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Transporting Pigeons

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 1:52 pm
by oilcan
I finally found some Pigeons to use for training but it will be a 1 1/2 hour drive home with them. It will be 20 pigeons so any suggestions on what I can use to transport them ? What size container would I need to assure they make it home alive ?

Re: Transporting Pigeons

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 2:02 pm
by marysburg
If you only need to transport them one time, a few cardboard boxes with side air holes cut in will work. Birds can build up a lot of heat in a hurry if they are enclosed, so lots of air is needed, and no crowding. A little shredded paper in the box will soak up any poop. Wide, flat boxes will hold birds better than narrow, tall boxes. They will be easier to load through a hole in the side of the box than if you are trying to stuff them in the top (things you learn the hard way). Take lots of duct tape to make sure they don't "unload" themselves in your vehicle interior. Otherwise, two or three dog crates will work, but the mess becomes unbelievable, and they are hard to load and unload without losing birds.

Good luck with your birds.

Re: Transporting Pigeons

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 2:53 pm
by RayGubernat
+2 on the cardboard boxes and duct tape. If you have a staples or office supply place, the boxes that computer paper come in work real well for about 6-7 pigeons. Tape the box closed then cut a three sided flap on one end. Cut a few small holes to let air in and heat escape. Load the birds in and then tape the flap shut.

If you can borrow a pheasant crate or chicken crate from someone, that will hold a couple dozen pigeon sized birds very comfortably. Just need a sheet of wood,cardboard or plastic underneath it.


Re: Transporting Pigeons

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 3:58 pm
by oilcan
Thanks for the replys I like the cardboard box idea I'll go the grocery store and see if I can get some produce boxes they already have holes in them.
I had thought about using a 30"x15" pigeon trap and a small dog crate I don't use anymore but the boxes will be easy to dispose of afterwards without worrying about cleaning up the mess.
Thanks again

Re: Transporting Pigeons

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 4:34 pm
by ezzy333
A dog crate will work and you can wash it out afterwards

Re: Transporting Pigeons

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 5:03 pm
by Sharon
Don't skimp on the duct tape. I had 20 + quail flying around in the car once as I drove the highway. The passer-byes enjoyed it , but not me.:)

Re: Transporting Pigeons

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:38 pm
by ezzy333
Sharon wrote:Don't skimp on the duct tape. I had 20 + quail flying around in the car once as I drove the highway. The passer-byes enjoyed it , but not me.:)
I had a ton of pigeons in a 1/2 ton truck and I had to let them out so I could keep 1/2 of them flying so I wouldn't be overloaded.

Re: Transporting Pigeons

Posted: Thu Jan 01, 2015 7:45 pm
by greg jacobs
I use cardboard apple boxes with the vents. I cut a 6 inch hole in the lid on the end near the top. I then lift the lid enough so the hole shows to put them in and take them out. It's hard for them to escape out the hole with your arm reaching through. I've tried it by cracking the lid open but have lost birds that way. I put six or seven per box. I would take 3 boxes for 20 birds.

Re: Transporting Pigeons

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 8:25 am
by marysburg
Brilliant idea about cutting the hole in the side of the apple box lid. I will look for a couple of those to keep around. For large numbers of birds, I use the big orange plastic chicken crates. If you take an empty paper feed bag and slit it down one side and across the bottom edge, it will unfold to be the perfect size to lay under the chicken crate and catch all the poop. That also works to use between the crates if you have to stack them up. Then the birds in the bottom crate stay clean.

Re: Transporting Pigeons

Posted: Fri Jan 02, 2015 9:30 am
by gsp1985gj
+1 on the old dog crate. We just transported 24 birds about 2 hours with an old dog crate and an lcs bird box (expensive), but useful if you're moving birds or traveling to where you train frequently. I hose all the stuff out with a pressure washing.