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Quebec = NO ecollars or Prong collars

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 10:11 am
by Del Lolo
Doc E just sent this to me:
I think it's noteworthy to those who live, or travel and hunt, in the province of Quebec that they have recently made the use of e-collars, or more specifically "any collar that causes pain or injury", illegal. Dog owners in Quebec caught using shock or prong collars will initially be given a warning, and subsequently issued heavy fines, no less than about $600 per incident.
The link to the actual government website that outlines the law is written in French. However this site ... og-collars show excerpts from the policy and explains the law in English. FYI.

Re: Quebec = NO ecollars or Prong collars

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 11:06 am
by thelast2
Ignorance at its finest. There is more physical damage done to dogs by the improper use of choke chain collars and regular flat collars for that matter. Yet they will continue to allow their use. Guessing there will be a rush on healing sticks and who knows what else as people look for alternative ways to reel in their unruly dogs. The e-collar and pinch collar when used properly are far more humane, than any of the alternatives. Guessing the dog trainers and local veterinarian's (quite possibly the only people with the knowledge to even speak on this subject) in that area weren't invited to an open forum to discuss this issue. Rather the animal rights activists screaming about cruelty with the usual uneducated propaganda were the only voices heard.



Re: Quebec = NO ecollars or Prong collars

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:48 pm
by ezzy333
This has been in the works for sometime. I think we have had discussion about it here on this forum but it was back several months. Too bad people can't leave decisions to the people who know what they are doing.


Re: Quebec = NO ecollars or Prong collars

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:08 pm
by Sharon
No e collars , no headgear allowed on the heads of public employees and while they're at it, let's not be a province in Canada anymore - majority voting this way in the next election. That's Quebec and always has been since the 1800s.

Re: Quebec = NO ecollars or Prong collars

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:15 pm
by Mountaineer
I wonder if Quebec has a Rob Ford and where he would stand on the e-collar question.

Re: Quebec = NO ecollars or Prong collars

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 4:30 pm
by Cajun Casey
Vets? Really? The AVMA has spoken against shock devices and adversives in general several times in the past few years. Brtter wake up and smell the free trade sustainable rainforest friendly coffee.

Re: Quebec = NO ecollars or Prong collars

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 10:34 pm
by thelast2
Cajun Casey wrote:Vets? Really? The AVMA has spoken against shock devices and adversives in general several times in the past few years. Brtter wake up and smell the free trade sustainable rainforest friendly coffee.
While I am sure the majority of vets would no doubt oppose such devices. They are some of the most active animal rights activists, and sometimes they need to be heard. Just wish people could actually pass these laws with some real evidence, rather than hearsay or personal agenda. I was referencing any vet that I would be willing to take my 4 dogs to. I use several vets both of which have working dogs and will recommend such devices to there clients. Both will tell you as they have told me that they have seen more physical injury to dogs from improper uses of choke chain collars and flat collars alike. Both are ineffective for use on a dog who is constantly pulling the owner along. Often times harming the dog in the process as the dogs tend to pull harder against these collars.



Re: Quebec = NO ecollars or Prong collars

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 8:37 am
by Del Lolo
Sharon wrote:............. let's not be a province in Canada anymore - majority voting this way in the next election.
I think that would be an excellent idea.............. Of course, then, the US would give them a few Billion $ to help out a "new democratic country".