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Pinkish/white bump on foot - ADVICE/HELP ?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:34 pm
by vkwb
I do general checks on our DD pretty much everyday and have been checking his front paw/foot in particular for over a week now since he started favouring/limping on that foot, but the pad area mostly because he had a small cut/puncture. Just today I noticed he has a bump on the top of his foot/paw. It's white/pinkish in colour, the size of a small grape and somewhat soft, it now has started to puss (white fluid). He has a vet appointment (hip x-ray) on Tuesday, should I wait or take him first thing tomorrow ? HOW did I miss that ? He was just at the groomers on Tuesday ... I guess the groomer missed it too !! Could it have flared up like that in a matter of a few days ? (I have tried to attach a pic - sorry for the clarity and size)

Anyways...ANY help/advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks ever so much.

Re: Pinkish/white bump on foot - ADVICE/HELP ?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:47 pm
by Calisdad
I don't know how old your dog is but one thing dogs do over the years is collect bumps, lumps and growths. Because you say it has a discharge I would think there is a foreign body inside. I would think it can wait until Tuesday. BTW- I have a 13yo with bad knees. Synflex has made her life more comfortable. If your dogs hip issue isn't too serious I'd recommend it. Ask your vet about adequin also.


Re: Pinkish/white bump on foot - ADVICE/HELP ?

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 8:59 pm
by Sharon
Could be the beginning of a digital cyst or just an infected abrasion. No big hurry for the vet to see it. Soak it in warm epsom salt/water a couple times a day 10 minutes at a time. I have a magnifying lamp that I use to make sure there is no foreign body in there.

I use Sasha's Blend ( glucosamine/chondroitin , shark cartilage) for my 12 year old's hips. Helps a lot.