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false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 5:58 pm
by ward myers
i have a 2 yr old GSP ,she went into heat 20 weeks ago ,she was not bred,2 weeks ago she started swelling up,she is as big as a cow & looks like
she can drop about 15 puppies any second !!!!!! , i called my vet & asked if there is anything he can do ,he said no to let her go threw it & then spay her.
the spay part is not a problem ,but waiting on her to finish this in the middle of bird season is !!
HELP !!!!!!!!! is there anything that can be done ??????
thanks ward

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 6:24 pm
by kninebirddog
If she looks that big as GENERALLY a fasle pregnancy the female will chub up a little not look like they are ready to have a HUGE litter
are you 100 percent sure no male dog may have gotten to her during the entire time she was in heat and I mean not even for a minute as they do not ahve to tie up for the male to ejaculate

and also if it is a false preg have her checked for a cyst.....if she was having false preg with every cycle I would elect for a spay but if this is her first one I would look to other causes that trigger the body to trip off the fertile cycle

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:03 pm
by ward myers
k9 i sent her to trainer & had to pick her up the following week because she was in heat,i dropped of another gsp there for 10 weeks & then dropped her of for 8 weeks after the 10 weeks so thats 18 weeks + 3 weeks home, so unless she came into heat again wich the trainer said she did not ,i dont see how?
is there any kind of shot like a steroid to speed this up?

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:09 pm
by kninebirddog
even if there was I wouldn't do anything to mess with a dogs
be about 63 days +- from the time she wwent in to heat till she goes through the whelping process

Sorry she should be able to hunt and everything just fine ...I hunt my females while they are pregnant

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 7:37 pm
by vzkennels
I agree with k9 if she is that big I think I would have her checked at the vets something don't sound right to me.GOOD LUCK! Hope it turns out for the best.

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 8:09 pm
by ward myers
i know i can hunt her but ,she is kind of useless at the moment & i feel guilty seeing her waddle around around, i lve in the sticks & local vet aint worth a pile of beans ,i am going to get another vet to check her .
if anyone knows a good vet around lakeland florida please send me there name thanks ward

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2008 10:08 pm
by kninebirddog
They way your making her sound

I might say she had a silent heat or light heat cycle about 7 or so weeks ago and got bred

I would get her checked out and be prepared as a false pregnancy there isn't anything in there to make them get that big

unless she has a tumor would be the other thing

A vet check would be a good thing to do

keep us posted

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 1:26 am
by ward myers
update 2 solid liver pups so far
i guess not so false preg. after all.
time for shotgun wedding LOL

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:10 am
by snips
Jons dog did not get in there did he???? Might have a pretty nice litter....???

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:10 am
by kninebirddog
ward myers wrote:update 2 solid liver pups so far
i guess not so false preg. after all.
time for shotgun wedding LOL

Wow I was going to say by the way you made her sound it sure didn't sound false

Umm Immaculate conception Holy Puppies

Or are they false puppies :wink:

Now to figure out what males she was near 9 weeks ago


Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 4:54 pm
by kninebirddog
Welll how many did she have how many boys and how many girls

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 5:07 pm
by wems2371
Wow, game-over on bird season. :lol:

Another way to use "Who's your daddy?". Congrats...... Denise

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:43 pm
by ward myers
ok heres the update ,when i went to work this morning there were 6 solid liver pups 3m & 3f now there is 7 solid liver pups i have not id the sex of 7th pup
yet,i talked to my trainer ,the only male dog around her was his male gsp they shared a kennel,he uses his male for hunting & nastra i have no idea of his bloodlines yet,the female is winfields breeding every one in her pedigree is a field champion & i mean everyone! except her.
and to brenda ,i sent a female named dixie she has the same grand father as ammo , to jon to be breed to jons dog ammo.
she should come into heat around x-mas.
i already got a deposit today on a female pup
my trainer said this female will be the best dog i own,that he has worked with, i think its a toss up myself between her & dixie
thanks ward

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:49 pm
by kninebirddog
Well we know your surprised....Merry Christmas

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 6:53 pm
by ward myers
yes i was,& so was my trainer,& thank you & merry christmas everyone
thanks ward

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:00 pm
by vzkennels
Which one of the parents is solid LVR?

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 7:48 pm
by ward myers
the female the father is liver & white

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 16, 2008 11:06 pm
by nitrex
I have to ask...did you realize the trainer was going to have her share a kennel with his male? I guess I am always too nervous to put males and females together unless they are months, not weeks, from their heat cycles. I hope these pups turn out for you. Good Luck!!


Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:50 am
by ward myers
nitrex ,i realized she would probally be sharing a kennel,& in his defense he had already sent her back to me once ,because of her heat cycle 10 weeks earlier
he was full & turning down fact when i dropped her off the first time someone seen me put her in a kennel.
i was aproached about it, i tried to change the subject but i finally confessed yes the trainer is taking my dog ,just let it go,
then i was asked how the blank i managed that,because ,he turned down 2 other dogs that morning!
i replied he has trained 2 other dogs for me & i sent him business when he was slow, & i take him quail hunting & i always put him on wild birds!!
he wanted to wait till after the first of the year but i needed them for hunting season.
i was then told that is so not fair !i smiled & said thats life man sorry!

