Last weekend of woodcock in MI

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Last weekend of woodcock in MI

Post by omega58 » Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:22 am

Well, I headed up to Evart again on Saturday and my friends were running a bit late, so Sky and I got in about 50 minutes of hunting before they got there. I started out working the same cover that has been good for the entire season. Skyler was working very well and we had the wind with us, she was getting birdy about 20 yards to my right and then started turning towards me tracking and then a grouse goes up about 15 yards in front of me. . .bang, bang. . . :bash: One of those, how did I miss that bird (also, since it was about as big as a hen pheasant. . .that bird has survived two weekends in a row) Anyway, we headed over to some land acrossed the road and we pushed up a woodcock. . .0 for 2!! Then Skyler locks up hard about the same spot the woodcock went up, I'm thinking, ok maybe? Go in and up comes another, 1 for 3. . . finally!!

The other guys get there and while we are talking at the truck, up goes a doodle from my friends GSP. . .time to hunt I guess? We worked another area that has been good and Skyler starts getting birdy again and I get ready this time. . . she locks up and I am thinking woodcock, well about 10 yards in front up jumps a grouse, I shoot and the thing flew into my shot. :D Sky made a nice retrieve on it and didn't take the tail feathers this time.

I will remember this one for Sky's first solid lock on a grouse and me being able to hit one in one shot. ;)


We headed over to Clare afterwards and got some stuff done at the cabin and then headed back out and put up a doodle and four grouse, bagging one grouse. We got back to the cabin and were buzzed by three woodcock, they got the dogs a little amped. :lol:

Sunday, we slept in thanks to the lightning, so we skipped the duck hunt that morning. We put out 25 chuckar and 10 pheasant, I wanted to see what Sky has learned from those wild birds we have been after. . .well, she held point better than ever and worked the area great. We split up and somehow Skyler was the lone pointer as the others went the other way and we had a friends lab that doesn't bother her. She was ranging very nicely and even when the birds were moving she would not break point until I told her to find the bird.

For those that want a little better challenge with released birds, try great flying chuckar in the woods. About as close to grouse hunting as you can get. We are going to have some fun come December through April out there.

Next week. . .ducks, grouse, put n' take, and rifle season. . .not bad.

4 Paws

Post by 4 Paws » Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:34 pm

Sounds like you had a great time, nice pics. I only managed to get up there once this year...........sure do love Michigan!! Paws

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