Taking both my girls hunting...

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Taking both my girls hunting...

Post by EddieF » Wed Oct 21, 2009 6:25 pm

I originally wrote this for my blog http://www.hwvwinnie.blogspot.com/ but I thought maybe people here have shared similar conversations at their households. :D

When it comes to this whole dog thing, I'm not sure if my wife thinks I'm crazy. But I know she thinks I'm obsessed. I know this because she hints at it with statements like, "You are obsessed."

So when Sandy agreed to come with me this coming Sunday to a preserve to hunt a few birds, I was thrilled. (She doesn't want to shoot this time, just watch and take pictures.) Certainly it's always nice to spend weekend time together, but I'm especially thrilled that she'll finally get to see Winnie work. She reads the blog, and of course lives with Winnie day in and day out. But the only benefits of all that training we've been doing that she really sees around the house are what I would consider general good manners. Beyond that, the level of interaction between us when it comes to the training has consisted of conversations like "are you done out there with the whistle? It's driving Gromit crazy," and "Do you know anything about this $89 charge for Ugly Dog Hunting Supplies?" and "Are you done out there with the blank pistol? It's driving Gromit crazy."

But, back to the preserve hunt. In my typical overthinking fashion, I have pestered the woman at the preserve going back and forth about what birds to get. She was worried that the cover was too thick for chukar to fly out of easily, but Winnie is used to chukar. And besides, she should hold the point long enough for me to get a foot under that chukar to assist in its final flight if need be. Bottom line is, I want to set Winnie up with the best opportunity for success, but also want it to be a meaningful training opportunity. So the final decision was to start with three chukar, and then toward the back of the field, if all goes well, there will be two pheasant - one each hen and cockbird.

I thought I would share the ensuing conversation with Sandy regarding these birds and the day surrounding them...

Me: So I went with three chukar, then two pheasant toward the back. One each, a boy and a girl.
Sandy: A boy and a girl? I don't like the sound of that. Too personal. 'Male and female' sounds better.
Okay. I think once you get out there you'll really be fine with it all. By the time you even see a bird, it will either be flying happily to freedom or will be shot.
You better be a good shot.
I will try.
I guess if you don't kill it, the guide will finish it off.
What guide?
I thought we were getting a guide.
For what?
I don't know.
For working the dog?
I guess.
It's MY dog!
What is worrying you?
Do you know what you're doing?
Of course not. Is that what you're worried about??
I thought we were getting a guide.
What are you afraid of?
I don't know, there's just gonna be guns and shooting and stuff.
Yeah that's common with hunting.
I'm not sure you know what you're doing.
It'll be fine.
Okay. You're right.
You'll have fun.
Are you sure you know what you're doing?

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Re: Taking both my girls hunting...

Post by Ruffshooter » Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:08 pm

Would have loved to see the expressions to go with that conversation. HEHEHEH! :lol: That is jsut too funny.

Glad you got your girls out together. How did she end up liking it?
The best part of training is seeing the light come on in your little prot'eg'e.


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Re: Taking both my girls hunting...

Post by EddieF » Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:16 pm

Ruffshooter wrote:Would have loved to see the expressions to go with that conversation. HEHEHEH! :lol: That is jsut too funny.

Glad you got your girls out together. How did she end up liking it?
We haven't gone yet! Going this Sunday. I hope to have pics and stories to share!

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Re: Taking both my girls hunting...

Post by birddogger » Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:31 pm

I applaud you for getting your kids involved. IMO, there is no greater bonding than to enjoy nature and the outdoors together. They are memories that last a life time.

Most kids get so much wrong information, concerning guns and hunting, from school, TV shows and the news media, it makes me sick.

It sounds to me like you are doing a great job with Winnie, and more importantly, your family.

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Re: Taking both my girls hunting...

Post by EddieF » Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:03 pm

birddogger wrote:I applaud you for getting your kids involved. IMO, there is no greater bonding than to enjoy nature and the outdoors together. They are memories that last a life time.

Most kids get so much wrong information, concerning guns and hunting, from school, TV shows and the news media, it makes me sick.

It sounds to me like you are doing a great job with Winnie, and more importantly, your family.

Birddogger, sorry, maybe this didn't translate from my blog very clearly, my apologies. But we don't have kids. Just taking my wife and Winnie (my two girls!). :D

But I agree with you 100% about all of that, and the importance for kids to be exposed to the outdoors and positive messages about guns and hunting!

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Re: Taking both my girls hunting...

Post by birddogger » Wed Oct 21, 2009 8:49 pm

Sorry about my misunderstanding. Sometimes I scan over the posts too quickly. Let me try again. I applaud you for trying to get your wife involved!!! I think it is great!! :D

Good luck to you and your girls!
If you think you can or if you think you can't, you are right either way

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