Hives and Benadryl?

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Hives and Benadryl?

Post by wems2371 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:26 am

Went out for a couple hours on Sunday to public ground. On the ride home, I noticed my dogs muzzle seemed odd. Looked a little hairless in the 2" area around her nose & slightly swollen/wrinkly. On Monday, I started seeing some circular bumps. On Tuesday, the bumps were a little red, I think from her licking and itching...and the bumps had just a little tiny crust line on some of their edges. Almost everything is within 3" of her nose, mostly on the side lips. She had 2 on the bridge and one further back by the corner of her mouth. They are slightly smaller than dime size.

This morning, everything is the same, but I think it has hardened a little. She is her usual playful self otherwise and not showing any discharges (like pus) or other abnormalities.

I don't know the source. On Sunday and early Monday, I thought it was just irritation from running through some rough cover, especially the dried leaves in the corn plots. With her running 100-200 yards and tall cover, I definitely wasn't able to watch if she got into anything afield. Was also thinking maybe a patch of Queens Ann Lace or Mustard, although most of that is dried up right now. On Tuesday, as the bumps became defined more, it occurred to me that it looked like hives. The only other source of the problem, besides the field work, that I can think a change in diet in the week prior. I had some leftover cheap grocery store dogfood that I had to buy during a camping weekend, but only fed 1x. Last week I decided to mix it in with their Exceed to get rid of it. Probably had them on the mix for 4 days, they actually gobbled up the stuff, and my other shorthair has had no problem. I discontinued the food Wednesday morning, after I figured out that might be the problem.

Only other history I can think of is that on the Saturday before, we worked a field and she some roughness on the ridge of her nose, that looked like she got snagged by the multiflora a few times. A hive did develop under that, or at least it swelled and looks like one. I do not see any signs of infection.

So what do you think, hives? How long will it run it's course and does the hardening of the skin mean we're probably on the downhill side of it? Is it too late to give Benadryl and would it be of any use now? If so, dosage I've seen is 1mg per lb of weight, sound right? If it starts to look worse or doesn't improve soon, I will take her to the vet, but other than cosmetics...she's doing fine.

As and edit: Just looked closer, and they look crusty this morning and most of them look a teeny bit less swollen. Can actually see some fine muzzle hairs again, whereas before it looked like a naked mole rat :)

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by mcbosco » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:49 am

That looks like the right amount. I used to give 1 baby tablet which is 12.5 mg's to JRT's for bees stings. I would put a combo ointment or benedryl lotion on the nose and just watch it, especially if she wants to rub or scratch it.

The tablets make them sleepy though.

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by ezzy333 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:57 am

wems2371 wrote:Went out for a couple hours on Sunday to public ground. On the ride home, I noticed my dogs muzzle seemed odd. Looked a little hairless in the 2" area around her nose & slightly swollen/wrinkly. On Monday, I started seeing some circular bumps. On Tuesday, the bumps were a little red, I think from her licking and itching...and the bumps had just a little tiny crust line on some of their edges. Almost everything is within 3" of her nose, mostly on the side lips. She had 2 on the bridge and one further back by the corner of her mouth. They are slightly smaller than dime size.
This morning, everything is the same, but I think it has hardened a little. She is her usual playful self otherwise and not showing any discharges (like pus) or other abnormalities.

I don't know the source. On Sunday and early Monday, I thought it was just irritation from running through some rough cover, especially the dried leaves in the corn plots. With her running 100-200 yards and tall cover, I definitely wasn't able to watch if she got into anything afield. Was also thinking maybe a patch of Queens Ann Lace or Mustard, although most of that is dried up right now. On Tuesday, as the bumps became defined more, it occurred to me that it looked like hives. The only other source of the problem, besides the field work, that I can think a change in diet in the week prior. I had some leftover cheap grocery store dogfood that I had to buy during a camping weekend, but only fed 1x. Last week I decided to mix it in with their Exceed to get rid of it. Probably had them on the mix for 4 days, they actually gobbled up I would seriously doubt that is hives, however itmight be something Benedryl would help. and would it be of any use now? If so, dosage I've seen is 1mg per lb of weight, sound right? If it starts to look worse or doesn't improve soon, I will take her to the vet, but other than cosmetics...she's doing fine.

As and edit: Just looked closer, and they look crusty this morning and most of them look a teeny bit less swollen. Can actually see some fine muzzle hairs again, whereas before it looked like a naked mole rat :)

I doubt if you are looking at hives or that Benedryl would help this long afterwards. But it won't hurt anything. I would use a little antibiotic ointment to help with the healing and also might ward against a minor infection.
It probably is a reaction to something she encountered in the field and will disappear shortly but keep a watch on it just in case. And feed the rest of your dog food as it is highly doubtful that could have anything to do with it since she has eaten it before. Like I have said, you can't really diagnose on the internet.


It's not how many breaths you have taken but how many times it has been taken away!

Has anyone noticed common sense isn't very common anymore.

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by wems2371 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:48 pm

Well, I'm not a veterinarian, nor do I play one on tv. :lol: I am an EMT though, and this reminded me of the allergic reaction/hives I've seen a few times in people. I tend to believe it was something afield, more than I do the food too. If it is the food though, I don't want to double trouble at this moment. She also got her Lepto shot on Friday, but I'd have thought we'd have seen something sooner and not localized with that.

I figured it was probably too late for the benadryl, but I picked some up for my dog vet bag today anyway. Photo taken a few minutes ago. The overall swelling of the lip flaps is going down and the hive like bumps are crusty and scabbed, so I think she's doing good, although it's definitely itchy for her. Thanks for the input!


