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What should a GSP cost? Your views wanted.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:48 pm
by Cardinal Fan
Greetings to all!

I am new here, just registered today. I registered, as I am looking for thoughts and views from GSP owners.

Personally, I am interested in purchasing a GSP. However, I want to make sure I pay a "fair" price for the type of dog I am looking for. I know GSP can live a long life and I want to do this right the first time. I admit, I am a novie when it comes to GSP, but I have been reading as much information as a mind can soak in. Plus, i have been talking to some GSP owners/hunters.

I am a hunter and I want to purchase a liver/ mainly liver pup for hunting. I am not a professional hunter and I do not intend to purchase a professional hunting dog either, but I expect a good pup. Yes, I know training it vital to a good dog and will be done.

I know my question is vague, due to many circumstances that one has to look at. I am just looking for personal opinons on the following;

1. A grade pup = A pup who comes from great bloodlines and from a well known breeder. For example, the parents are classified as both Master Hunters

expected cost range?

2. B grade pup = A pup who comes from "great" bloodlines and a good breeder, but not as well known as Breeder A. Both parents being classified as Master Hunter also.

expected cost range?

3. C grade pup = A pup with "good" bloodlines coming from well known breeders. Maybe one parent or grandparents who are registed Master Hunters.

expected cost?

I know my questions are some what vague, as there could be a ton of different circumstances/personal opinions involved, etc.

Plus, could you folks please give me your top 3-5 choices of great GSP breeders?

I have spent hourrrrrs on the net reading and have visted a ton of sites, but I value you GSP owners thoughts and opinions. I just want to make sure my choice is correct after doing as much research as possible.

Thanks in advance,

God bless...

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 3:54 pm
by original mngsp
I'm glad it sounds like you are doing your homework.

A couple simple answers for your search that will probably give you more questions than answers.

Usuall y expect to pay between 500 and 800 for a well bred gsp pup from a reputable established breeder.

I'm glad you reference the Master Hunter Title. MH is a great title to have on dogs but not the end all. The best thing you can do is watch these dogs, specifically the parents of the prospective pup. Watch them hunt, train, test, trial etc. If you personally can't see everything then relay on eyewitness reports of a few very trusted friends and/or dog people.

Good Luck

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:08 pm
by pear
Hi !! & WELCOME !!!

I echo what “original” said almost 100% I think the span, may be more like $500.00 to $1000.00 for the dual MH parentage, from a big name breeder, and can drop as low as $250.00 to $600.00 for the same from a less known breeder. The advent of the Internet has certainly opened up the market tremendously. Fine well known breeders are now known over a much greater demographic than ever, and some of the less known breeders are living up to a greater standard set by the research afforded the Internet surfer. Many of the backyard breeders are trying to jump on the, “bandwagon” and being found out as you can see from some of the past discussions here. You will find many fine breeders here and on other boards. We all have our favorites, and that makes it right for us. I’ll refrain from making a recommendation, mainly because I know several and would not want to leave anybody out, and allow you to continue your research. Lots of questions can be answer here and many can only be answer by you after careful research. If you have a question about a specific breeder you can ask that here. From reading your post I feel you have a good base knowledge of what you are looking for, so ask away, and we’ll do what we can, to help. …”pear”

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 5:46 pm
by ohiogsp
Where do you live?

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 7:47 pm
by Donnerhund GWP
I'm a long time GSP fan also. Funny thing, I ended up with GWP's

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 9:27 pm
by Dave Quindt
Cardinal Fan,

First of all, I appreciate your enthusiasm and interest into making the right decision.

In terms of pricing a pup, unfortunately you can't price a pup like you would a new truck; you can't just "check the option boxes" and calculate the total.

Generally, you are going to pay between $400 and $800 for a high-quality GSP pup.

The internet has done more for bad dog breeding than any other tool ever created. It has made the newbie amateur breeder look like a established pro, and makes those who don't spend hours on the web promoting themselves and polishing their website seem like they don't exist. Some of the best dog breeders in the US can't find the power button on a pc, and don't know how to market what they got. Problem is tech savvy and marketing know-how doesn’t equal good dog breeding.

The answers to your questions don't exist on the web or in email; they exist by talking to folks and seeing dogs in action.

