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I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 7:58 pm
by Birddogz
A bull moose. Scared the shyt out of me. I was working a tree belt when my male Britt went on point, with a wagging tail. Up jumped a young bull moose. He ran 10 feet from me. I hope clorox can get that stain out. :D :D The funny part is that he pointed my last rooster for a limit 100 yards from where the moose got up. Great day. I saw literally 500,000 geese, 200 sharpies (only killed 2) a bunch of phez, and 2 covies of Huns. I shot the last phez over a frozen slough. My dog broke through the ice with every jump. I was worried that he would drown, but he made it. Wonderful day in the field shared by my 7 year old son.

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 8:28 pm
by kninebirddog
Ummm I guess that would leave a warm feeling in the wrong area

Sounds like fun though

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 9:56 pm
by bently
one of the guys i was hunting with is SD a couple of weeks ago had a GSP that pointed flies.

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 10:07 pm
by twofeathers
bently wrote:one of the guys i was hunting with is SD a couple of weeks ago had a GSP that pointed flies.
Mine still does that now he has moved on to Asian beetles (Lady Bugs) :lol:

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:13 am
by Ruffshooter
That was a great day minus the cost of new Underwear. :wink:

My old dog Dexter did not point moose he tried to catch and eat them. :roll:

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 8:49 am
by bowhunter1221975
i have never had my dog point a moose but on the kansas youth hunt he pointed and chased a nice white tail buck and last year we were in south dakota and he pointed a porcupine that one didnt end up well for him with a face full of quils

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 9:05 am
by bwjohn
Actually about 4 weeks ago or so, on a grouse hunt in utah, my dog pointed a bull moose. A really nice one, tried to get pics but it ran away to fast. I was stomping around trying to get a grouse to flush and my wife yells to look up, just in time to see him run through the aspen. We were probably 25 yds away or so. That will get the juices flowing!


Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:01 am
by Birddogz
What is so bizarre is that the trees he came out of are the only trees for 2 miles, and that is common in the area. Moose on the prairie is just strange. I associate them with Tiaga, not plains. :)

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:24 am
by Steve007
bowhunter1221975 wrote:i have never had my dog point a moose but last year we were in south dakota and he pointed a porcupine that one didnt end up well for him with a face full of quils
What? If your dog were steady to wing, shot and, uh, fall (do they fall?) on porkies, this wouldn't happen. :wink:

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:38 am
by mcbosco
Mine has run into snapping turtles moving from pond to pond. It is very scary.

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 10:40 am
by Birddogz
My dogs and my buddies dogs used to regularly point Box turtles in the Sand hills of Nebraska. They must smell goooood! :lol:

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:07 pm
by tommyboy72
Don't worry Birddogz I moved 5 covey of quail yesterday in about an hour and a half, each covey held about 20-30 birds and I only killed 3 birds total. I came home early after my gun kept sticking a shell in the top barrel. I should've cleaned it before I went out but didn't so that was my fault. Didn't help that we have really dry conditions and the dogs were keyed up for the first day of the new season and bumped a couple of coveys. I am going out today to try it again though.

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 1:20 pm
by Birddogz
I didn't mean to insinuate that I was shooting at all of those sharpies Tommy. :lol: I saw them because they got up wild as heck, but way out of range. I marked that field in my head for next September when they aren't so crazy. :D I ended up shooting 3 phez, 2 sharpies, and 3 huns. I hunted all day though. The birds were really scarce compared to normal. I think the Deer hunters have something to do with it. I know that sounds like a good day, but that was almost 8 hours of hunting. I stepped in several badger holes just for insult to injury. My back and knee are killing me.

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:14 pm
by tommyboy72
Ya I fell straight on my face yesterday after stepping in a badger hole. lol

Wasn't so funny at the time and I twisted my ankle but hunted through it. lol

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 7:43 pm
by Birddogz
You know what I have started doing to avoid serious knee injury when around badger holes? I don't tie my boots tightly. That way if my foot goes into a hole, my ankle can twist without pulling on my knee as much. I also can remove my boot if it is wedged in a hole, which I have had happen several times. By not lacing up tightly, your feet stay warmer in cold weather as well. If you are hunting in hilly areas, and walking on the side of hills, this doesn't work as well, but in flat ground with holes around I find it isn't bad. I'll sacrifice an ankle for a knee kind of a deal.

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 6:31 am
by Ruffshooter
Many folks up here use there pointing dogs to find sheds. The flushing guys tried it but the dogs got confused because the dang anlters would not fly away. :wink:

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Tue Nov 16, 2010 8:56 pm
by KFhunter
I had mine point a big male cougar, right before the big cat tried to eat her

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:25 am
by proudag08
KFhunter wrote:I had mine point a big male cougar, right before the big cat tried to eat her

Dang, how did you get her away?

