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What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:17 am
by 44magnum
What would your puppy do if you left him home unattended with free reign of the house for eight hours?
We came home last night to realize that we had forgotten to crate our six month old drahthaar pup and had given him free reign of our house for 8 hours. Fortunately, he did not poop, pee, or vomit in the house (we have brand new flooring throughout our house). Neither did he chew, mangle or destroy anything of significant value. He did however, pull anything and everything down from wherever it was and drag it all over the house. He ate all the bread in the house. He drug all the shoes into the living room. He ate the fish food. He hauled out my hunting boots and my camelbak bladder. He brought out the kids' stuffed animals. It looks like he had a grand old time and my house looks like a disaster area now. We did have a fatality. Our goldfish bowl was low in water and he drank the rest so the goldfish died. You win some, you lose some. I've never been so relieved to have a trashed house. It could have been much worse.

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 10:33 am
by shags
LOL that's great!

I came home once to a torn up beanbag chair (a gazillion tiny little styrofoam balls, we were picking them out of everything for months) and the freezer compartment of the fridge :o totally empty and the contents semi-eaten and strewn thawing all over the living room.

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:47 am
by taxidermy
this is what the last pups did.

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 12:19 pm
by Born2Hunt
Wow.... its amazing what those little buggers can get into :D

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 3:12 pm
Aww R.I.P goldfish, too bad you didnt have a nanny cam set up, that would have been something to watch..the worse part is you dont know what he ate while you were gone, good thing it wasnt wires :o ever see that cat on NATIONAL LAMPOONS CHRISTMAS VACATION :lol:......ruth

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:41 pm
by jarbo03
My WPG pup has not touched anything inside, but he has never been left for that long, I have a feeling things could get bad. On the other hand, if it is in the back yard it is free game. So far, 2 swim pools, 3 dog beds, 4 footballs, basketball, tarp for shade, styrofoam insulation from dog house, 2 garden hoses, and today, I got to fix a chewed thermostat wire for my A/C.

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 4:47 pm
by birddogger
What do you expect?? :lol:


Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 5:37 pm
jarbo03 wrote:My WPG pup has not touched anything inside, but he has never been left for that long, I have a feeling things could get bad. On the other hand, if it is in the back yard it is free game. So far, 2 swim pools, 3 dog beds, 4 footballs, basketball, tarp for shade, styrofoam insulation from dog house, 2 garden hoses, and today, I got to fix a chewed thermostat wire for my A/C.
JARBO03, sounds like you need an outdoor kennel, it would be cheaper :lol: ....ruth

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:02 pm
by RoostersMom
Our 4 month old English Pointer (she's 11 years now) climbed out of a 6 foot kennel, chewed her way through the screen door and into the house and then proceeded to eat the couch :evil: . Mostly pulled out all the stuffing in the cushions and ripped up the pillows too. Then she had the smarts to climb back through the screen door and be waiting like a little angel on the front porch when we got home. Couch went to the dump, kennel got another panel on top and husband and I vowed to never get another pointer (ha, that didn't last). She just rips stuff up for fun - still does it, shreds anything she can get her mouth around. She can also scale any countertop and reach stuff you put on top of the fridge. She's a houdini in an english pointer suit.

This is the girl that had the dislocated hip a few months ago, and the million dollar surgery (that's what we call it) a year and a half ago when she inhaled a grass seed and almost died - she's always getting into trouble! She was/is our first birddog and I don't think we'll ever have another quite like her!

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 8:34 pm
by brad27
I haven't left dog in the house unattended, but I did leave her in the car without a crate for a few hours and she chewed up the e-brake handle. :twisted: At least it wasn't the seats. :lol:

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Sun Jul 24, 2011 11:23 pm
once my pup got ahold of some down pillows there were feathers to my ankles covering the living room floor

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 8:45 pm
by fishpond

Last year my 8 mo old Gsp decided to read my new Cabela catalog while I was in the shower!

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:04 am
by 44magnum
fishpond wrote:Image

Last year my 8 mo old Gsp decided to read my new Cabela catalog while I was in the shower!
At least it looks like s/he had a great time! :lol:

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 5:55 am
by snips
GUNDOGS wrote:
jarbo03 wrote:My WPG pup has not touched anything inside, but he has never been left for that long, I have a feeling things could get bad. On the other hand, if it is in the back yard it is free game. So far, 2 swim pools, 3 dog beds, 4 footballs, basketball, tarp for shade, styrofoam insulation from dog house, 2 garden hoses, and today, I got to fix a chewed thermostat wire for my A/C.
JARBO03, sounds like you need an outdoor kennel, it would be cheaper :lol: ....ruth
I vote outdoor keennel too...8 hours is a long time for pups to stay crated....

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 6:31 am
If we're home, she doesn't chew anything... but she has chewed up a couple of dog beds in her kennel when we wern't home... She will pout when we get back tho, as soon as she gets over the initial excitement of us getting home. :lol: A friend of mine has a Britt that was offended when his daughter came home from college and ran into her room, dropped her laundry bag and ran back out the door... dog went into her room and peed on her pillow! :lol: Now she always stops and at least says hello...

Re: What would YOUR pup do?

Posted: Wed Jul 27, 2011 10:49 am
by jcbuttry8
When I was in Oklahoma my one year old GSP scaled the 6 foot privacy fence then jumped from the hood of my wife's pontiac firebird, that apperently he had a tough time getting on due to the large number of scratches on the hood down to the metal. To then jump through the bedroom window.

We came home from the hospital with our newborn son to find the leather couch had ben urinated on across the front of the couch, the bread was half eaten on the floor, the trash can was tossed and scattered in almost every room, all the dvd's had been pulled and chewed, and my wife's most expensive shoes had been half eaten.

This dog only had a scratch on his leg from the glass but played heck dodging the bullets that night. She still to this day holds every bird dog accountable for that dog.
