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Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 9:56 pm
by Scott Linden

Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 10:04 pm
by ezzy333
Sure would be nice to see a link to our site on yours since you use us to advertise.


Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:05 am
by Bounty_Hunter
Getting youth into hunting is much more a complex issue today then years ago. I live in a smaller town here in PA and decent hunting can be had 10 to 20 miles from home yet there is really not much regular hunting taking place by youth or adults. We get a rush of hunters for the first few days of deer hunting or the opening Saturday and then everyone disappears. Same goes for small game, a week or two and its quiet. Put the cost of the sport and the dwindling land available to the average hunter and that's part of the problem but I see other things that may be out of the hands of even the most proactive adult hunters, which is society itself. We have all become part of a high tech society with gizmos and gadgets that drive us more then the excitement or thrill of the hunt. Think about it. Cell phones, Gps devices, trail cams, atv's, are we trying to keep up with our kids or are they keeping up with us. I remember when the only thing you took hunting was your gun and a sandwich or a dog if you had one. Hunting should be about enjoying the serenity of the fields and forests with the idea of bringing home something for the table. I guess all we can do is keep on trying to pass our values on and hope the tradition lives on....

Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 9:48 am
by RoostersMom
Part of the Solution and darn proud of it. Pics from our Quail Forever events. We hold 5 total youth events throughout the year. If each of the over 700 PF/QF chapters did the same (or similar) - the numbers would be staggering.
Jack and Buck for website.jpg
A good one with blonde girls, guns, dog and new FBWB for FB.jpg

Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Sun Mar 09, 2014 10:35 pm
by Scott Linden
ezzy333 wrote:Sure would be nice to see a link to our site on yours since you use us to advertise.

Not quite sure why you define providing food for thought as "advertising." Please define.

Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 10:59 am
by Nutmeg247
Scott Linden wrote:
ezzy333 wrote:Sure would be nice to see a link to our site on yours since you use us to advertise.

Not quite sure why you define providing food for thought as "advertising." Please define.
Scott, speaking simply for myself as a reader and new-ish poster here, you included a link to your site, and to a piece that was pretty political, and didn't include any text here. So if a reader wanted to know your point, they had to visit your site. So you are advertising your site in a way.

As for nonhunters in general and kids in particular, I'd just observe anecdotally that among nonhunting friends and associates, those who are interested in dog sports of any sort are much more sympathetic to and aware of gundogs and hunting as worthy animals and activities. So, the dog sport angle in general may be one to consider.

Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:41 pm
by ezzy333
Scott, I posted that as a friend and had no idea you would question it. But since you did, you have in the past talked about your show and when and where to find it, you have asked for comments on it, you have asked for definitions of terms so you could use them, and you have asked what people want and like. These were all good and I thought it was real nice that we could help you in some small way be successful. I probably shouldn't have asked for the return favor that would make us all winners instead of just going one way. We ask every one else that lists their sites on our forum and those that use the forum to advertise to do the same thing. Only we insist on it with them instead of being nice and just suggesting that we all could help each other succeed.


Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 2:12 pm
by rinker
Your post is a link that diverts readers away from this site and on to your personal site, where you advertise your products/services. You don't think that is self promotion? Come on, your better than that.

It is very rare that I completely agree with Ezzy.

Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:09 pm
by Scott Linden
ezzy333 wrote:Scott, I posted that as a friend and had no idea you would question it. But since you did, you have in the past talked about your show and when and where to find it, you have asked for comments on it, you have asked for definitions of terms so you could use them, and you have asked what people want and like. These were all good and I thought it was real nice that we could help you in some small way be successful. I probably shouldn't have asked for the return favor that would make us all winners instead of just going one way. We ask every one else that lists their sites on our forum and those that use the forum to advertise to do the same thing. Only we insist on it with them instead of being nice and just suggesting that we all could help each other succeed.

Ezzy, we ARE all winners in this. I've given as much as I get. Nobody wants 500 words in a single post here, so a link might be welcome. While I've asked for input, I've also given free access to material that is in my book ... the glossary you cited is a good example. When someone asks where the show is airing, I am glad to answer that question. What limited input I've received from those in this forum (usually "constructive criticism") makes the show (which is available "free") better and hopefully our mutual friends enjoy it more. And if someone can't watch the show anywhere on the air I provide a free method on my site.

That seems to be a pretty fair bargain.

Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Tue Mar 11, 2014 4:25 pm
by ezzy333
Scott Linden wrote:
ezzy333 wrote:Scott, I posted that as a friend and had no idea you would question it. But since you did, you have in the past talked about your show and when and where to find it, you have asked for comments on it, you have asked for definitions of terms so you could use them, and you have asked what people want and like. These were all good and I thought it was real nice that we could help you in some small way be successful. I probably shouldn't have asked for the return favor that would make us all winners instead of just going one way. We ask every one else that lists their sites on our forum and those that use the forum to advertise to do the same thing. Only we insist on it with them instead of being nice and just suggesting that we all could help each other succeed.

