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Post by Scottyboy » Tue Nov 22, 2005 12:36 am

I FINALLY got to get into the hills today and chase those little boogers that I love so much. I chomp at the bit all year waiting for Mearns season to roll around. Today was one of the best days I've ever had for Mearns. We had 7 coveys in about 3 hrs of hunting. And we only covered a TINY fraction on the available cover. It was unreal.. go 300 yards, covey.. go another 300 yards, covey... you get the idea . One of the highlights of the day was the my new pup, Virgil (ya'll remember him), had his first point on a wild covey. AND, he was backing and honoring points from my Brit, Penny. I was one proud papa to say the least!! Well, just wanted to share a few pics with ya'll... Hope you enjoy. Sorry about the crappy quality... I forgot the digital and had to grab a dispoable camera from the store on the way out. Glad I did!!!
Thanks for lookin...

Anybody else doing any good on quail this season?? Let's hear it if you are!!

Here is a pic of one that got caught out in the open!!

Here is a pic of Virgil honoring and backing Penny with a whole covey!!

The pups with the spoils of a good hunt...

Me with the pups...

And one tired Brittany!!!!

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GDF Junkie
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Post by snips » Tue Nov 22, 2005 6:47 am

Sounds like a super day! We are headed out to W Tx middle of Dec. Can`t wait.


Post by Ryan » Tue Nov 22, 2005 1:14 pm

WOw congrats on the successful hunt. Always loved the way that pointer pup looked.


Post by Scottyboy » Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:22 pm

Thanks Ryan!! I'm sure Virgil would apprieciate that too...


Post by dhondtm » Tue Nov 22, 2005 7:18 pm

nice job!!! I need to get my butt down there and hunt some mearns. Do you find them easier to work with the dogs? They tend to stay put more then the gamble right?

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