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more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 6:38 pm
by Jägermeister
What are the pros and cons of having more than one bird dog in the house? I have one well behaved setter and have been contemplating getting a second hunting dog.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Mon Apr 20, 2015 10:13 pm
by Deets
There are probably no pros. I have an pointer that lives inside, and I am fixing to have another. I just could not see making one a kennel dog, and letting the other stay in, so they will both live inside (along with a boston terrier). I just plan on vacuming every day.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:15 am
by shags
We have 4 setters and 1 terrier in the house.

The pros are having 5 dogs around all the time.

The cons are having 5 dogs around all the time.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 5:49 am
by GrayDawg
No biggie........... we just vacuum every other day.
And it's always interesting when someone rings the doorbell !! ;-)

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:14 am
by GWPtyler
I was hoping to breed my VC and get a pup out of the litter at some point down the road when Remy was a bit longer in the tooth and maybe toward the end of his career. Well, you know what they say about best-laid plans.

Now we have two GWPs, and I can honestly say it was one of the better choices we made. The dogs really complement each other nicely. Remy seems a bit more mellow with a buddy in the house, and they both get plenty of exercise playing. Plus, they are dynamite in the field. I really like having two versatile dogs in the duck marsh and the CRP. It actually makes me want to get another!

But that one will have to be when they're BOTH near retirement. Or when we get a much bigger house and yard.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:54 am
by Ms. Cage
We have four dogs in our house, 8, 5, 2, 1. 2 are males 2 are females. Pros, the bond we build IMO is far better then all living outside in a kennel. Obed. , working and learning as a group and youngsters learning from the older dogs. We tend to do little things in training that the dogs might not see living outside. Cons, cleaning, we vacuum a lot more then normal. The only place in our home that has carpet is the 2 bedroom up stairs. We whelp and raise our pups in the kitchen. Pups get allot of socialization this way. I couldn't call this a con. A PRO for my husband , JJ always goes to bed with me so when Howie comes to bed his side always warm!!!! :lol:

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:20 am
by MNTonester
Had two dogs in the house (a Springer and a Lab). Only cons were the need to vacuum a lot. After our Springer went to the Elysian Fields, we've been a one dog family but that will change this summer. The Springer helped teach the lab. We hope the lab helps teach the cocker

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:45 am
by Sharon
3 in the house = no problem for me. Of course I'm not super fussy about a perfectly clean house. If your wife or husband is then .................. Only time I regret it is in the Spring when the backyard is mud. Of course a new pup ha sits own challenges for year one. :)

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Tue Apr 21, 2015 6:53 pm
by Jägermeister
Sharon wrote:3 in the house = no problem for me. Of course I'm not super fussy about a perfectly clean house. If your wife or husband is then .................. Only time I regret it is in the Spring when the backyard is mud. Of course a new pup ha sits own challenges for year one. :)
I notice a trend of more vacuming which makes sense. Sharon I don't think I'm ready to deal with a puppy until I get some land I can run them anytime. A puppy may be easier for them to be buddies. I have a male and he tries to dominate some other male dogs. I would like a female but I don't want any animal planet going down in the living room.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:33 pm
by mnaj_springer
shags wrote:We have 4 setters and 1 terrier in the house.

The pros are having 5 dogs around all the time.

The cons are having 5 dogs around all the time.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
+1 hahaha this is hilarious.

