FINALLY time to chase ditch parrots

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FINALLY time to chase ditch parrots

Post by Vizslaguy » Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:15 am

Well its one of the two holidays I enjoy every year, this Sat. Opening day of pheasant season! Got the dogs as "polished" as Im gonna get them. Been seeing alot of birds, hopefully Ill see the Sat. Morning. Hunt the morning, stop for dinner and watch the Husker get the snot stomped out of them, hunt the afternoon. God, Im getting the cold chills now. Two weeks of hunting birds, then a week off to hunt deer, the other holiday I enjoy. AINT LIFE GRAND!

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Post by Addict » Thu Oct 27, 2005 10:56 am

Good luck!

I look forward to pheasant hunt opening up every year too.


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Post by RuttCrazed » Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:03 am

I haven't seen a lot of birds here in Utah, but on the 5th I will be out giving them all I got. The next weekend we head for Kansas, big country, big roosters! I think the dog is just as excited as I am.


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Post by Addict » Thu Oct 27, 2005 11:35 am


That's why I go north to hunt them. We do have tons here in the city limits! Time to get the bow out. :D


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Post by markj » Fri Nov 04, 2005 11:32 am

Hey Vislaguy, was in Iowa sat then nebr sunday up around dixon/dakota areas. I found it to be hot, the dogs had a time scenting the birds but Idid manage a double on pheas sunday afternoon. Then back in Iowa monday and another double, Ilove it when a bunch of pheasants get up :) only took 2 coulda had 3 easy. My cousin got a double sat in iowa if he had more than 2 shells he woulda got a triple......

I just love it when a pup gets his/her first bird. My pup outta FT stock did fantastic, I dropped one with a wing shot, he was runnin when he lit, she was on him and I heard a yip. the bird musta got her, so she ran him for about 150 yards until the bird gave up and sat still, she was standing over him, I reached down and picked him up for the finishing touch. Heaped praise onto her, she then worked a rooster about 80 yards till he flushed, he is in the freezer now :)

We will be heading up to dixon again sunday, would you like to meet up maybe? I have GSPs tho :) but I love all dogs, love to see them work a bird.

Good hunting wherever you go.
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Post by Wagonmaster » Fri Nov 04, 2005 12:06 pm

I had a great weekend last weekend also, but with a different type of dog.

Was at the GSPCA Nationals to watch my AA run, and told the pro I was going hunting in ND the next weekend. He said why don't you take him with. I just laughed and said no horse, no ATV, just me on foot, there is no way I can keep up with him, I will loose him for sure in the first 5 minutes. He said don't worry, he will handle for you. Another old field trial vet, Mike Woody, was there and said the same thing, take him. So with alot of trepidation, I did.

Now we did not get around at the Nationals. One reason was that this dog made his first cast of around a mile, got on point in a bowl where handler and gallery could not see him, was there on point for maybe 15 - 20 minutes before a scout picked him up, and by that time the bird was gone. He handled this episode OK, but it loosened him up, so he took the next one out. So after watching this, I was not too sure hunting him was the smartest thing.

Boy, was I wrong.

We did not hunt him at all the first day, because I was worried I would lose him. End of the second day we came to a quarter section of CRP and needed two birds to fill out. I told my partner we needed to run him, or the pro would be mad at me that I never shot any birds over him. I put a tracking collar, an ecollar, and a regular collar with a name tag on him, just in case.

We cast him loose. He worked side to side and handled like a dream. Casts were about 100 yards each side, and would come across in front about 30 - 50 yards out. We worked about 200 yards and he went on point. It was a badger hole with alot of feathers around it. Cast him loose again, he went 50 yards, slammed into a point, we shot a rooster and he made the retrieve to hand.

We were coming up on a slough with high grass, and we had worked this area the day before. We knew there were birds in there but they were spooky. Cut him loose, he went about a hundred yards, and since we had now come over a hill and were in sight of the slough, birds saw us and started boiling out all over. About 30, and from every area of the slough. I thought the dog was going to be chasing because he was right in the middle of them. But when the first birds had wild flushed, he stopped to flush and stood there just watching them all fly, not moving a muscle. This allowed us to walk up to where he was and cast him loose again. He went about 50 yards, slammed on point, we shot the rooster, he retrieved, and we were done for the day. The whole thing took about 20 minutes, and not only had the dog hunted to the gun and handled, his manners had been impeccable.