Ezzy, we ARE all winners in this. I've given as much as I get. Nobody wants 500 words in a single post here, so a link might be welcome. While I've asked for input, I've also given free access to material that is in my book ... the glossary you cited is a good example. When someone asks where the show is airing, I am glad to answer that question. What limited input I've received from those in this forum (usually "constructive criticism") makes the show (which is available "free") better and hopefully our mutual friends enjoy it more. And if someone can't watch the show anywhere on the air I provide a free method on my site.

That seems to be a pretty fair bargain.
I have not seen where any of those things has GDF listed as the place to find info on gun dogs. But if you feel you are promoting us then I am sure you are. I am waiting to have a newcomer tell us he heard about us on Scott Lindens show or in his book or on his web site. We will be waiting. I do like the format of your show and like to see the dogs working instead of all shooting like so many other do. I even like the fact the dogs screw up occasionally just like every dog I have seen in the field and the fact you acknowledge it as well as comment on it. Just makes the show closer to what most of us experience when we are hunting.


Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 4:41 pm
by Scott Linden
I have not seen where any of those things has GDF listed as the place to find info on gun dogs. But if you feel you are promoting us then I am sure you are. I am waiting to have a newcomer tell us he heard about us on Scott Lindens show or in his book or on his web site. We will be waiting. I do like the format of your show and like to see the dogs working instead of all shooting like so many other do. I even like the fact the dogs screw up occasionally just like every dog I have seen in the field and the fact you acknowledge it as well as comment on it. Just makes the show closer to what most of us experience when we are hunting.


Glad you like the show. I hope you'll keep watching.

Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 12:32 pm
by thelast2
I don't aim to get involved in this thread, but rather than banter back and forth publicly don't you think maybe you could privately discuss this and come to a resolution. Many including myself hold both of you in high regards. While I don't believe either of you have ill intentions. I wouldn't want others on the forum to hold either of you in ill regards by comments being made here.



Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:09 am
by Greg Jennings
Historical: Back in the day, when GDF was a small, family-oriented site, Grant and I promulgated a policy that required reciprocal links from commercial sites.

The objective was twofold. 1. To help keep readers hitting pages on GDF as it was supported by advertising. Diverting readers away hit GDF where it hurt. 2. To be used on a case-by-case basis to get rid of folks that we felt were purely exploiting GDF for their personal gain without "paying their freight".

The policy morphed with new ownership. That's right and proper. However, the policy ended up being applied in a way that drove away valuable members.

Hint: Look in the top-left corner.

Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:22 am
by ezzy333
Greg Jennings wrote:Historical: Back in the day, when GDF was a small, family-oriented site, Grant and I promulgated a policy that required reciprocal links from commercial sites.

The objective was twofold. 1. To help keep readers hitting pages on GDF as it was supported by advertising. Diverting readers away hit GDF where it hurt. 2. To be used on a case-by-case basis to get rid of folks that we felt were purely exploiting GDF for their personal gain without "paying their freight".

The policy morphed with new ownership. That's right and proper. However, the policy ended up being applied in a way that drove away valuable members.

Hint: Look in the top-left corner.
The policy is still the same as it always has been during my time here which is from very near the beginning. It still seems to be a good policy that keeps us all connected. I will admit I didn't know we drove valuable members away. For a matter of fact I had never thought of the value of any of our members as I believe they are all just as valuable as the next one. Guess I just never got into the games of rating the value of anyone since that is way above my level. We are still open to everyone and continue to grow at a remarkable rate which says a lot about what we have to offer and how it is both performed and accepted. We will always have a turn over of people for a multitude of reasons but we have over 6000 valuable members and growing. Of course, there are many of those members that have moved on, some that seldom if ever post which has always been true of this board as well as of every other one, and there has always and will always be members who don't like or enjoy how any site works for them. But overall it has been the most successful board of this kind on the net and continues to be.

Hint: Look in the top-left corner.
I don't aim to get involved in this thread, but rather than banter back and forth publicly don't you think maybe you could privately discuss this and come to a resolution. Many including myself hold both of you in high regards. While I don't believe either of you have ill intentions. I wouldn't want others on the forum to hold either of you in ill regards by comments being made here
Good advice.


Re: Are you part of the problem or part of the solution?

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2014 8:03 am
by Greg Jennings
We can agree to disagree, Al.

I tried and tried and tried to get you to see the policy the way that I understood it from the beginning and directly from first hand phone calls with Grant...back then. Along about the time that the site changed hands, you took off several degrees away from what I knew as true North and proceeded to march that course off into terra incognita.

It's a nice thought that one member is as valuable as another. Just like it's a nice thought that every person is as valuable as the next. Unfortunately, that ideal is not the case. There are people that are net contributors and there are people that are net users. We all know cases of this both in life and on this site.

If you didn't notice that we lost members due to your enforcement of that policy, it's simply because you chose not to see.

With that said, I'll now go back into hiding.