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Need dog advice

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 7:55 pm
by rhubbell
My name is Rick from Wisconsin. I am an old reader of the site, but a new member. I am having issues with my dog. He is an unneutered two yr old yellow lab. He has good hunting parents, field trial tested and guide-dogs for hunting lodge. Problem 1 = he often stops hunting and just looks around. Instead of quartering runs back to me then straight back out. Doesn't cover much ground! Problem #2 = Lifts his leg constantly. Just when you think he is hunting seriously stops to lift his leg. Problem #3 = Does not track bird scent. Today I saw a pheasant run into cover and put him on the spot, went a few feet and stopped. Conditions were not dry and the cover was more open brush than thick grass. Do I give up on this dog? My family would kill me for even suggesting this. He is great looking, so much so I even thought of breeding him. Do you think his offspring will have the same lack of drive? Any advice appreciated.Thanks

Re: Need dog advice

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2016 10:56 pm
by Leeza
Think we need more information here
Problem #1 - is he weighing his options? Is he picking the path of least resistance? When you say "open brush", are we talking hawthorns, Russian olives, buffalo berries and other things that hurt? Have you trained him to stop or whoa from a distance and redirect him to quarter?
Problem #2 - he is an unneutered male lab, that's part of having one but you are right to curb the marking while hunting if it's out of hand, some of that will be resolved with solving problem #3
Problem #3 - no insult intended but has he had many pheasants shot over him? (the wild variety), is he fired up or indifferent when you shoot a bird over him? has he caught one and been spurred?

Apologize for the questions, just need more background.

Re: Need dog advice

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 12:52 am
by Soignie
Leeza asked some great questions. My only comment to your original query is DO NOT BREED THE DOG. Breeding him would likely increase your peeing on the bushes problem and based on your description of the dog he has nothing to offer as a sire.

Re: Need dog advice

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 6:02 am
by cjhills
Not a Lab person, but my brother is, it is a bit premature to say do not breed this dog.
Some male dogs have issues about being a man about at about this age. Marking is a social and training issue. it does not have much to do with neutering.
Some field trial bred retrievers do not have a lot of hunting instincts, having been bred to need a lot of guidance rather then work on there own. Over training and lack of conditioning can be a issue especially with retrievers who seem to have a different metabolism than pointing dogs.
It seem like he may be overly dependent on you. Maybe just not getting enough field time.
Birds cure a multitde of sins.
Give this dog a lot of bird work and hunting experience. Pigeon training bores some dogs. Let him do it on his own with no guidance or commands and for sure no e collar. If this does not bring out his natural ability he probably does not have any.
Remember the best training aid is a 6" piece of duct tape.......Cj

Re: Need dog advice

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2016 4:34 pm
by bonasa
Like the other posters, find the birdiest place you can find and get the dog in there often, quitting when he is most jacked up. As for the peeing issue, ignore it and find some birds.