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:57 pm
by Birddogz
Tell us more about that kitty. :D

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:04 pm
by proudag08
Yeah thats like your your grandpa saying, "This one time in WWII we were surrounded and I... awww nevermind, The Price Is Right is back on..."


Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:25 pm
by KFhunter
lol sorry about that I was at work and had to run so just hit the submit button

We were walking up a road to pick huckleberries, walking because there was a lot of downed trees blocking the ATV's access. We didn't bring a gun or a chainsaw. Libby was out front 50 feet or so and my dad, son and nephew were walking behind. My son is 11 and nephew 13 or so.

The dog all the sudden went on point, at about the same time my dad grabs my shoulder to physically turn me to the cat to see it, but the cat ducked behind the log so I missed it. He tried to play some kind of gestures game to get me to understand what he's seen as to not alarm the boys, I figured it out right away (and so did the boys) and glance back to my dog who is going in! Thank god I got her pretty solid on come, she did not want to come so I broke out the deep no nonsence "COME NOW" voice, she waivered and shook a bit but started coming, point, come, point, come... it took a lot to get her to come back but finally I had my hands on her, removed a belt and fashioned a leash. We hung out a bit there to see if the cat would bolt off, it didn't. After a few minutes I could smell it. It was a strong urine musty smell just like a cat peeing in the house, you cannot mistake it. You could almost taste it on your tongue rather than smell it, the slight breeze brought it right to us. I figured it was a tom cat and perhaps was marking its territory when we walked up. I got the since that it was a big mature tom.

man I wasn't expecting this!

So we are walking back out, about a mile and a half back to the ATV's. I think ok done deal, nope
The cat paralled us on a rocky ridge about 30 yards away padding along the rocks in silence, except some areas where the rocks broke into a small brush filled crease even a cat couldn't get thru without disturbing the dry brush, we heard it each time. I armed myself with a big stick and dad did likewise, Man I felt pretty lame holding a freaking stick while being stalked by a cougar :lol:

I had the boys hold the dog and walk right between me and dad, she really wanted up on that ridge to sniff out that cat, I don't think she realized how big it was :lol:

after having the cat trail us ahwile we thought ok it dropped off, nope

The cat ran ahead and set up an ambush right off the side of the road, slightly uphill from us and in a thick patch of brush, we walked by the pounce point and the cat stoop up to get a target but we spotted it. It was fifteen feet away and eyeball level, one small leap for a cat. I immediatly stepped in front of the boys and squared off next to my dad who also was armed with a big stick. I was really ready to clobber that cat.

The cat squatted back down but didn't leave, we eased on out and that was the last I seen of it.

Untill I went back up the next day armed with a .44 carbine

I didn't see the cat but it did take a dump right in our tracks, wow did it ever stink, and it was a big pile of scat...way big

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:40 pm
by BigShooter
The big cats are increasing their range. For years there were sightings all over North Dakota. The ND Game & Fish Department was in denial. Now they have a season for residents. Lately, residents in Minnesota are spotting the big cats too. The word from the MN Dept. of Natural Resources is these are all young males, just passing through on their walk-abouts looking for mates ... BUT THERE IS NO EVIDENCE OF ANY MATING PAIRS IN MINNESOTA, so we've been told. Wonder how long it will be before MN has a big cat season as well.

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 11:44 pm
by KFhunter
They outlawed hunting cats and bears with hounds here

now the cat population has exploded, our numbers are far greater than anyone realizes. They are playing heck with our mule deer population, and whitetail too. I remember it was no big deal to count 100 head of deer in these paticular hay fields, now your lucky to see half a dozen.

I plan on hunting them this winter when the snow flies, I'll use cougar in heat calls and the typical rabbit/fawn distress

I'd like to get my hands on some cougar in heat urine

I've been around cats all my life, but they've never messed with me until that time, and it was because of the small brittany I had with me.
I'll have to take that into concideration in the future, that and the very real possibility she could bring back a torqued off moose/bear to me

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:50 am
by proudag08
+100 GREAT STORY!!! Thanks for sharing!

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2010 7:36 pm
by doscazadores
How 'about an elk? Pretty close. And like you, I was one surprised pheasant hunter, mostly because the cow sprang from under a bush that seemed about the size of a basketball.

Re: I bet my dog pointed something your dog hasn't...

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2010 12:28 am
by Danro
Just a boring old doe for me. But it was in a some real thick, up to your calf in mud type cover. I thought it was a bigfoot :lol: