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Puppy's first blood trailed...200+ yards

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 7:47 am
by Vaoutdoors42
My buddy Josh (in pic) shot a doe during the bow season last Saturday. He didnt hit her good so we had little blood. I decided that it would be good for my 3 month old pup "Jackson" to come along so I went home and got him. We had very little work at home tracking (tracking hotdogs which I had drug through the grass:) but I thought it would be a learning lesson or atleast a excuse to get him out in the woods with me. I got my pup on the blood and he was nose to ground...and seemed to enjoy it... A few times I thought he was going to get off course and starting scenting a fox or live deer but everytime I had a doubt he would have nose buried in a blood spot...He had some trouble working his way through the thick brush but who wouldnt being that small? My buddy Josh and i were really impressed. Once Jackson got to the deer me and Josh bothed praised him like crazy and I gave him plenty of treats and let him lick the deer.....It was very cool and I just wanted to share.
I did recover some of the blood from that deer and have since had a training session using it. Any other training techniques for helping blood tracking with a pup? I am a member of a hunt club and told the members to let me know when they have to track a deer....the more deer the better to help get him use to this, right?

Here is a picture once we got to the deer.


Re: Puppy's first blood trailed...200+ yards

Posted: Wed Oct 05, 2011 9:30 am
by ultracarry
That's freakin awesome ! Great pic also.

Re: Puppy's first blood trailed...200+ yards

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2011 5:40 pm
by Retiredbirddogman
Awesome job!

Re: Puppy's first blood trailed...200+ yards

Posted: Tue Oct 11, 2011 9:08 pm
by Munster
Great job! There is a good book out there called "Tracking wounded deer with dogs" SOmething like that. It is by John Jeaneny? Check it out and if you cant find it, let me know.

This is my 20 month old tracking a 2 hour old deer that my 14 year old son shot. We knew where it went and that is how I like to get things started. Always want a reward.

Re: Puppy's first blood trailed...200+ yards

Posted: Fri Oct 14, 2011 9:36 am
by markj
Awesome job, but they are bred for this kind of work. :) I never get tired of watching a dog work. Good for you.