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What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:28 pm
by Birddogz
I know that this is an individual thing, just bored and curious what you guys think. My vote would be a DD. My Brits are lovers, but she is ridiculous. Sometimes it is a pain in the azz actually. :lol: Pointers that I have been around are also very loving.

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:44 pm
by ezzy333
The one that doesn't bite you. I think you are trying to use the term affectionate to replace insecure, clingy, spoiled or what ever other attribute the dog has that we think is a sign of affection. I have no idea if a dog has those feelings but kind of doubt it but if they do it would be an individual thing and not breed related. Most times I think we see dogs respond to the treatment they get and we like to think it is affection. Probably true with your spouse the same way.

If you are bored get back to work on that Christmas field trial you are wanting to run in ND next winter.


Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:44 pm
by Mountaineer
If I was bored then I would say an older english setter who was both bored and smart enough to play up to his/her owner with affection to elicit an end to the boredom.
Dogs understand affection....given and received.

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:48 pm
by Onk
There are going to be a million differant answers to this, none will be far as the pointers go, that is all we have ever really had. We had one loving Lab that was more of a couch tater than birddog, but the pointers we had were all loving dogs to a degree yet at times could be stubborn headed and stand-offish! About to get my first Brit so I'll let you know on that one. Correct answer of course if, all dogs are very affectionate with the right owners, some dog are affectionate even while having the wrong owner! If you know what I mean!

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 5:52 pm
by Birddogz
Kind of like children. :wink:

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:12 pm
by wems2371
Come on now! Everybody in my house, knows it's shorthairs! :lol:


Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 7:36 pm
by Neil
All of them can be very affectionate if given even half a chance, but I have always found Brittanys to be the most and least demanding.

Unlike many, they seem to be content to love you at whatever distance you prefer, in your lap, across the room or even from the Kennel.


Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:01 pm
by BoJack
Hungarian Monkey Hound,second would be the Tazmanian Lizard Flusher

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:31 pm
by AzDoggin
I guess if boredom causes us to log in to an "internet forum" to discuss dogs, we all have a good bit of it in us!

How about a related question: what hunting breed, if there is one, and recognizing that individuals within breeds differ so greatly, would create the best service dog - as in seeing eye dog, assistance dog for the physically disabled, therapy dog for kids with autism, or mentally ill, or geriatric populations?

I know that Golden Retreivers and labs are used alot for these purposes. Which dogs among the versatiles and/or longtails might be best suited?

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:46 pm
by sully511
I have my first Brit now and he is very affectionate and likes to curl up next to me on the couch, but I don't have any other experience with any other bird dog. As far as the service dogs, Pilot Dogs, which trains seeing eye dogs use Vizslas as well as the more common breeds like poodles, gsds, labs, goldens and even boxers.

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 8:57 pm
by gittrdonebritts
Well i have 3 Britts and a pointer the pointer is almost more affectionate then my Britts but they all spend evenings in the house with me and my family so they all get plenty of loving but i would still say the Britts might be more so naturally than most others but that's just my 2 cents

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:04 pm
by tommyboy72
I have owned several different breeds including an Irish Setter, Springer Spaniel, Lab, English Setter, Weim, and English Pointers. The most affectionate was probably the Irish Setter with the Pointers running a close second. My English Setter and Lab were both affectionate but in a different way. They both loved attention and loved to be petted but they would come up to you get some attention and then go lay down. The Irish and the Pointers will jump in your lap and lick you in the face and roll around on your lap till you make them get down and go lay down. They were just more demanding of the attention I guess. In the field though the Pointers could care less if you pet them as long as they are on birds.

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:05 pm
by AzDoggin
Having gone through about a year of reading breeder hype/breed hype, for "affection" and "cooperation with humans" as well as ability to get along with other creatures (small dogs, cats, whatever) I would have guessed (in no particular order):

French Britts
American Britts
Ryman/Old Hemlock and possilbly Llewellen setters

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 9:40 pm
by Cajun Casey
AzHusker wrote:I guess if boredom causes us to log in to an "internet forum" to discuss dogs, we all have a good bit of it in us!

How about a related question: what hunting breed, if there is one, and recognizing that individuals within breeds differ so greatly, would create the best service dog - as in seeing eye dog, assistance dog for the physically disabled, therapy dog for kids with autism, or mentally ill, or geriatric populations?

I know that Golden Retreivers and labs are used alot for these purposes. Which dogs among the versatiles and/or longtails might be best suited?
The only true service dog of a versatile breed I recall reading about was a WPG named Doc. He was replaced with another of the same breed. I know of several show type and rescue setters that are CTDs. As far as other breeds, vizslas seem to have the most distinguishing nose for scent work, like mold and termites. For the most part, prey drive and temperament knock the versatiles out of the service field.

On the original question, GSPs, followed closely by English pointers.

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Fri Jan 21, 2011 10:10 pm
by Winglish
How about a related question: what hunting breed, if there is one, and recognizing that individuals within breeds differ so greatly, would create the best service dog - as in seeing eye dog, assistance dog for the physically disabled, therapy dog for kids with autism, or mentally ill, or geriatric populations?

I know that Golden Retreivers and labs are used alot for these purposes. Which dogs among the versatiles and/or longtails might be best suited?
The only true service dog of a versatile breed I recall reading about was a WPG named Doc. He was replaced with another of the same breed. I know of several show type and rescue setters that are CTDs. As far as other breeds, vizslas seem to have the most distinguishing nose for scent work, like mold and termites. For the most part, prey drive and temperament knock the versatiles out of the service field.
I own a WPG that is listed with the United States Service Dog Registry. She will sit by my child's side all day long; then she flips a switch and turns into a different dog in the field.
Having gone through about a year of reading breeder hype/breed hype, for "affection" and "cooperation with humans" as well as ability to get along with other creatures (small dogs, cats, whatever) I would have guessed (in no particular order):
Never heard of a Griff that likes cats! I think it's actually written in the standard that they like to chase cats. :lol:

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:26 pm
by jetjockey
Ive had experience with Brits, V's, and labs. Our lab is wonderful, but he is perfectly content laying down in his spot as long as he can see you. Every Brit I have ever had though has been absolutely rediculous. If you allow them in the house, you will never go to the bathroom alone ever again. If Im watching TV, shes got her head on my lap. In bed, she sandwiches herself between my wife and I under the covers. Every Brit I have ever had has been like that. Doesn't matter if they are backyard breeding or come from hard running AA dogs.

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 12:31 pm
by Grouse Dog Guy
Well you asked what bird dog breed so that eliminates all the stub tailed versatile what do you call ems. Pointers and Setters are very affectionate and loving bird dogs! Why anyone would want one of those other things to be affectionate is beyond me! :roll: :lol:

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:26 pm
by Dakota Swede
Put them in a little girls arms and they are all lovers. :D

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 1:40 pm
by AzDoggin

Re: What bird dog breed is the most affectionate?

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 3:49 pm
by Birddogz
jetjockey wrote:Ive had experience with Brits, V's, and labs. Our lab is wonderful, but he is perfectly content laying down in his spot as long as he can see you. Every Brit I have ever had though has been absolutely rediculous. If you allow them in the house, you will never go to the bathroom alone ever again. If Im watching TV, shes got her head on my lap. In bed, she sandwiches herself between my wife and I under the covers. Every Brit I have ever had has been like that. Doesn't matter if they are backyard breeding or come from hard running AA dogs.
I was laughing reading your post. I always have company when I am in the bathroom. :D My female Britt that is 13 lays in the bathroom when I take a shower, every morning, and now so does my DD.