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New Vizsla Pup

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2009 2:45 pm
by rydaddy
I recently added (4 weeks ago) another Vizsla pup. He is 11 weeks old today. Compared to my First V, (who is now 2) this little guy is totally failing in the potty training dept. If Levi got an A, this guy sure seems to be failing. Anyway, I am hoping that some of you have had similar experiences and may be able to remind me of some things to help him along.

-I am using a crate, he sleeps in it at night, and spends much of his time during the day in a crate as well.
-He will urinate in his crate. And not just a little bit, sometimes he is swimming in it when I go to get him.
-I am not allowing him free access to water, I offer it to him a few times a day.
-I recently started feeding him in his crate also, to try and decrease the accidents that happen inside.
-If he urinates in the house, I take him outside immediately - he pees some more. 5 minutes later he will pee inside again. This doesn't happen all the time, but it happens regularly.
-The periodic (yet regular) urination in a short period of time has gotten bad enough that I had lab tests done at the Vet and everything was fine.
-I have had numerous chances to catch him in the act, and when scolded it is obvious that he is realizing that he just screwed up. Or he at least shows evidence of realizing that he is in trouble.


Re: New Vizsla Pup

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 7:29 am
by tenbearsviz

I'll offer a couple things...

Unless there are physical reasons for your dog urinating when he does, there are triggers that you must watch for that offer you the chance to show him the right way to relieve himself.

You as owner and trainer MUST be tuned into your pup to help them learn.

1.When your dog wakes up... get them out to go.. No procrastination. Out as soon as they wake.
2. As soon as your dog is finished eating.. Out!
3. After play time... Get 'em out.

Lots of praise and treats for a successful venture outside.

Next, how big is the crate? Is it large enough that he thinks he can go to the far end, urinate and believe he can get away? Most dogs don't like to soil their beds. The crate should be small enough at first to keep him in his bed. Too soon for a 400 or large crate that they will grow into.

Don't take offense to the following statements... Dogs during house breaking only make mistakes when we let them. Timing is everything and you are the one with opposable thumb. Lots of praise and love for success.

He hasn't learned what is right and what is wrong in order to understand your reprimand. Tip.. fill a soda can with pennies. If you see him (and only when you see him) pissing in the house, rattle the can. If you dont see it, shame on you for not watching... When he does it right outside... lots of loving. Remember they have teeny brains right now and they rely on you to tell them what is right and what is wrong...

This method works. All my dogs using this are trained by 16 weeks of age with only the occasional accident which is my fault.

Good Luck.

Re: New Vizsla Pup

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2009 12:15 pm
by rydaddy
We are on the same page. I think the difference is that I was fortunate with my first one that he just seemed to pick it up faster. Otherwise you and I have very similar ideas about how this should be done. I have in a small crate, with a divider up to make it just big enough for him to walk in and get himself turned around. Sawyer (newest one) is not catching on as well to what "no" means.