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ND Bird numbers

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 2:56 pm
by ohmymy111
Curious about people that have been hunting or have hunted ND this year, and the bird numbers. Where I am they are down A LOT. Farmers are plowing everything up. AN area that is a WPA has been grazed off pretty much completely, all that is there are cow pies. Sad what we are doing to the hunting tradition in this country.

Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:58 pm
by Neil
I am conflicted on the funding for CRP, I have personally benefited from it, but I am opposed to all most all federal funding. Why should the residents of NYC pay so farmers can rest land, decrease erosion, and increase wildlife, anymore than I should pay for their health care.

Still it does make me sad.

Perhaps the states can find a way to fund it. Wonder how much taxes and hunting license would have to increase?

Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 6:44 pm
by mask
Where we hunt sharptail numbers were good, huns were nonexistent.

Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:28 pm
by Hattrick
I disagree Neil with ur comment of federal funding of crp you cant compare that to health care. With out farmers how you city boys going eat or get clean water? Funding CPR is the least the gov can do you cant keep robbing habitat without replacing it. Trust me its no farmer getting rich from it either

Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:43 pm
by nitrex
Hattrick wrote:I disagree Neil with ur comment of federal funding of crp you cant compare that to health care. With out farmers how you city boys going eat or get clean water? Funding CPR is the least the gov can do you cant keep robbing habitat without replacing it. Trust me its no farmer getting rich from it either

Depends on what you call rich...One local farmer got a CRP payment here in Kansas 2 years ago for $177,000. Plus with 2 years of federal drought assistance he took in well over $150,000. Not bad even if you have to pay for that green paint to sit in the barn.

Maybe they all ain't that lucky, but no one forces them to farm for a living either...


Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:05 pm
by mask
I'm a retired cattleman and farmer. No one told me I had to farm and I never told anyone they had to hunt. Would you rather the gov pay a farmer or would you rather pay a preserve to hunt. Some folks that complain about stockmen or farmers shouldn't talk with their mouth full.

Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Tue Oct 01, 2013 8:31 pm
by Neil
There was no disrespect in my post, I grew up on a farm and have many good friends that farm and ranch. I respect them and what they do. The Super Bowl commercial said it well.

And I allowed I was conflicted on the CRP situation. I have benefited from the Feds since the Soil Bank years, directly and indirectly.

Mostly it is the idea of sending funds to Washington for them to reallocate. That and borrowing money from other countries to pay for too much of it.

It truth there is nothing I can do about, and it is one of the better things the Gov spends our money on.

Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Wed Oct 02, 2013 4:41 am
by hettmoe
So, yeah....The birds numbers are down... :cry:

Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Thu Oct 03, 2013 10:26 am
by dog dr
I just spent 3 days duck hunting around Devils Lake, ND. We were all surprised that we didn't see at least 1 pheasant while we were there. Really surprised me.

Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Mon Oct 07, 2013 9:30 am
by ptrthgr8
I was out looking for geese and duck two weekends ago in the Clifford area and we came across a pheasant rooster in a soy bean field. He just stood there staring at us from 10 feet away. It's like he knew it wasn't pheasant season yet - he wasn't afraid of us at all. That was the first pheasant I had ever seen (this is my first year hunting anything). After we got set up for geese we heard a few more roosters making noise in the area, but didn't see any others. I guess I can't say whether the bird numbers are up or down since this will be my first pheasant season and I've not hunted this particular bit of private land before, but there were at least a few birds out there. And we weren't even in the section of land that seems to be known for having lots of pheasant. That's where we'll be next weekend, so we shall see.

And for the record, I'm against any method of redistribution of wealth implemented by the national gov't, no matter how noble the cause or necessary the reason someone may want to argue, simply because the national gov't has no legitimate authority to do something like that. I'm generally against the same types of things at the local/State level, too, but at least there's a certain level of legitimacy in those respects (dependent upon State charters/constitutions, of course).


~ Greg ~

Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:17 am
by Bberry20
Bird numbers are down, if i remember correctly, the Game and Fish reported a 30% decrease.

Re: ND Bird numbers

Posted: Wed Oct 09, 2013 7:35 am
by Neil
Bberry20 wrote:Bird numbers are down, if i remember correctly, the Game and Fish reported a 30% decrease.
I do not diminish my respect for game and fish when I say their predictions have little value. They are good at a lot of things, that is just not one of them.

But from a persoanal, selfish standpoint I hope you all stay home. It is a fact, in down years fewer hunters harvest more birds.