Venomous Reptiles our friends?

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Venomous Reptiles our friends?

Post by Ryan » Mon Mar 27, 2006 2:53 am

I was watching tv tonight and there was a program on about how venomous reptiles and arachnids help out in our daily lives.

Southern Copperhead - This type of venom could help cure heart disease.

Death Adder - Venom Removes stains in clothing

Southern Brown Snake - Venom causes blood to clot at faster speed. SO if somone gets in an accident with major blood loss paramedics can use it to clott blood to help prolong massive blood loss and get the patient to the hospital before they die. (Scientists want to make a spray)

Funnel Web Spider - It will help with making new pesticides.

Gila Monster - Venom helps Diabetes Patients by keeping their blood sugar at the right level and helps the body makes its own inculin

Cone Shells (marine Snails) - Pain Killer Reaserch. If you get jabbed by one of these snails you dont feel it due to chronotoxins in the venom. So they want to find out how they can use these chronotoxins in painkillers.

Harlequin Frogs - Help with pain relief

Pufer Fish - Venom used in pain killers (techtin just being started in Canada. Created in Japan)

Poison Dart Frog - Venom in these has already been used to create a new pain drug.

Harry Scorpion - helps fight Glyoma (a type of brain cancer)

Death Stalker Scorpion - Chlorotoxin in this scorpions venom could help kill cancer cells in the body.

Jumper Ant - Could help keep blood pressure down.

Just a cool little tid bit I thought some of you might enjoy

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Post by Wagonmaster » Mon Mar 27, 2006 7:01 am

i saw that show too. pretty cool. just don't get stung.


Post by Ryan » Mon Mar 27, 2006 10:05 am

I agree some of theme critters sound like they can pack quite the wollop.

If anyone wants to see this show it is called "The Vonomous Cure"

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