Titles are great, and I'm all about proven dogs but titles don't tell the whole story. What you need to find are proven combinations that produce quality pups that end up as MH-quality adult dogs. If your goal is a MH-quality dog you need to look for breedings that produce that kind of dog. It may be a FC x FC litter, but if they produce MH-quality dogs it's better than a MH x MH litter that hasn't thrown a MH-quality dog.

IMO, the best question to ask a breeder is "if you had to start over, and couldn't use the bloodlines you have today, where would you go for new dogs?".

I do know of a FC-sired repeat breeding that has produced the kind of dogs you are looking for. I've known the sire since he crawled out of the whelping box and have probably spent 200 hours watching him either hunt or in competition. I know his FC/AFC/MH dam and his MH sire (all-time leading sire of MH GSPs). The dam of the litter is a brood dam who had some puppy placements; but she has a FC littermate with MH passes, another one that's 2 pts shy of her FC and another one with MH and NSTRA placements. I'm pretty partial to the breeding that the dam came out of since I helped set it up (was repeated twice) and the sire was the same sire I tried to breed my own female to.

This is the kind of info you need to find; first hand knowledge of specific dogs backed up with good pedigrees and prior breedings.

If you want to know more, just email me.

Good luck with your search.


Dave Quindt
Bolingbrook, IL

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:14 pm
by TAK
Dave Quindt wrote: The answers to your questions don't exist on the web or in email; they exist by talking to folks and seeing dogs in action.

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 10:21 pm
by snips
Wow Dave, thats a pretty good question. I am afraid I would be stumped.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 5:24 am
by SwitchGrassWPG
There are some folks out there who don't run AKC sanctioned events with their dogs and you may be overlooking another great source. Also look at a dog's NAVHDA testing results when considering the parentage. If you find UT1 or VC, you'll find a strong field dog. I believe the NAVHDA tests are much more difficult than AKC (IMHO).

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:05 am
by larue
In general,trial bred pups will be cheaper than navhda/hunt test pups.The 200 to 600 price range is common for trial pups,with titled parents,with most around the 400 mark.
I myself would have a hard time paying over 6 for a gsp pup.
You should be able to find a very nice well bred pup for around 5.
I would look at more than just titles as spoken,I know of several very nice gsp's who have not recived titles,yet are very nice dogs,a dog named igor,is a great example,My blaze dog is another.
Finding the dog who is not promoted,or the breeder who is not
a good marketor,is tough.But depending on what you want
here are a few good names,dan and jan hill,dan hoke,terry chandler,john rabidou,dennis brath.
These guys are from all over the us,so someone should be close enough for you to get a look at there dogs,and most will have or know of some litters.

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:56 am
by ohiogsp
The internet has done more for bad dog breeding than any other tool ever created.

Dave in am not sure I agree with your statment. I believe without the internet most people would just goto the nearest local guy. The internet has educated lots of people as to what a good breeding accually is. Not to say there is not what you talked about out there but more people have a clue what to look for and where to get it.


Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 8:43 am
by Cardinal Fan
Thanks for everybody providing their thoughts/opinions. As I stated in my first letter, I knew my question was vague. I also knew though, that I would get some good feedback.

I agree that the internet has been both good and bad for all aspects of life and hobbies. Personally though, I am glad to have the internet. I have learned som much about GSP from the net. I have used the net as my foundation. I will talk to many folks in the future and pick their brains and will even be going to watch some NAVDHA trials. I just want to make sure that I pick the correct dog for me, when I pick one.

Thanks to all who have left feedback. This question of mine has already had many forum readers view it, so looks like I am not the only one interested in GSP. I just think it is great that I can come here and to other forums and seek information, as my personal time limits me from running all over the midwest seeking advice.

In closing, I still would appreciate some views on top breeders. I know some people might have difference on opinions, but that is what makes the world go round and round. I am just ehre to seek as much information as possible. So please feel free to speak on breeders.


