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Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 7:27 am
by nanney1
My dog has never been on any flea/tick preventative and we have not had problems with either in the 15 years that we have owned dogs in the same location. Current temps this time of year hover around 50 F during the day to around or just below freezing overnight.

Recently (over the last 3-4 months), we've noticed an increase in scratching and intense biting. Though she doesn't pull fur out or have any bald spots, we have seen a few scabs (presumably from the intense scratching).

An inspection of her belly area showed some black spots (possibly just dirt) or maybe flea dirt? My son noticed what he thought might be a flea, so we decided to wash her with Dawn dish soap and see if it helped. During a thorough washing with Dawn soap, we discovered maybe one or two fleas. At least it looked like a small insect. Since then the scratching and biting hasn't stopped and I still see the black spots on her belly. Although we don't see fleas, and no one in our household has any ankle bites, I'm going to assume fleas and begin treatment.

She will play, settle, and rest for extended periods without scratching and biting. I know she's not covered in fleas, but maybe is having a progressive reaction everytime she is bitten? Just guessing...

I'm planning on picking up some Frontline Plus today. Does this seem like a reasonable course of action or am I possibly missing something?

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:31 am
by mcbosco
It does and its smart to get Frontline Plus because to will handle the eggs left on the skin. Fleas love dry skin so you also might want to address that if you think that is part of the problem. Definitely wash the bedding too.

Take the little bits of flea dirt and put them in water. Is the water brownish-red?

You might have them in the house and you might need a pro for that.

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 8:48 am
by nanney1
Curious about them in the house??? Wouldn't we see them or have flea bites on our ankles? Just wondering?

I know they're small, but can't you see them fly around and jump?

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 9:01 am
by ezzy333
nanney1 wrote:Curious about them in the house??? Wouldn't we see them or have flea bites on our ankles? Just wondering?

I know they're small, but can't you see them fly around and jump?

You would see them if you were looking for them or if they were really bad. Since at worse, the dog may have a couple on it at any one time, it seems reasonable that you don't have much of a problem and your plan of attack is adequate. Forget the dry skin and all of the other stuff and use the Frontline and you will take care of the problem I am sure.


Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:58 am
by kninebirddog
Another thing you want to be aware of is dogs get tape worms from fleas go under breeder direct and look under d-wormer

BUT IT IS ALWAYS GOOD .....If you have any questions refer to your vet

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:01 pm
by nanney1
Just got back from Tractor Supply. While on lunch break I picked up a three month supply of Frontline Plus for $48.99. Saved a whole dollar in comparison to the local feed store closer to home. But it was a bigger savings than I could have imagined.

While checking out, an older gentleman noted that he didn't know you could buy the preventative at Tractor Supply and asked how much it cost. I told him the price, but noted that it was for the largest size (89-132lbs) and that the smaller sizes were a little less.

He told me his vet charged over $70 for a three month supply for his 10lb dog. I told him that the price probably included the visit. He said no, that the $70+ was for the prevantative only, but that he would be buying it at TSC from now on.

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:08 pm
by zachz
I would use them every month as directed to be sure to break the cycle, fleas in my area have been the worst than I can remember.

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:12 pm
by nanney1
Good point on the tapeworms Knine.

That serves to jog my memory. Late in the summer, I noticed some tapeworms and used an oral dewormer (Safeguard I believe) and it worked quickly. Looking back, I should have realized that fleas were a potential problem and started preventative at that point.

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:13 pm
by mcbosco
Yeah the vet's charge an arm and a leg for that stuff. I think you got a good price its effective stuff but make sure the dog doesn't get soaking wet for a few days otherwise its like flushing money down the drain.

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:28 pm
by nanney1
Yeah, I'm a little bit weary as to when to apply the Frontline. Clear weather today and tomorrow, but rain in the forecast for tomorrow evening and all day the following day and into the next. I thought you were not supposed to wash the dog or allow it to get wet for two days following application.

But here's what is on the Frontline website FAQ:
"How long after application can my pet be bathed or go swimming?"
"FRONTLINE Brand Products remain effective for 30 days, even if a pet swims or is bathed. After application, keep the dog or cat from getting wet until the application area appears dry, usually 24 hours. If a FRONTLINE Brand Product is to be applied after a bath, make sure the pet is completely dry before application."

So, it looks like I can apply this afternoon and as long as it dries in 24 hours before the rains come, we should be ok......???

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:58 pm
by dog dr
nanney1 wrote:
So, it looks like I can apply this afternoon and as long as it dries in 24 hours before the rains come, we should be ok......???


Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:23 pm
by Sharon
Must be nice to have some fleas. The snow is 5 feet deep here in Ontario. Not a bug to be found. :)

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 1:36 pm
by bpenn1980
One evening at my aunts house with 2 indoor/outdoor cats and our other dog was covered in fleas. It was disgusting. We ended up keeping her outside and then carried her straight to the bathroom, put her in the tub, dumped warm water over her and shampood her with Dawn dish soap. It was really gross; from the neck down they would suffocate and die, but the ones on her neck and ears would migrate up around her eyes as we started washing up toward her face. We probably killed 100 fleas in 5 min. After that we checked her daily for any that may have gotten into the house and killed a dozen over 3 days that way. We're back to being flea free now. We also vacuumed every day and threw the bag away to help kill any eggs.

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 2:33 pm
by kninebirddog
on any chemical you pour down your dogs back it isn't the drying time that counts it is the time you allow the chemical to be absorbed in to the follicles and also into the dogs body blood stream and muscles. So it is better to allow at least 48 - 72 hours before allowing them to be submersed and at least 72 plus hours before being bathed with soap

Re: Fleas?

Posted: Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:01 pm
by ezzy333
Frontline has always advertised 24 hrs and as far as I know it works fine as it will be absorbed in that time. You want the skin dry so it will absorb quickly and after 24 hours it will be absorbed and if there was any more it would be dry by then and couldn't absorb anyway.
