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Gun Dog Forum - Big Year Coming!

Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2023 12:17 pm
by fourseasons
Next year, 2024, will be the 20th anniversary of the Gun Dog Forum!!!

As part of the celebration of that milestone year, I'll be sending out PM's to members who have been on Gun Dog Forum since the 'earlier days' and are still actively logging on to GDF at least from time to time. I'll send you a few interview questions, and you'll be free to write additional commentary as well. I'd like to have a special Forum where those of you who've been here from way-back-when can give our members a glimpse into your bird dog world, and how life with bird dogs and participating on GDF has been for you these past two decades. It would be nice to feature some photos of your dogs back then, and dogs today. Many of you GDF-veterans wrote early on in the Introduce Yourself forum, so here's your opportunity to bring everyone up to date on where you and your dogs are today. You are part of Gun Dog Forum 'history' and in today's world the past often seems to get lost in the moment so let your continuing story be shared. GDF is here for and because of many wonderful members like you!

Stay tuned, more to come...

Re: Gun Dog Forum - Big Year Coming!

Posted: Sun Oct 08, 2023 3:41 pm
by Steve007
This is an excellent idea. On a different dog-related board, I took it upon myself to contact every past member -- regardless of whether they were checking in or not-- with a letter pointing out some of the topics were currently being addressed and inviting them to return with comments or questions.

We got a number of additional reactivated members as a direct result.