I have 2: a springer and an EP. I think the time spent with me makes them more cooperative.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Wed Apr 22, 2015 7:42 pm
by RoostersMom
We generally have 4 or 5 in the house on a normal basis. We enjoy the dogs so we put up with the hair and the occasional "creamy white filling" messes from the toy decapitations. Not sure what will happen when the 15 year old Pointer passes, she pretty much keeps things quiet and has taught every other dog we own that there is NO horseplay on our bed. IF you are invited to sleep up there, you must not wiggle, scratch, move, or shake your head - any dog making any of those mistakes is immediately corrected with a growl. Moving around to re-adjust your position usually results in her snapping at them! Hubby and I both love that she's trained all of our others to behave if they get to sleep on the bed.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:06 am
by CDN_Cocker
We have 2 dogs and I think perhaps I'm a one dog household kind of guy. Don't mind either one but the 2 together drive me nuts. Too much horseplay and I can't seem to curb it. Both are 2 years old (one is almost 3) and all they want to do all the time is run around and play fight as if they've never seen each other before. I'm hoping with age they learn to chill out and be normal. I think it is the dachshund in particular that is the issue, she plays like that constantly with any dog. The cocker is better socially and isn't overly concerned with other dogs but when you have a little ankle biter constantly hanging off and jumping at you its hard to stay calm I guess. However I don't think I will ever be a 1 dog household again, the fiance likes having 2. Next time however they will not be close in age. I think 6-7 years between them is a good gap.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:25 am
by whatsnext
I have three male Brittanys in the house ,at times it can be entertaining and other times they need to go in their crates.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:46 am
by MNTonester
I have 2: a springer and an EP. I think the time spent with me makes them more cooperative.
MN Springer, I'm curious about an EP as a housedog. I've always had the notion than an EP is rather a skittish dog. Does it quiet down in the house?

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:00 am
by UglyD
have 2 PudelP's and a small Shih Tzu ( that is not a foo foo dog- back packs with the best of them) in the house- maybe it's because the PP's are 2 and 6 that they age diff makes it work out- but couldn't be more pleased with the set up.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 12:31 pm
by MSU Aggie
Have a 3yr old lab and 7month old GSP both in the house. They are created when we are not home but both know their spot when they are out. The pup can get a little wound up but the lab ends it when he is done with it. Expect spills, paw prints and hair, lots and lots of hair.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:27 pm
by mnaj_springer
MNTonester wrote:
I have 2: a springer and an EP. I think the time spent with me makes them more cooperative.
MN Springer, I'm curious about an EP as a housedog. I've always had the notion than an EP is rather a skittish dog. Does it quiet down in the house?
Well, here's what I've noticed. My EP has more energy when at her energy peak (so to speak), but in the house she is quicker to lay down and fall asleep. My springer doesnt peak as high, but she tends to stay "busier" for longer, playing with her toys and walking around the house. But after a bit both are zonked out on the couch.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:46 pm
by Gertie
We have 2 setters (one is an 8 mo pup) and a heeler in the house. I think the obvious pro is that you'll have two dogs that you'll be able to hunt and that means more hunting time :D The cons are the hair in the house and the mud tracked into the house. Ours spend the day in the back yard while we're at work and then get an off-leash run for an hour in the evening. It keeps things pretty mellow in the house. Honestly, once they've gotten their run and are fed, the setters are basically a piece of furniture. The heeler is another story.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 1:53 pm
by luvthemud
One of the best purchases I have ever made is my Bissel Big Green carpet cleaner! This time of year I find myself using it quite often due to the dog tracking mud and dirt in the house. Works great on couches too!

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Fri Apr 24, 2015 2:11 pm
by shags
Until I installed a little gravel dog yard for muddy times, I kept a plastic coffee of water can near the back door and dipped/wiped dog feet as they came in. The small microfiber towels worked well for that. We also have airline crates inside. They keep the hair and dirt contained better than wire crates.
Get a Shark! Best vacuum ever! Not super expensive and it does great on hair and dirt the dogs drag in. Seems like every day I vac up a half acre or so of the farmfield next door. :P

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 3:06 pm
by fourtrax
We have 4 dogs. All have outside kennels. We have one in the house at a time. We rotate one every 2-3 days inside. They are all house dog "qualified" / conditioned yet all are able to stand the rigors of a Far Northern midwest Winter as well as endure the below zero cold of late season Phez hunting. We also do not have to contend with the mess inside of more than one dog. Spillage, shedding, mud etc.

Re: more than one hunting dogs in the house?

Posted: Sun Apr 26, 2015 9:29 pm
by ben33127
I have 2 pointers in the house. When I am home they're typically in the yard. When they're inside and my wife and I are home they're typically relaxed and amiable.