Next day we managed to find ourselves in the same spot, with 2 birds left to go to fill out. We looked at each other and said lets see if lightning will strike twice. We knew it would be tough because this would be the third day in a row we had worked the same spot, and the birds would be spookier yet. We heeled the dog a couple hundred yards from the car, cast him loose, and in 50 yards he slammed into a point. Shot a rooster. The pro had said do not let him have all the retrieves, so I walked around the dog and picked the bird up myself. Dog stood still for this. Now we were on the edge of the slough area where we had filled out the day before. We cast the dog loose, and no birds came out, but on the right edge, the dog acted birdy going in to the high grass.

To make a long story short. He pointed, we could not produce the birds, we released him, and he wound up working those birds a half mile diagonally across the CRP until they came to a plowing, where he stood them. He was out of sight during most of this time, and working really far and fast. We could only occasionally and briefly see him, and it was obvious from the way he was working he had fast running birds in front. I was thinking here is where I am going to lose him, he is going to bust those birds, until he suddenly appeared over a hill, went to the top of it, and stood. It was a long long walk out there. From the way he was standing, it was obvious the birds had moved out in front of him again, so I circled around to about 100 yards in front and worked back towards the dog. At about the 50 yard mark, some hens got out, and I was thinking Oh great, all this work for some hens. However, the last bird out of the bunch (there were about a half dozen in the area that we flushed) was a big old rooster. We shot it, gave him the retrieve, and headed home. This time, the whole affair had lasted about 35 minutes.

The moral of this long story is that I am changing my mind about using AA trial dogs to hunt. This dog just flat could do it. He ran like a demon, and in another dog, this would have resulted in alot of bumped birds. But his manners were so good, he never bumped one, and stood to any wild flush so we could get to him and get in on the action. He was totally broke and just a joy to shoot birds over. So am looking forward to doing it again in the end of Nov. We will see if lightning will strike thrice. I think I should change his name to Strikin' Lightnin' or something.

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Post by Dirtysteve » Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:56 am

:D Excellent :D
Who said you couldn't hunt over trial dogs?

I had the best opening weekend in Utah that I have had for years.
Opening morning the birds weren't holding very well and my pup was having a hard time figuring them out.
Yesterday was a different story. All the time spent training this summer paid off.
As soon as we stepped in the field birds exploded everywhere and I thought that we would never get any after that, boy was I wrong.
It took awhile for him to figure out these running birds but once he did, he acted like a seasoned pro.
He pointed several birds and retrieved every one, even a cripple that we winged. After we had our limits I decided to finish letting him work the field because he was doing so good. He pointed 4 more roosters! That many roosters in one field in Utah is a rare sight.

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Post by 12 Volt Man » Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:22 am

We had to work for our birds. We covered a lot of ground. I am feeling it today.

Cooper made some nice points. He retreived these two right to my hand.


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Post by markj » Mon Nov 07, 2005 9:53 am

Wagonmaster, sounds like a great time. I have had my FT line dog out this year. She is 6 months, outta Dixielands Bustin Loose Belle.
I have dropped 3 wing shot runners that she tracked and found for me, would you call this "game retrieval" or whatever those DK guys claim our American GSPs do not posses? :) the blood tracking thing or whatever anyone wishes to call it seems to be present in her anyways :)

She is only 6 months old, has retrieved several birds to me, found 3 winged runners, one was 150 yards away from where I shot it.

I am getting used to a new gun, not spot on yet but I am bringing them down, the dog does the rest. :) a good dog will anyway.

Didnt the owner of Rawhide kennel hunt with Rawhides Clown on a regular basis? I had heard he did with the great results you have seen. Tells me the dog has a brain :) and uses it.

I am training as the old Germans did, very little bird exposure, teach come, sit, stay, heel etc. Then turn her loose and see what her "natural instincts" show me when she encountered a wild bird. Works for me, have not had a bad dog yet. :) been around a few tho :( good hunting to you!!
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Post by Wagonmaster » Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:26 am

I love hunting in areas where you have to work for your birds. I have done the So. Dak. opener thing a couple times and it feels too much like preserve hunting to me. Just my view, I know a lotta guys like it that way. I would rather have to work for them and out smart them, and like it when exceptional dog work is needed to get your birds. I never regret that soreness, makes me smile. Also, now that I am a little older than I used to be, it makes me line up a massage appointment.

