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Posted: Tue Dec 21, 2010 4:31 pm
by ccoutdoors
Bird Dogs Forever just joined forces with C & C Outdoor Adventures
Bird Dogs Forever is not just another website sporting twenty-five thousand(25,000) hunting dog kennels and hunting lodges, it is also a TV show focusing on hunting dogs in the field doing what they were bred for. The show is currently airing on My Outdoor TV.
We are going to remake the website and give it a different look but using the same logo with podcasts, gundog training tips, hunting dog and hunting lodge articles, pro's pointers, forums, etc and hopefully by next spring will be starting a Bird Dogs Forever hunting dog tournament program like no other event in existence right now. If there are any like this we haven’t seen them yet. We would really appreciate your ideas and suggestions to make this a unique tournament that is fair for everyone.
It will be based on rules that are absolutely NOT left to interpretation in any way, shape or form. I know many people who quit field trials, hunt tests and other dog competitions. They didn’t leave because titling good retrievers or pointing dogs was too difficult, rather the events had become so political it just wasn’t fun anymore. I don't think there is any place for this behavior, and there definitely will not be in our competitions. This will be a fun and friendly atmosphere but also a serious gundog series to prove the quality of your dog and the genetics it carries.
Our upland portion of the competition is unlike any I have seen to date. There are some similarities but for the most part this is a different format and one which I think most people will enjoy. We are still working on the retriever portion of the competition but have some good ideas with a lot of things already worked out. The most important things for us are maintaining a 100% fair format not left to any interpretation and good payouts so people can make some money, or at least recover their expenses.
We will not move ahead with this project if all of these objectives cannot be achieved. Fairness, good payback percentages, sponsor assisted paybacks and a fun and friendly atmosphere are absolutely required for us to move forward with these events.
If you are interested in a tournament being put together for next season or have some ideas we could utilize in our program, please by all means go to the forums of C & C Outdoor Adventures at in the dog competitions section and let us know your thoughts and any ideas you may have. We don’t have our forums active yet on the Bird Dogs Forever website. Discussion and your ideas will help make this the success we are hoping it will be. If you are interested in hosting an event you can contact us at
We would like to start this tournament in several states in the beginning and expand from there in the next few years. We are well aware of the problems and issues some other well known bird dog competitions encountered. We would like to think we can both avoid and prevent these issues from occurring in our program.
We have already talked to several sponsors who said they would definitely come on board with us, so hopefully we can make this into something we all can enjoy for many years to come.
Our initial thought is to make event scoring based on a few different pieces of criteria. The number of entries in the event would make a difference on points accumulated. Dogs will be allowed to enter a class more than once if so desired by the person running the dog. Also a couple events in different locations would allow for additional points accumulated than a normal competition. We also have a couple other ideas but would like to wait until we release all the rules and regulations if there is enough interest in our program. You may also have ideas that make us change our thought process on certain criteria right now and we want to hear what you have to say without people worrying about whether their idea is better than ours or the next guys that posted. Please, tell us what’s on your mind.
This is by no means just another bird dog event with no imagination and an overload of rules that no one can keep straight in their head, but is one we are certain you will enjoy. Placing and/or enough points would qualify your dog both for the national event and a possible title depending on how many points achieved and the criteria set for such titles.
Titling a dog in this program will not be an easy challenge for any level of gundog. We want to make sure that if a dog titles in our program they are certainly a superior field dog. We want these titles and events to mean something to people so our people competing, advertisers and their future customers all get something in return for their dollars spent. Whether it’s a company’s advertising dollars, entry fees from a competitor or the purchase price of a puppy, started or trained dog, we want these competitions to show people something about the quality and ability of your dog.
We don’t agree with many aspects of AKC events, but by no means are we stating that nothing would be similar in some of their competitions whether it is a pointing dog or retriever competition. Our goal, especially in retriever competition is to prove a dog has superior marking and retrieving skills but can put birds in the air when working an upland field just as well.
I am not saying you should not invest in a field trial bred dog because I have and do. They are the cream of the crop when trying to crunch genetics in order to find yourself a dog of great quality. I rarely purchase a dog where I have not crunched the genetics seriously from dogs in the field trial world when I go to purchase for myself or a client but then again, what other options do I have to find proven dogs, genetics and/or proven sires that consistently produce great offspring.
I have played the field trial game myself for many years, owned many field trial dogs and almost all dogs I have ever owned were field trial bred whether they were labs or pointing dogs. Nothing is more disappointing then thinking you have a pup of great quality, send it to a pro trainer or if you have the ability train it yourself only to find out he can mark a downed bird with the best of them but can’t find his own food dish in the hunting field if he had to use his nose.
This is why we want to turn this program into one that a person can rely on when it comes time for that new puppy, started or finished gundog again.
Right now the only things we would like to release about the format scoring at this time, it will be a timed event for the upland portion of the competition and possibly the flushing and retrieving divisions. It will be based on gundog performance in the field along with a few other ways to separate your dog from the competition. We don’t think a MISSED BIRD BY A HANDLER warrants a deduction to the dog. There will also be what we refer to as the waterfowl division which most people will think is going to be like an AKC Field Trial, IT IS NOT. Of course there are some things similar and will be difficult but geared more towards hunting situations with scoring and a few different aspects which are not left to interpretation from judges. There will also be an event that combines the upland and waterfowl divisions of the competition. For gundogs that are not waterdogs there will be a different combined event. Age groups will also be part of the regulations.
Each event would come with trophy's and cash prizes. This would be supplemented by our sponsors and a large percentage of payback in entry fees. We are not looking to make money from this end of our business.
If we can make this competition good enough so when you place well in an event you can cover your expenses and even make a little money, then we can make this successful. Again, any ideas you have would be appreciated. We know this isn't going to be an easy undertaking but we feel we can accomplish it with the sponsor support we have plus some additional sponsors we haven't contacted yet. We need your support most of all.
Anything and everything is up for discussion right now and no rules or regulations are set in stone, so please help us out with your ideas.
We don’t have the Bird Dogs Forever website redone with forums added yet so right now please use the forums at and go to the dog competition section for your comments, suggestions and ideas. We would greatly appreciate anything you have to add to the few ideas we have offered so far and we definitely will release all the rules once we have input from you and get closer to the time when these events will start.
Thank You
Bird Dogs Forever and C & C Outdoor Adventures