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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by snips » Wed Nov 03, 2010 6:53 pm

I would ask Dog Dr, but I would do antibiotics too, along with Benydryl.

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by jlp8cornell » Wed Nov 03, 2010 7:46 pm

Denise- Looking at the pics and also the fact that hives most likely would have gone done since Sunday, I might consider that this could be a bacterial (prob staph) infection. I have seen sores before that look like this in dogs that have had staph. Maybe Doc will see this soon and give you input but I would have it looked at. If staph is left untreated the dog can develop cellulitis.

I would have thought hives a couple of days ago but the lesions here look different. If it is staph, she has to be on antibiotics plus they will tell you with what to wash and treat the area. Maybe you have med at home to treat her.

Good luck! Jen

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by dog dr » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:08 pm

i agree with jen. not the best picture quality, but almost looks like ringworm to me. hard to tell though. those types of lesions i usually use something that has an anti-biotic, anti-fungal, and a steroid.

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by wems2371 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:13 pm

jlp8cornell wrote:Denise- Looking at the pics and also the fact that hives most likely would have gone done since Sunday, I might consider that this could be a bacterial (prob staph) infection. I have seen sores before that look like this in dogs that have had staph. Maybe Doc will see this soon and give you input but I would have it looked at. If staph is left untreated the dog can develop cellulitis.

I would have thought hives a couple of days ago but the lesions here look different. If it is staph, she has to be on antibiotics plus they will tell you with what to wash and treat the area. Maybe you have med at home to treat her.

Good luck! Jen
Thanks, that's something I hadn't thought of, so I'll keep that in mind. I do have an antibiotic cream, but I think I'll call tomorrow to see if the vet can see her.

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by wems2371 » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:15 pm

dog dr wrote:i agree with jen. not the best picture quality, but almost looks like ringworm to me. hard to tell though. those types of lesions i usually use something that has an anti-biotic, anti-fungal, and a steroid.
Thanks for the input Dr. I'll update with what I find out.

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by briarpatch » Wed Nov 03, 2010 8:41 pm

Looks nasty Wems, sorry to see your pooch having troubles ...

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by snips » Wed Nov 03, 2010 9:57 pm

Is it Brandi?

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by twofeathers » Thu Nov 04, 2010 12:11 am

Wems don't know if you got to the vet yet but someone else had a pup that had similar bumps this is what they did.

"2 tsp apple cider vinager in a cup of water, damped it and dabbed onto them bumps, took about 5 days it is cleared up now. Vet says the feedlot has droppings from the cows and pup gets into it rolls around eats some he gets the bacteria that causes this. Is like a yeast infection, the stuff gals use can also be used as a topical but the vinegar worked just an FYI."

Is the dog ever around feedlot or roll in any nice stinky perfume?

Hope all goes well!

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by mcbosco » Thu Nov 04, 2010 6:16 am

Wow those pics are very different than the description. It definitely looks fungal to me and because of where it is, bacteria and fungus could be working together. This is for the Vet to deal with.

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by wems2371 » Thu Nov 04, 2010 9:28 am

Yes, it's Brandi. Vet says it looks like an allergic reaction with some secondary staph. No Ringworm, he checked. Swelling is down even more today. He put her Cephalexin antibiotic 2x day, Prednisone 2x a day, Benedryl every 8 hours as needed...and I can apply neosporin to help with the scabs. Wish I'd had the foresight to take off work and take her to the vet a couple days ago, but it kind of snowballed. Brandi will be fine, which is the most important thing, I just hope she doesn't have any scarring so I can finish her in the show ring. :( Vet says she might look rough for a couple weeks, and then any missing muzzle hair should start growing back in.

Not around any feedlot. She was at the vet's on Friday for lepto shot and looked fine. Saturday she looked good except for one bump on the bridge of her nose after we came out of the field, and it seemed more like a multiflora scratch. Sunday I have pics of her afield looking pretty normal, except for that bump. Then on the way home Sunday, I thought her lips looked a little puffy. Monday a couple more bumps. Tuesday seems like everything came to a head, so to speak. Wednesday, several of the bumps were crusting, and some of the swelling was going down. She never had a down moment otherwise, in regards to energy, food intake, etc. Been to both public grounds before with her. Only thing new about the one area, was the corn, soybean, and beet plot that she ran through. She hasn't ever been in beets before. Still wondering about the different food too. I'm clueless...

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by jlp8cornell » Thu Nov 04, 2010 11:10 am

The scarring will depend on how deep the infection is into the tissue. Also, keeping her from itching it more is important. Did they tell you to wash the area a few times a day with anti-bacterial soap/scrub? Important to keep the area clean. I would wash before applying the Ab ointment. It's also important to finish out the course of oral antibiotics even if the infection looked cleared up.

Hopefully, if she does scar, the breed judges will be able to overlook considering she is a sporting breed.

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by twofeathers » Thu Nov 04, 2010 10:38 pm

Not familiar if there can be an allergic reaction to beets. That would be something I know Pull has never been in yet. Anyone else know of any reaction to beets?

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Re: Hives and Benadryl?

Post by wems2371 » Fri Nov 05, 2010 5:11 am

twofeathers wrote:Not familiar if there can be an allergic reaction to beets. That would be something I know Pull has never been in yet. Anyone else know of any reaction to beets?
I did some googling and I did find some hits about uncooked beet greens being toxic if eaten by dogs. But you know how the internet is, it was kind of a 50/50 thing. If she ate any, I don't think it could've been much. Doubtful, but maybe running through a solid patch of it brought on a reaction. Either way, I think I'll avoid that patch. :wink:

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