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Arizona Quail

Posted: Mon Jan 11, 2010 5:50 pm
by RBraddy
I was wondering if anyone has hunted Arizona for quail this year? A friend of mine is thinking about going out there for a quail hunt. Any suggestions?

Re: Arizona Quail

Posted: Wed Jan 13, 2010 10:57 am
by A/C Guy
We live in Az. The quail numbers are way down. Southeast Az is very dry and brown. Coyote populations are up and that is not good for the quail. The outlook is not good for next year either. The only place that we see quail is right out side our front door. There are 100's of them, but we can't hunt within 1/4 mile of any building. We have national forest 1 mile up the road where we can hunt, but there isn't a single quail out there. The birds have figured out where it is safe.

Re: Arizona Quail

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 6:46 am
by marshboy
In a related topic, can anyone recommend a guide for quail in Arizona that they've hunted with before? Hunting quail in Arizona has been something that I would like to experience, but it is a long way from Iowa to start out hunting cold. Hiring a guide could help, if I find the right fellow.
Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance,

Re: Arizona Quail

Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2010 7:09 pm
by bradtown
We hunted Coronado National Forest the last week of Nov. Stayed in Patagonia. Had decent success but hunted hard. Four of us limited about half the time (4 days). There are birds but you will earn 'em! For a bunch of Texas boys the terrain took our legs the first day or so. Would I do it again? Sure. Good luck!


Re: Arizona Quail

Posted: Fri Jun 25, 2010 11:24 pm
by phoenix-boy
Hunting in Arizona is usually done in shirt sleeves. Leave your parka at home. Usually a light jacket is the most you will need, and then only for the first walk of the morning. You will need a good pair of hunting or hiking boots. The fall and winter months are very unpredictable, and it is a good idea to always check conditions a few days before your hunt to get the latest conditions. Here are some easy links to Arizona weather conditions, High, Low and South.