Phenobarbital ??

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Phenobarbital ??

Post by Springer » Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:19 pm

I have a eight year old ESS that has had seizures since the age of three while out hunting. About a year ago she started having them at home with no stressful exercising before hand so we put her on Phenobarbital. 1/2 tablet a day and she hasn't had any problems.

Well my vet thought that I needed to come in and do liver enzymes test and a blood level. So I did because she would only give me 10 tablets until I did when I ran out the last time.

I think this was a huge waste of my time and money ($165).

So my question is can I get this med online some where or do I have to go to my vet again.

She charged me $6 for the ten pills then $8 for 60 of them on my visit a week later.

Any sugesstions? She is a great vet otherwise this is the only thing that I have to complain about her.

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Post by ssjetset » Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:38 pm

My late gsp was on that med for many years and the vet required a 70 dollar blood test every 6 months if I remember corectly, if you can talk your vet into a RX you can send it to Foster and Smith in Wis. but I bet your vet will write it for a couple months with one refill so you are stuck going back to her anyway,they got ya coming and going don't they :? bill


Post by hubweims » Tue Mar 20, 2007 1:49 pm

a lot of meds are priced this way. even though you may only need say 10-12 pills, it would cost the same or only a fraction more to get 25-30. I know for sure this is particular true for anxiety meds, as i have just priced them for one of my dogs. so, the cost on the meds is normal and i wouldn't be upset. i would just ask my vet she didn't tell me that i could get way more for little more price. as far as the liver enzyme test, it is not a waste of time or money. all meds (vet or human) are poisons to the body. some have side effects of liver damage. if your dog's liver enzymes were off, then that would be the first clue to liver damage and hepatic failure and the meds should be stopped. so, would you want to kill your dog of liver failure? if not, get the tests and just pay for them. these tests can vary in price from vet to vet depending on their contract with whatever lab they are using to get the results and the volume they send to the lab. the vet really probably wouldn't mind giving you the script anyways. they don't make their money on dispensing meds. the same goes for the lab tests.

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Post by tenbearsviz » Tue Mar 20, 2007 2:04 pm

Isn't phenobarb a barbiturate and therefor a controlled substance? I cant imagine being able to get it online other then at a Canadian pharmacy.

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Post by mountaindogs » Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:23 pm

It IS a controlled drug and can have lasting side effects. Granted the side effect of a siezure uncontrolled are worse, but your vet is wise to want to keep an eye on things. However the whole panel is probably not needed every time. You could ask about just certain slides on the general chemistry maybe that would be enough. That might knock of $50 or so...

Also there is a distant but growing link with certain flesh eating bacteria and the use of phenobarbitol. We've seen two cases. Not many but a note. So again the vet has reason to want to do periodic check-ups.

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Post by mountaindogs » Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:25 pm

Just curious?? were her blood Glucose levels normal?

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Post by Springer » Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:47 pm

I haven't heard back from the vet. I am going to have to give her a call.


Post by SCOTTS_4X » Thu Mar 22, 2007 6:19 pm

so you don't even know if the results of the test that could save your dogs life are good or bad and you are cussing the doctor for running them? WOW...that's all I got...


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