Questions for you guys...

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Questions for you guys...

Post by Huntbear » Thu Sep 13, 2012 3:37 pm

So I rescued this GWP, and he is basically a great dog.

However, he has this issue. Best way to describe it as "Nose Whistling" when he gets anxiety.. it is loud, and ear piercingly high pitched... How do you get him to stop??????

Also, got him Neutered yesterday, vet says no exercise for 10-14 days????? other than leash walking... How do I keep him from being a "crack dog" and going bonkers in the next day or so when the soreness begins to wear off????????
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Re: Questions for you guys...

Post by benelli » Fri Sep 14, 2012 2:51 pm

I'm interested what people have to say on this too ... actually I was just wondering about posting about it this morning, my 5 month old GSP does the "nose whistling" thing all the time and it drives me nuts. Barking, I can deal with/get him to stop ... but it's almost like he's not really aware that he's making the sound, or he just doesn't understand that's what he's getting punished for.

The neutering question too - I know some people are really against neutering dogs, but I've done research and I still think we'll probably end up going that route, so it'll be good to know how others have dealt with post-surgery exercise in a high-energy dog.

I can at least post a little of my experience with a different surgery on a previous high-energy dog I had (a Boxer who did marathon training with me - he'd do a 20-mile run with no trouble). He had an infection on his side and we had two surgeries done on it, so he had a ~8-9 inch incision going top to bottom near the back of his rib cage. The vet said no exercise, but I knew that wasn't entirely possible, so after the first few days I would take him for an easy jog for a few miles. I knew if I didn't, he'd do all kinds of NASCAR tracks around the house or go nuts in his crate, so I figured the slow, steady jogging to burn off energy would be better for healing than him going ballistic in the house/yard/crate. I never noticed any problems due to the jogging, but that was also a different sort of surgery than neutering.

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Re: Questions for you guys...

Post by Huntbear » Fri Sep 14, 2012 3:52 pm

I think some letting him move around the yard off leash will be ok. I would be more concerned if he was constantly licking himself at the surgical site...
So will begin that as well...

One other issue... Diahrrea! This dog has pretty much had it since day one... We did change dog food from the Purina crap to a better quality food, that is about 22 % protien, figured that would help. We wormed him, etc.... but "bleep" he has bad (knock a buzzard off the gut wagon) gas, and bad runs.... this morning, he is doing his business.. two solid turds, and I was thinking great it is going away... he took 2 steps, and the squirts began.. kind of banging my head about this one.. Should I worm him again??? not seeing anything in his stool that says he has worms.
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Re: Questions for you guys...

Post by ultracarry » Fri Sep 14, 2012 5:03 pm

That whistling is annoying... Cup of water or a quick swat. Works well. They know what they are doing and since the get shocked if they bark they can get away with it. Just reward for quiet, discipline for loud/annoying . I'm sure after a few corrections he will get better.

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Re: Questions for you guys...

Post by Northwoods » Fri Sep 14, 2012 8:31 pm

after my pup's spay surgery was probably one of the more difficult times. it is a challenge to keep such high energy dogs calm. i kept my dog busy with rawhides (i would only use the american made ones) an gave her short walks on leash. i also filled kongs with a treat or some peanut butter.
good luck and thanks for rescuing a dog

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Re: Questions for you guys...

Post by CassieB » Fri Sep 14, 2012 10:48 pm

We had a "whistling" GSP and she whistled till the day she died. You could cover her nostrils, whack her on the nose, it didn't matter. She just kept whistling. She mostly whistled/whined during dinner time or immediately when you woke up or let her in because she wanted treats. So my advice to you is not to get your dog accustomed to a treat routine or table scraps :) We recently had to put her down, but we rediscovered what it is like to eat in peace after 10 years. Good luck to you! I hope you get your whistler under control! And I mean that sincerely, as one who suffered with incessant whistling.

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Re: Questions for you guys...

Post by Huntbear » Sat Sep 15, 2012 9:07 pm


His whistling seems to be when his anxiety goes up... Or when he is forced to do something he does not want to do like lay down and be quiet... It usually stops after 15-30 min. but in the meantime.. OMG... I am going to try a spray bottle of water, and use it everytime he whines.. see if it helps.
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Re: Questions for you guys...

Post by JKP » Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:03 am

Never had a dog with nose whistling but sounds like a temperament issue that is hard wired. You may be able to modify it but it will always belong to the dog's default mode. Can the dog be calm otherwise??

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Re: Questions for you guys...

Post by Huntbear » Sun Sep 16, 2012 11:04 am

Yes, he calms right down if he gets his exercise in every day...

He actually crashes about 8 pm on his bed by my chair, I crate him when I go to bed, and he is quiet and fine till he is ready to get up, or has to potty which he only does after about 7:30 in the AM to be honest.....

the nose whistling thing happens when he has to lay there when other things are going on, or if I or anyone leaves the room, for more than a few seconds, and I make him stay on his bed....
or if I throw him in the backyard with the lady friends terrier/chihauha to play and he thinks he is missing out on something in the house.. :roll: :roll: just seems his only trigger on it is anxiety, which I am slowing working on, and I expect him to have, since he is a rescue.
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