Cardinal Fan

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 9:35 am
by Anyutka
Interestingly, nothing at all was said about conformation... Does anyone know about prices on "dual" dogs? I'm looking for a GSP pup that would fit the breed standard (i.e. there is something in the parents' pedigrees to prove that), and still have enough brains to hunt occasionally. I don't need an MH candidate, but a good working dog. It is not too much to ask, right? Where does this put me in the price range?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 11:45 am
by Ayres
In my experience, the price of a dog depends on the breeding, regional economics, and the demand for the breeder's pups. Higher regional economics (think - close to a large metro area) and higher demand drives the price up a bit, even if there are comparable breedings elsewhere in the nation for a lower puppy price. Keep in mind what you'll have to expend in travel/shipping if you get a pup from too far away though.

IMO, I'd look for pups by first finding out about specific dogs that you like and their bloodlines. Then, look for specific breedings that utilize those bloodlines and produce quality pups. Then, after finding a breeding, check out the breeder to make sure you're compatible with them. Finally, figure in initial puppy cost. After doing that with a few key breedings, you'll be able to narrow down your selection to something that will fit best.

Keep in mind that a dog is a 15+ year committment. In the end, what's a $200 initial price difference compared to 15+ years of a higher quality dog?

Posted: Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:52 pm
by kninebirddog
A quality dog you need to look past the $$$$$ I have seen puppy mills throw 2 dogs in the back yard together ask the same price as a litter that comes from Proven parents.

proven is the work a breeder seeks or works for in their lines

I will use Brenda and Rick for examples They NSTRA trial and also have a AKC titles from FC to some hunt tests
They have pups that are also doing well in trial venues...
From rick and brenda your getting quality and proven abilities and also reputable breeders.

There are those that seek proven lines and hunt theri dogs but also work tight with a proven person but they maynot trial themselves but go through other proven avenues to also help produce quality pups

I have seen some trialers that want to give some people opps at having a good dog and sell for less but have proven back grounds in their dogs

So look past the dollar sign and look directly at the breeder what they offer OFA proves that the parents do not have bad hips BUT it is not a garuantee that bad hips couldn't be produced and should that happen what is the Breeders garauntee if something should be wrong genetically....These are questions that you should ask your potential breeder...and expect a bredder to ask what you want out of your pup hunting companion trials etc etc

Posted: Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:46 am
by markj
Does anyone know about prices on "dual" dogs? I'm looking for a GSP pup that would fit the breed standard (i.e. there is something in the parents' pedigrees to prove that), and still have enough brains to hunt occasionally.
This is what Iam after, I have a deposit now for a pup. PM me and I will recommend a kennel for this. I dont wish to advertise anothers kennel it may not be prudent. :) at this juncture....

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:26 am
by Anyutka
markj, I sent you a PM.

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 7:41 am
by honeyrun
The cost the breeder has per litter.........$$$$$$$$

Cost of Puppy...... approx $700

Placing pup in home where there are no pen raised birds but unlimited wild birds for training........Priceless

Honey Run's Boy Toy at just 4 weeks old.

all pups in this litter and subsequent litters this spring are all sold

Posted: Mon Apr 10, 2006 8:22 am
by markj
Placing pup in home where there are no pen raised birds but unlimited wild birds for training........Priceless
:) :) I like that. but this is a hard item for some. I was out feeding the cows at sun up just today and had to suffer the sound of roosters crowing. Soon our quail will start their bob white song, drives the dogs nuts.

Saw a flock of wild turkeys, 2 toms in full strut, yep there was a gonna be a fight :) didnt stop to watch this one tho, had to get to work.

Seen a lot of twins and 2 might be triplets too in the deer herd I try to avoid on my way in. I ride a Motorcycle so the road objects turn into a obstacle course at times.

I hope you all get to get out and enjoy mom nature now, spring is such a fine time to be out.

Happy Easter to all.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:28 am
by bondoron
I really think the cost depends on many factors. I paid $800 for my pup and I am sure some people would think I paid too much looking at the lines. The sire is MH and the dam is NA-I. I however know that the parents and grandparents are good hunters and retreivers. I got to see the parents and 3 of the grandparents. There was no special contract or limited regestration. 3 year gurantee on physical defects. I can work my dog at the game farm or kennel anytime I want, and I made new friends out of the deal. I feel I got a great a deal, but like I said if others just saw the pedigree not knowing the other things involved they would say it wasn't that good of a deal at all. So I really think there are many factors beside the piece of paper you have to factor in. IMO.

Posted: Sat Apr 15, 2006 7:58 am
by ezzy333

You are so very right!