Steve and Mark-

The best part of the whole thing for me was the stop to flush, believe it or not. I am used to young or partly broke dogs going crazy and cleaning out everything that is left when they get into that situation. This dog stood his ground when they started wild flushing, which allowed us to get to him and participate in the fun. Have a sister to the trial dog I am currently getting broke, and now I am going to have to make sure she does a nice job on stop to flush.

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Post by crittercontrol » Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:05 pm

I had the pleasure of hunting with 12-volt on the opener, and for once he out shot me! The dogs worked great, especially Cooper. When he went on point you know there was a bird.


Gur on the other hand was a naughty girl. She was working the cover great, but she busted 2 birds, both nice roosters! And she ‘aught to know better....back to some reinforcement training I suppose.

12-volt was toting a nice O/U 20 ga. and cleanly dropped two mature birds with one shot each. Me on the other hand...well let’s just say I should have had my limit both days.


However (and this may just be an excuse) I was deathly ill both days. Saturday I even let 12-volt walk a nice looking fence row as I stayed huddled in the truck suffering from the shakes...and then the sweats!

But look at it in a positive way: There will still be birds there next time.



Post by Vizslaguy » Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:45 pm

Marcj, Im very sorry I missed your post. I was even up in Dixon Co. Hunting that weekend. Got into the birds on the public pretty good. Drop a pm if you get over here again. James


Post by Vizslaguy » Wed Nov 09, 2005 7:52 pm

Oh yeah, marc. I wont hold it against you that you have them odd colored dogs. And guys them are some DANG FINE lookin dogs in the pics. If I didnt love my Vs so much, Id have an Elhew. Had a Shorthair before, was one heck of a dog. I guess what Im saying is that I just love all hunting dogs. I should say all well trained hunting dogs.
Got a pal who has a Britt, most stubborn bull-headed POS ive ever been behind. Untill he pulls one awesome point out of his rear, then he isnt so bad. LOL


Post by Vizslaguy » Wed Nov 09, 2005 8:02 pm

Here are my vs, and my best friends. I am on the Rh side


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Post by TAK » Thu Nov 10, 2005 2:01 am

This was my opener on the 2nd day of the season. Pretty good time!



Post by birddog » Thu Nov 10, 2005 8:35 am

Some of you hunters are really lucky to have an abundance of pheasants in your state. Here in Wi you can hunt all day and maybe see one bird and then you pray, when flushed, it will be a rooster. I had an invite to hunt Iowa but because of circumstances I had to ask for a rain check. I did get out the other day with my GWP who cat walked behind a running pheasant. The bird took us on a marathon across the fields and finally tried to sneak away and hide in the cattails. Big mistake for that bird. Tried to post pictures but reproduced to large sooo, pictures in photo album, hunting pics. Micah, cat walking running pheasant.

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Post by markj » Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:18 am

I had an invite to hunt Iowa
And this still stands until jan 10 anyway.

Went out last saturday, my 6 month old pup out of Dixielands Bustin Loose Belle NAFC FC pointed, tracked and pinned down (hasnt retrieved a pheas) 4 pheasants in 2.5 hours. We saw many more fly into the standing corn that we couldnt even get close to, but after the corn is out we will...

A huge buck is inhabiting this farm, maybe I will get off a shot in Dec.

Hunting in Nebr isnt as good for me this year as I am wandering around a new area looking for the good spots. I did get a double on pheas opening weekend, 2 roosters up in the air, 2 shots and they are mine :) lots of quail around my place too. I put out a call box with 5 or 6 in my treeline and hunt it the next day :)

I winged one bird, a huge pheasant, he dropped into a narrow culvert and ran down about 50 yards or so, I worked my Ginger over to where he fell, she went right down into the culvert and tracked him down and held him by the leg until I got him. 6 Months old and she has it down pat. :) FT stock too!! :)

Is this the "game retrieval" thing some have posted about? some claim the GSPs here in America lack this ability :) chuckle chuckle.

We will be doing a duck hunt next after deer season of course.

I take my dog along when deer hunting, that way if I wound one I can find it using my dog. I have been very successful finding them so far. I cant wait to see if she has this ability.
"If there are no dogs in Heaven,
then when I die I want to go
where they went."
Will Rogers, 1897-1935

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