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first heat cycle

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 5:17 pm
by krjens
At what age would you expect a dog to have her first heat cycle? And what are the most obvious signs that she is in heat? I have a GSP that is about ten months old but I'm not sure when to expect her to come into heat. Also, at what age would be best for a dog to have her first litter of pups? I have no plans to get pups from her any time soon, just curious.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:06 pm
by Country-Side Breeders
You can expect her to come into heat anywhere from 6 to 12 months of age, with 8-9 being the average. There are 4 stages to a cycle.

The first being anestrus, which is the rest time between heats.

The 2nd is proestrus, which is the first days of heat. Depending on how well you know your girl, you may notice a change in her attitude...she may get more aggressive or irritable, she may carry around some stuffed animals, if they're available, or appear to be more tired than normal, humping things is also a sign. Her vulva will also go from being quite firm (like the base of your nose) to soft (like the feeling of your lips) and will start to swell. The discharge will start out as a tan color, go to a bright red and swelling of the vulva, and the start of blood. Fertilization can't happen at this stage.

Esterus, the third stage, or standing heat is when the female will accept the stud. Her blood will turn to a lighter shade of red or straw colored. She will start lifting her tail rubbing her rear end against objects and moving her rear end sideways, flagging. To test if she is flagging, rub your palm down her back to the base of her tail. If she lifts her rear end up in the air she is flagging. Ovulation occurs during this 4-7 day flagging stage.

The final stage is called metestrus. It is the stage that readies the uterus for pregnancy. If fertilization does occur the fertilized eggs take up to a week before they attach themselves to the uterine wall. If it doesn't, this stage reverts back to anestrus.

You can expect her heat cycle to last approximately 3 weeks. The next heat will come again in about 7 months. Her nipples will also swell and remain somewhat bigger after her heat is over. She may also have a silent heat, in which her hormones change, but she doesn't have any swelling or discharge. An intact male will notice the cycle change and may want to mount her, but she won't allow it. If you don't intent on breeding her, it's best to have her spayed before her first heat.

A good time to breed her is sometime after 2. By then, she's fully matured and you'll have an idea as to if she's breeding material. Breeding is not something to be taken lightly. You should also have her hips OFA'd and she should be within the GSP guidelines. The stud needs to be compatible with her, and not just for looks. For every fault she has, you'll want to find a stud with that solid trait to help counteract her fault. He will also have soft aspects to him, you'll want to make sure that your bitch will be a good match for his. You'll need to have at least a 3 generation pedigree for both her and the stud. I would suggest 5. That way you can go back and see the heritage and make choices from there. You'll want to be sure that she can prove herself in the field, whether it be with titles or personal satisfaction.

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 9:11 pm
by QCBirddogs

It will be obvious when your pup is about to cycle. Her Vulva will swell. She will begin to drip blood as well. When the bleeding stops is her most fertile time. Usually around 10 to 12 days. Most first timers act a bit aloof. Although some do have silent cycles too.

Physically speaking it is ok for a bitch to have puppies on the first cycle. Good breeding practices dicate otherwise.

After 6 years of age, depending on breed, litters sizes do decrease.

Hope this answers some of your questions,

P & G

Posted: Sun Mar 06, 2005 8:47 pm
by krjens
Thanks for all the help!! I do hope to get pups from her down the line, but not for a while. She has been a great dog and if I could get more like her it would be great. I hunted alot with her this year and she exceeded my expectations in every category I can think of. I just want to enjoy her right now and really let her reach her potential, then try for some pups. Thanks again!!!