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What's the difference?

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 2:25 pm
by Katies Dad
Hey all I was just wondering what the difference was in the high end line of o/u and low end. I mean is there really any thing that different in shooting say a stoger condor as opposed to a berreta silver pigeon? I know the obvious that the berreta is going to have a better fit n finish. I have handled both guns and the berreta is really nice and looks great I haven't shot either but if some one would clue me in on why the gun cost over a 1000 dollars will shoot better than a gun under 500. Maybe it's just me but it would take me a lot of years to own a expensive gun like that.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 3:23 pm
by portsider44
Another issue is features. Some of the low-end guns may not have selective trigger or ejectors. Also they may tend to have more cast parts, which might could effect durability.

Also the quality control may not be as good which is why you see so many folks with such different thoughts on the same model of gun. Guy A never has a problem & thinks its the best & guy B is constantly sending gun back for repairs & regrets buying it.

I know its hard to do but try to take price out of the picture. Instead find a gun that fits you, has the features you want & then find a way to get it.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 4:17 pm
by pear
That is a loaded question.................. $$$$ doesn't mean quality guaranteed. However quality does "normally" cost $$$$. Quality is much more than fit and finish. Quality should assure that you will get a properly made firearm that will last for generations. In the case of SXS and O/U, quality will assure things that most don't think about...........Things like point of aim being consistent at a given yardage. Don't forget with the SXS you are aiming between the barrels, and the bottom barrel of an O/U is will below the sight bead. Portsider44 covered some of the quality of material issues, when he mentioned, cast and machined. Springs being leaf or coil. The list is endless. Does name affect price? You bet it does!!! Does quality affect price? You bet it does! Does name affect quality? You bet it "can" ! Good research will affect what you feel you need, to fulfill, you needs for quality, reliability, as well as eye appeal. Low end may very well fit your needs, only you can answer that question. Now my final though...........Buy the best you feel you can afford. Try not to buy lesser so you can sell later and move up. Firearms like many other items we lust for are much easier to buy than to resell. Buddy up with someone who has what you think you are interested in, and make sure before you spend big dollars, just to be disapponted. They are truly not all the same.........or there would be only one brand.

Posted: Thu Mar 31, 2005 9:02 pm
by Katies Dad
thanks for the replies I will have to go the range more often and see if anybody is shooting what I want to buy that would be the best way I think.