I guess I have a versatile dog

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I guess I have a versatile dog

Post by ruffbritt4 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 1:47 pm

Today while grouse hunting my dog went on point. My dad and I moved in towards the group of fallen trees that he was pointing. I was on the opposite side of my dad when he said that there was a bear right there. We woke it up and it looked drowsy then crawled out of the blow down and ran away. It was probably less than 10 feet from the dog and about 10 feet from us. Kind of a crazy experience for us, glad my dog pointed it.

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Re: I guess I have a versatile dog

Post by DeLo727 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 4:45 pm

Man, crazy experience. I won't be allowing my dog to do that anytime but its a great story.

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Re: I guess I have a versatile dog

Post by ezzy333 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 5:19 pm

DeLo727 wrote:Man, crazy experience. I won't be allowing my dog to do that anytime but its a great story.
Kind of hard to determine what the dog is pointing till you go in to flush so I know of no way to control it.

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Re: I guess I have a versatile dog

Post by ruffbritt4 » Sat Dec 26, 2015 7:17 pm

DeLo727 wrote:Man, crazy experience. I won't be allowing my dog to do that anytime but its a great story.
Don't know what you mean. I can't control my dog to the point where he identifies likely bear resting areas and avoids them. He smelled it, knew it was game and stopped. Didn't even chase it when it ran away.

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Re: I guess I have a versatile dog

Post by DeLo727 » Sun Dec 27, 2015 1:01 am

I'm not knocking you man, please don't take it that way. I was raised with a code when it comes to dogs, I do not and never will judge someone when it comes to how they handle their dog as long as they are not abusing them. I started hunting with dogs when we used the old trash breakers. If your dog got off on a varmint you hit them with the collar so they won't do it again. I just don't want my dog that comfortable with bears. But thats me, if you're cool with it than thats completely up to you and Im not judging. I was being sincere when I said I thought it was a great story.

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Re: I guess I have a versatile dog

Post by greg jacobs » Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:12 pm

The last bear encounter I had, my female gsp backed up between my legs. Wasn't sure what the problem was so I pushed on into the brush to find myself standing on a curvy little trail with scat laying around. At that moment my buddy above me yelled bear. I sure retreated in a hurry!
This summer my son was up with the dogs and family hiking. His gsp came rushing out of the brush with a sow bear right on his tail. My son drew his 44 and stepped in front of the wife and kids. The sow stopped and spun around and went back to get the cub. He took a couple pictures of the cub climbing out of the tree. Luckily no shots had to be fired. Sh_t happens.

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Re: I guess I have a versatile dog

Post by MNTonester » Tue Dec 29, 2015 10:22 am

was out grouse hunting on Friday - I guess my old Lab, Chaz put up a pair but I didn't see them. My 10 MO poodle however went on a point (how weird is that) near my buddy. come to find out he was pointing a porcupine - glad he didn't get any closer.

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I guess I have a versatile dog

Post by 33Scout » Fri Jan 01, 2016 9:26 pm

I have had two encounters with bear in the last two years. Both were very interesting and both dogs reacted the same way to the scent of the bear. Last year my then 6yo Llewelyn Setter Pete started acting really strange while hunting. The behavior he was showing made me think something was wrong with him him because he was just walking right by me not interested in hunting and it happened all of the sudden. He was out hunting then he just ran back to me and started walking all around my legs for 50 yards or so. I was trying to encourage him to hunt but he wouldn't. I stopped and checked him out with nothing on him to show signs of injury I continued walking towards a little ditch between a pine thicket and aspen thicket and there sat a bear turned sideways and looking right at us. After a couple seconds the bear walk off.

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