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Lab Breeders - check out

Posted: Wed Mar 18, 2009 9:49 pm
by JLB
Not a commercial site, but it is a professional site. I'm starting it up to showcase quality field lab breeders. After starting the site, I quickly found that I don't want to deal with show breeders!

The site is

Clean design, quality photos. No cost. No advertisements. No clutter. No other breeds. Just labs. Take a look, I think you'll like it.

When looking for my yellow I hadn't seen this site yet. I did find GunDogBreeders. Lot of breeds, lots of advertisements, way too much clutter, way too many breeders. They list excellent breeders, but they also list plenty who probably shouldn't be breeding.

I'm going to keep it small, about 5-6 breeders per state. That way it will be managable, but big enough to generate a lot of google hits to the individual breeders. This will also keep the breeders visible to the users, instead of being lost in a sea of other breeders.

It's not open registration, but if you are a serious breeder, cerf the hips/elbows/eyes, and are respected by your peers, I'd love to add you to my directory.

Again, the site is Check it out.

All comments are appreciated.