with AFC, FC, CFC and EF dogs. So the pup has everything it "needs" to be ahunting dog, I think it just needs some real good socialization. Hopefully.

We will see, I'll keep you all posted. IF anyone has any advice, feel free to offer itup, I am going to need all the help I can get!
I will repeat what I posted before, wait two weeks and then tell us how he is doing and then report again at 2 months. I will guarantee you will have no idea it is the same dog. We all need time, some more than others, to adjust to a new world that in your case the pup had no idea even existed. Sounds like you have a nice pup to work with that will make a nice pet also.


Re: first gun dog! Nine Mo. Old Field Springer - too shy/timid?

Posted: Thu May 21, 2009 12:51 am
by vikings269
I got a 5 year old chesapeake bay retriever off craigslist last fall, his first day in my home when i reached for the remote on the coffee table he shot off the couch and cowered in a spare bedroom. I called him back on the couch and he was still pretty jumpy for quite awhile but after several weeks he became very comfortable. Today the only thing that gets him to leave the couch is if we both fall asleep on it and I kick around too much in my sleep and he will just move to the chair, lol