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Quail Recall Help

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 8:08 pm
by CaptainBama
First time using a recall pen and have a few questions. I picked up 30 quail and had 15 on each side of the pen. I let them adjust to the pen for a little over a week and then I separated the males from females. I flushed 5 females out early this afternoon and when I checked about 30 mins before dark none had recalled. I checked again a little after dark and 1 had made it back. One thing I’ve noticed is that neither the males or females are making any calls. They make a quite clucking sound but no calls. Any thoughts on why? Seems like a RECALL pen relies pretty heavily on the birds actually making calls. Also, will the birds typically recall when it’s dark or will they roost out in the field over night? I left the pen out in the field tonight just in case. I was also wondering if perhaps the females I released had possibly already mated since I didn’t have them separated initially and maybe went out to nest? Any other tips and tricks are welcome. Thanks!

Re: Quail Recall Help

Posted: Tue Apr 14, 2020 9:27 pm
by Fortshorthairs
I like to try to take the birds I am going to release and release them into the return funnels I have so they get used to that first. Then I will release them next to pen and not bother or flush them at first. I also put a little food in the return funnel. I would say they will find there way back. I had a fox try to get into my pen last night. :( Also, my pen always stays in the field in the same spot. I never move it.

Re: Quail Recall Help

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 4:17 am
Using the Johnny house in the spring usually has hold over birds from fall training so they should be established in their house. If they are new birds they should at least be enslaved in the Johnny house for a month before use. When using birds in the spring use the cocks only. They have a reason to call back HENS.

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Re: Quail Recall Help

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 5:46 am
by SwitchGrassWPG
Leave only one male in the side with the funnel and make sure he can't see the other birds. Once he realizes he's all alone, he'll start calling. Since all your males are together, they're not alone and have no need to call.

Re: Quail Recall Help

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 7:37 am
by Featherfinder
Both Stock and Switchgrass suggest what I did, when I had a johnny house. I took my time ensuring they were accustomed to the JH. I shortened their feed supply prior to a release in which I released ALL the birds nearby - both sexes - leaving only one sturdy looking male alone.
He didn't care for being alone. Since the birds were already trained to going into the funnel by hand, it was nothing new.
Predation remains the greatest concern. We used to invest SO much into GREAT almost-wild recall birds but weasels, coyotes, hawks, etc. can make quick work of a decent, established johnny house covey.
I use mostly pigeons now and they ALWAYS fly strong!
All-the-best Sir and keep an eye out for predators!

Re: Quail Recall Help

Posted: Wed Apr 15, 2020 8:58 pm
by CaptainBama
Appreciate all the help everyone. By the end of the day today all but one of my hens made it back into the pen. I’m excited about getting some good training in with my new setup and glad to know a little more about using it thanks to y’all.