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Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:26 pm
by Byrdgirl
Cleo is prepped and ready for Sandy AKA Frakenstorm. Now maybe she'll poop outside. :)


Re: Frankenstorm

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:57 pm
by wems2371
I think you're short 2 fins! Hope you make it out okay in the storm. :wink:

Re: Frankenstorm

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:25 pm
by Byrdgirl
Thanks wems. Were well stocked with all the necessities: Marrow bones, pig ears, bourbon, case of wine, crown royal, homemade jerky and chocolate chip pumpkin cookies. We got this! 8)

Re: Frankenstorm

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 2:26 pm
Stay dry Byrdgirl & be safe!!! That is hilarious! Hope you guys weather this thing without too much damage or problems! :|

Re: Frankenstorm

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:12 pm
by campgsp
Lmfao. Makes me want to dress my dogs up now. Lol

Re: Frankenstorm

Posted: Mon Oct 29, 2012 11:23 pm
by jcbuttry8
So, still out in CA but talked to my wife all night and we seemed to have made it through the brunt of the storm with no damage and all trees intact. They have no power but all are sleeping and calm which is a first for the evening.

The reason for the post is, my wife was nice enough to bring Kona in for the last two nights and she stayed in all day today due to the storm. My wife called me at 7 to let me know they lost power. When the power went out, Kona started howling and ran out the dog door. My wife said they had to drag her back in the house. My wife was shocked and couldn't figure it out. I told her she is a bird dog. One of the smartest. It was every dog for themselves. She just let them know which way to go to get out. :D :D

I hope everyone else in the area made it through just as safe.


Re: Frankenstorm

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 7:06 am
by Karen
No power here in the wilkes-barre area but generator is running, gas fireplace is heating and the water is heating up in the lq trailer so we will have hot showers soon. We are supposed to close on our new house later today. Not sure that's going to happen (fingers crossed!!!) But if not, we will reschedule for next week if we have to.

No damage to our property, thank goodness.

Update: just heard from title company...they are trying to move our closing later in the day today so this just might work out.

Re: Frankenstorm

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 9:55 am
by jcbuttry8
Talked to my wife this morning. We lost 13 shingles on the house, but no water as of yet inside. So, after watching the news this morning, I will consider that as making it through this storm fine. Could have been alot worse.


Re: Frankenstorm

Posted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 9:02 pm
by Byrdgirl
We are still without power with no end in sight. Rumors are it could be 2 to 3 weeks for us till we have it back. No power means no running water, no flushable toilets, no showers and no heat. is an updated blog post with pics...even embarrassing GSP Halloween pics. :) ... sandy.html

Re: Frankenstorm

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 6:02 am
by Karen
We were SO lucky! We went without power from 2 a.m Tuesday to 5 p.m. Tuesday. We have our LQ trailer generator so we had necessities (we didn't wire into 220 so no water pump, but we had bathtubs filled so that we could "flush"), and our Wilkes-Barre house took no damage.

We DID close on our new home on Tuesday...a few hours late, but we got it done. That house never lost power and also took no damage. I thought my entire family was going to be moving in there for a bit. My parents live in Morris Co., NJ and were without power until Thursday evening. They were on their way to our house in Wilkes-Barre when they got the call that they had power. Their well pump got fried when the power went out, so they had no water for another 24 hours. My sister lives in Stanhope, NJ and says the entire town is without power still and my other sister is in Budd Lake, NJ and has no idea when power will be back at her house. She says there are at least a half dozen trees down on lines on her street alone and they haven't been touched yet.

Gas is a HUGE problem there. They say gas lines are several hours long, only a few station have power, and those run out of fuel quickly. Some gas stations have instituted foot lines...where people can stand on line to fill gas cans for generators. The lines just over the PA border are growing daily also. They're all driving out to see our new house today, and hoping to fill up their cars while there.

Re: Frankenstorm

Posted: Sat Nov 03, 2012 7:21 am
by cohanzick creek
cute lol