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 7:38 am
by kninebirddog
Biggest thing it you know who the daddy is for sure
and that they are registerable

so that everything works out for the best

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 2:25 pm
by snips
I just find it hard to believe they did not know when the dogs were together one was in heat :?

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:34 pm
by vzkennels
+1 What Brenda said.

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:14 pm
by kninebirddog
not sure what happened here BUT
i have a friend who had his dogs in the house one day in the yard he saw his male breeding the female ..only thing was she had No signs of being in Heat no swelling No Bleeding He took her to the Vet the vet said if she was pregnant he would buy them lunch well 9 weeks later the vet owes them a lunch she had a litter of pups

it is called a silent heat do a google search you will find more about it

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 5:06 pm
by vzkennels
Yeah K9 that's pretty much my point,if these dogs were kenneled together shouldn't some one have seen the male taking interest in the female? :?

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 6:26 pm
by kninebirddog
i will ave to get Az brittany guy to reply as from what it sounds like there are no signs his dogs were together all the time at that point and it wasn't until the male was mounting the female that there was any iindication of anyting
which even the vet he was going to at the time didn't think she was in heat ......

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:10 pm
by ward myers
ill be looking for 4 female spay job right after hunting season.
all i can say is we had a persion cat she had 5 week old kittens & was in heat again my dad took her to the vet to have her spayed & he wanted more money because she was 2 weeks pregnant
all i can say is my trainer was trying to help me out he was overbooked & turning down jobs but took my dogs out of pressure ,friendship & iou,s
i lost a dog he died & another one come up lame so i was hurting for dog power,im up from 2 to 3 &up to 4 when puppies are done with i have 2 sold & there only 2 days old, i did there tails tonight ,the wife was whining about dew caws i guess ill havec the vet do them
thanks ward

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 18, 2008 6:14 pm
by Sharon
ward myers wrote:k9 i sent her to trainer & had to pick her up the following week because she was in heat,i dropped of another gsp there for 10 weeks & then dropped her of for 8 weeks after the 10 weeks so thats 18 weeks + 3 weeks home, so unless she came into heat again wich the trainer said she did not ,i dont see how?
is there any kind of shot like a steroid to speed this up?
Oh. Oh. :D I think the trainer forgot to tell you something. :)

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2008 11:50 pm
by rockllews
So how are your pups doing?

Nice that you lucked out with a purebred litter. :wink:

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 6:59 am
by jetto
First off- Congrats on the bundles of Christmas surprises! Glad the whelping went good.

As far as people saying "how could this happen??" :o I've got 3 good friends who are all experienced breeders who all have had OOPS litters when they had no clue the bitch was in heat. Two of them saw the ties and assumed falsely that the male had raped the female. Both resulted in litters of puppies. SURPRISE.

Our girl had a silent heat for her first heat cycle. We suspected she was in heat because the boys were interested in her but there was no swelling, no bleeding and NO interest on her part in them. So we decided to err on the side of caution and treat it as if she was in heat and separated her from the other dogs, etc. Some pooh-poohed me when I said "silent heat" but lo and behold 6 months later she had a regular heat cycle and has been regular since. I suspect had we not been watching closely on that first silent heat our oldest male might have taken advantage and we would have had a SURPRISE a couple months later.

As far as false pregnancies- I don't know if this works all the time but it worked for us at least once so far. Tilly had a HORRIBLE and I mean HORRIBLE false pregnancy early in 2008. Totally ruined her spring and our futurity hopes for her. Nothing like trying to run a bitch who thinks she needs to be back in camp taking care of her phantom puppies. And her mother had several false pregnancies before she was spayed so we feared it was going to be the same way for Tilly. Talked to a breeder friend about it and she told me this summer when she went out of heat to put her back to work - hard work and conditioning- and to cut her feed pretty drastically. It worked. She showed some signs like trying to get under furniture and being pretty snarky with the other dogs for awhile. But it was nothing like we saw out of her in the spring where she didn't want to do anything except worry about puppies that didn't exist. And her desire to work and get on birds didn't diminish this time and her brain stayed functioning for the most part, lol.....

Hey good luck with the pups and as they say "s" happens! Kristi

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 9:04 am
by fuzznut
Having all of those solid liver puppies should narrow down the search for the stud dog.. that is unless your bitch is a solid liver?
To get solid liver, either mom or dad has to be a liver......

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2008 5:19 pm
by rockllews
Fuzznut- I'm pretty sure they know who the sire is.

Ward- I was just wondering how the pups and mama dog were all making out. A surprise for sure :lol: ... but like Kristi said, these sort of things do happen.... Good luck with them. How about some pics? :)

Re: false pregnancy ??? HELP!!!!!!!!!

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2008 12:10 am
by CherrystoneWeims
Yes she could have had a silent heat cycle .

If the male that she was housed with is an experienced stud dog he may not have shown any interest until she actually ovulated. I have a male like that. No interest at all until it is the actual time for the bitch to be bred.