Well no hunting this year

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Well no hunting this year

Post by recon033 » Mon Oct 10, 2011 9:37 am

So what a weekend. I went home from school and like always my 6 month old GSP Hans was super excited to go. Like our usual routine I stop at a friends house on my way to my parents. He has a 10 month old pup of his own. Well him and I are catching up in the driveway, the two dogs are playing like always. Another friend is riding around on a mini bike, one of those little metal ones from the 80s with a 5 hp motor and no brakes. Well hans was playing with the dog, and Phil was coming up the driveway on the bike. Hans turned and ran trying to get my friends dog to chase him like they always do and it was to late, the bike hit him. He broke his radius and ulna in his front left leg. I dont know if it was from the time served in the Army or what, but I grabbed Hans up and was in the car on the way to the animal hospital within 30 seconds without even thinking about what happened or the howling Hans was making. I got to the vet and thats when I lost it. I just broke down, felt so horrible. It was such a complete and freak accident. To top it off the 24 hour vet we took him to said he may lose his leg and have internal bleeding. That really got to me. Well neither happened, the fracture was as clean as can be. The surgeon said it was in the best possible spot on his leg, right in the middle and both groth plates are not effected. He has a plate and 9 screws in him now. The surgeon expects a full 100% recovery for him and he can start being himself in 6 to 8 weeks. Until then we have to keep him from running, jumping, getting excited or playing...with a GSP, YA RIGHT!!!! Its like this dog doesnt even know he hurt himself anymore. He is the same exact puppy he was before the accident. He just had surgery Saturday night and its like it never happened. I dont know how Im going to keep him off this leg. We have sedatives for him, but they dont effect him that well. Ive been keeping him in his crate, putting a leash on him and bringing his bed out to the living room to get him to just lay there. But anytime he hears a noise outside, our roomate comes home or he just wants to play he gets up and starts prancing around like a puppy. He wants to still get to any window so he can watch outside. I feel so bad leaving him in his crate all the time, but I keep telling myself its so he doesnt hurt himself any worse. WHAT A WEEKEND.

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Re: Well no hunting this year

Post by Brittlver » Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:06 am

Sorry to hear about the accident. I don't know what I would do if my dog ever got injuried. Good thing for military training. It keeps us calm until things get taken care of. Don't worry to much about him being in the crate, its only for a short while and then before you know it he will be up and running around. Hope all goes smoothly.


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Re: Well no hunting this year

Post by DonF » Mon Oct 10, 2011 10:58 am

Sorry to hear about that. I'd give up hunting altogether if it meant my dogs would be alright. I'd keep him away from the other dog till the vet says he's good to go.
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Re: Well no hunting this year

Post by Sharon » Mon Oct 10, 2011 11:09 am

Really sorry to hear that. I can say though that after 50 years of dogs, a problem is always just around the corner. Don't be blaming yourself; it could happen to anyone. (Would have been nice if the person on the bike offered some financial help.)

Let your dog lay with you on the couch while you watch tv. That'll give him a break from the crate.
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Re: Well no hunting this year

Post by recon033 » Mon Oct 10, 2011 12:40 pm

Actually Im pretty greatful for the friends I have, they have all thrown money together for me and are also asking friends and family. i dont know what id do without them.

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Re: Well no hunting this year

Post by southernblues » Mon Oct 10, 2011 1:38 pm

sucks -- take this accident and turn it into something good.

i just lost my male to cancer 2 weeks ago -- i know you're emotions.

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